"Don't plan anything for our anniversary. I have something in mind." Zoro had said almost a week ago, much to your surprise and confusion.
"You do?"
"Hey, what's with that tone?" You weren't sure if he was actually offended or just going along with it. "I have good ideas once in awhile."
Honestly, you were more proud of him for remembering the date than the fact that he was taking it upon himself to make the arrangements. Both were of course appreciated, but it wouldn't have been the first time that he'd come home with an expression of panic when he saw you waiting in lingerie. Not the best memories, but you supposed they were definitely memorable.
This year, Zoro seemed eager to atone for his previous forgetfulness. Your attempts at asking what he had planned lead nowhere. He was determined to keep his idea a secret, and took clear enjoyment of how much you were curious about it.
"I'm not gonna tell you anything, so stop asking. It's a surprise."
"You know I don't like surprises."
"Well, you'll like this one." Was all he said with a shrug, and really, what were you supposed to say to that? The man was as stubborn as they came. Once he'd set his mind to something, there was no changing it.
The week leading up to your anniversary felt elongated. Every minute felt an hour, looking back. Work was a total grind, and no matter how much you tried to distract yourself, it always ended up with you wondering what the two of you would be doing. You were nervous and excited about what the green-haired man had in store for you. It was rare for him to put in this much effort.
But finally the day came, and even as he urged you into the car's passenger seat, he refused to tell you your destination.
"Zoro, come on, I've been waiting all week."
His grin was traitorous. "Then you can survive another hour not knowing."
"An hour?" You settle back in the seat, moodily clicking your seatbelt into place. "I'm not gonna make it..."
"That's too bad...more for me, then."
"More what?" You perk up, but he shakes his head.
"Heh, nice try."
Zinzinatti. He'd brought you to a festival in celebration of beer and wine.
You approach the festival grounds after having parked a good mile down the road--there really wasn't any good place closer, so you'd been forced to hoof it--and Zoro turns with his arms open, flashing you a wide smile.
"So? Happy anniversary, yeah?"
"Happy anniversary." You can't help but roll your eyes, though you find a matching smile rising the corner of your lips. You step forward and place a firm kiss against his lips. "You remembered."
It wasn't more than a passing comment at the time, but you'd mentioned always having wanted to go to Oktoberfest in Munich. Had you even been talking to him? You couldn't remember. Though without the funds to get a passport and book a flight and hotel, that was pretty much a fleeting dream for that dreadfully vague 'someday.'
Zoro, with that information in mind, had managed to make it happen. Granted, it wasn't the real thing, but you appreciated his efforts regardless. Pleased with the look of gratitude in your eyes, he thrusts his elbow out for you to take. "I do listen when you talk, you know."
"Pff, yeah. Sometimes." You say, linking your arm in his as you approach the edge of the festivities.
Zoro goes to open his mouth, but you pin him with a hard stare. "...sometimes." He gave a reluctant nod.
The fairground is packed, thousands in attendance for the event, ambling around with tankards and beer cans in hand as they mingle around the structures that had been set up around the field.
You can tell many have already had too many, despite it being only 3 in the afternoon. Cultural music plays from speakers set up around the area, keeping the festival upbeat and fun. It's quite an experience.
Sitting at the very end of the grounds was a lodge that imposed above the temporary tents and makeshift 'beerhalls' leading up to it, the large building styled in European architecture to really give it the full Oktoberfest charm. For as Americanized as the whole thing is, you can't help but appreciate their attempt at attention to detail.
You hold close to Zoro, navigating your way through the crowd to what seems a specific destination. "Have you been here before?"
"Then...where are we going?"
"I know the guy who owns the lodge. Told him we'd be coming this year, and he offered to take care of us." Zoro explained with a shrug.
"You do?" This was news to you. "Since when?"
"I'll tell you when we get there." He says, pulling you further towards the large central building at the very end of the grounds.
There's so much to look at, there's always something going on amongst the tents and crowd, you're left staring all around as Zoro dragged you where you were supposed to go. If he was annoyed by your lack of attention on your anniversary date, he didn't say or indicate it.
It take a few minutes of navigating through the drunk and drinking crowd, and a few times you were certain a stumbling passerby would spill their drink on you, but Zoro kept a keen eye out for any incoming, uncoordinated people. Through his efforts, you kept dry and clean, a fact you were thankful for.
Even the lodge is busy when you get inside, packed with people celebrating god knows what, but having a great time together. Nearly all the tables are taken up. You look at Zoro.
"How are we supposed to sit down anywhere? It's packed."
"Keep going. We aren't drinking in the main hall."
"In the back?" You ask, pointing towards a corridor that seemed relatively ignored by the majority of those inside. You see a sign above that says 'Wine Tasting.'
"Yep, he said to meet him there." Zoro nudged you with a gentle press on your back, nearly making you shiver.
Down the corridor, you find a room with much less people in it. Only a handful sit at small tables, quietly swirling and sipping from wine glasses. A long counter separates the patrons from the dark-haired man standing behind it, chatting up another sitting on one of the stools. The wall behind him is filled to the brim with wine bottles.
Your eyes practically light up at the sight. Sure, beer was alright, but wine? You were in heaven.
Zoro must have noticed the uptick in your expression, because he's smirking as he brings you to the counter.
The dark-haired man, older yet handsome, nods and finishes speaking with the other gentleman he'd been conversing with, before coming over and gesturing to two stool at the counter. "Zoro, you made it. Why don't you introduce me to your lovely companion?"
"Mihawk, this is Y/N." He says, and Mihawk gives you a gracious nod. "Y/N, this is Dracule Mihawk. He was my personal trainer for a long time."
"Nice to meet you." You say, surprised by the revelation. "So you're a personal trainer who also owns a lodge? Not what I expected."
"I am fortunate to come from a family of old wealth. I have a varied and...unique life." He says with a smile.
"He owed me a favor, so I convinced him to have a free wine tasting with him." Zoro explains.
"Today of all days?" You say, suddenly feeling as if you were intruding. "You're busy enough as is, aren't you? I don't want to take up your time-"
"I have managers running the front hall. You're not imposing." Mihawk waves away your concern. "But enough about that, you're here to relax and enjoy some wine, are you not?"
"We are." Zoro says, getting comfortable beside you. "Got anything I might like?"
"We'll certainly see." The man said with an arched brow, turning to grab the first bottle he'd have you try.
It's a wonderful time, sipping casually at the wine that Mihawk pours for you. He patiently goes over the history behind the wines he serves, and you can't help but listen intently. He's certainly knowledgeable, and seems pleased with your curious questions.
Zoro, to be fair, sits quietly and just watches the scene unfold. He can't look away from that spark of excitement in your eyes, and knows that he's done well for your anniversary that year. It would certainly be a tough year to trump, but he had 365 days to come up with something just as good next time.
He doesn't miss the occasional glances you send him, accompanied by a grateful and fulfilling smile that he loves so much. You're enjoying yourself, which is all Zoro cares about. He isn't much of a wine drinker himself, much preferring the many brands of beer that was being served throughout the rest of the festival, but seeing you content was worth skipping it.
Paired with the small finger foods that Mihawk serves alongside the wine, it's never enough to get you drunk. Rather, your bellies are both warmed by the alcohol, and you're feeling rather content.
Once the time to close the wine counter comes--you were surprised just how much time you'd spent in the wine tasting room--Mihawk invites you into the cellar downstairs to peruse the rest of the stock. According to him, it was where he kept the particularly rare and valuable bottles. He even had a few kegs and barrels of imported kinds he claimed were extremely difficult to get through customs nowadays. Fascinating.
The tour continued, himself eventually partaking of a glass or two of his own stock as you three chatted casually. He was a very interesting man, and it was clear that Zoro respected him immensely. Anyone who was able to keep Zoro's focus this long without him getting bored or wandering off deserved that respect.
After so many sips, you're bound to be drunk or at the very least buzzed. It's a grand time. That is, until someone comes in from the main hall to garner Mihawk's attention.
"Mr. Dracule, there's been an...incident out front." They say under their breath, unsure if he should be speaking of this in front of his two guests.
"Incident?" Your host cocked a brow. "What kind of incident?"
"The, uh...physical kind."
Mihawk gives a long sigh, setting his half-empty glass down upon the closest barrel. He turns to you with an expression of apology. "I had a feeling this would happen at some point today. Wild hooligans running amok with too much alcohol. I'm sorry, I'll have to take my leave, but you're free to keep looking around while I'm away."
"That's very kind of you." You say. "
"I trust you'll keep Zoro from breaking any of my valuable bottles." He says with a glance to his trainee. "I know how absentminded he can get."
"Hey!" The green-haired man cried with indignation. "I'm right here."
"And hopefully it'll stay that way." He says, turning towards the stone stairs to the upper floor. "I'll return when I am able. Though if police are involved...it may take a while."
"This is...really cool." You say after Mihawk has gone to attend to the issue upstairs. You sip freely from your glass, knowing you weren't in any sort of state to drive at this point. Good thing Zoro had brought you here. "Never thought I'd get to be in a wine cellar like this."
"Definitely feels expensive." Zoro says, eyeing the rows of wooden shelves housing the many bottles. "Man, it's cold though."
"Mihawk said that they have to be stored in colder temperatures so they don't taint the taste of the wine." You quote, remembering what he'd said earlier on in the tour. "We can go back upstairs if you want."
You feel yourself being taken into his arms, a teasing smile on his face as he leans closer. "Now, why would we do that, when I have a perfectly good idea of how to keep us warm?"
"He'll be gone for awhile." He replies before you can voice what he knew was on your mind. "We've got plenty of time alone."
"You're drunk, aren't you?" You ask in a giggle, setting your glass beside Mihawk's so it doesn't spill.
"Maybe I am..." He mutters, his lips finding the shell of your ear. "I know you are too, don't try to hide it."
"We really shouldn't." You say, but can feel your resistance fading as his tongue is replaced with the gentle drag of teeth along your earlobe. Damn him, he knew that drove you mad.
"I'll apologize later." Is all he says, before his lips cover yours in a hard kiss.
Your arms wrap around his neck to pull him closer, his securing around your waist tightly. Your breasts are crushed to his chest, and you groan at the feeling. Why was this so hot? You weren't sure, but now that he'd started all this, you figured you had to finish it.
Mind clouded with wine and that quickly building lust, you don't even realize he's leading you backwards until the back of your feet hit a barrel behind you. The sloppy kiss he leads you in never ceases as he lifts you with his strong arms and seats you upon it. It's not exactly comfortable, but it holds your weight and is sturdy, which is all you need it for anyway. It would do.
Needy hands paw at shirts and jackets, shucking them to the floor as fast as either of you possibly can. Your impatience means you miss buttons and zippers get stuck, but eventually you achieve your goal of getting rid of the barriers between your bodies. How easily he could persuade you to risk getting caught. You're equal parts mortified and absolutely turned on by it.
"Fuck, this is hot..." Zoro mutters as he pulls away to breathe and lift his shirt from his body. His toned chest is on display and you can't resist touching the expanse of skin.
"I don't wanna get caught." You say in a gasp as his hands find their way to your exposed breasts moments after you've discarded your bra.
"Then I'll just have to give it to you fast and rough." He promises darkly, and you can't hold back the moan that escapes your lips.
His hands busy themselves with your breasts, fingers twisting and tugging the nipples as they please while his mouth lavishes your neck in wet and sloppy kisses. You cling to him however you can, before you garner your remaining sense and sneak a hand down to the bulge underneath his jeans.
He groans against your skin, dragging his teeth as he pushes forward into your hand. The friction momentarily distracts him from pleasuring your chest. While you miss it, seeing and feeling him get so worked up from your touch is just as stimulating.
Maybe it's the possibility of getting caught or maybe it's the alcohol, but Zoro is much quicker to snap and take your pants off than usual. Your shaky hands struggle to release him from his pants, but you manage, and his length springs free only moments after you are rendered naked for him.
"Zoro-!" You cry out as his fingers bury themselves in your slick, curling and swirling inside you in a way that has you practically vibrating. You aren't sure how soundproof the stone walls are, but you don't want to test it and find out. Your lips snap shut to muffle your moans after that.
"Too bad I can't have you screaming." He mutters, all red cheeks and half-lidded eyes. The way he looks at you is nearly enough to have you cum right then and there. "I'll just have to wait until we get home for that."
"I want you now." You whine, trying and failing to thrust your hips forward to take his fingers deeper. This barrel wasn't giving you great leverage. "Please-!"
He groans in reply, pulling out from your heat only to line up his cock with your entrance. It's a moment of emptiness, but the slide of his cock inside of you is so filling, you dig your fingers into his shoulder.
He holds one of your thighs open as he pulls out and then thrusts back in again. It takes a few shimmies of your hips, but in moments you're right where you want to be as he fucks you fast and rough, just as he said. Holding back your cries is difficult, but you're nothing if not stubborn.
You aren't sure if the wine is what's making all this so exhilarating, but something about this is incredibly hot. Zoro's staring down at where you connect with wonder. He's drunk on wine and lust, so lost in burying himself into your cunt, he hardly thinks about anything else. It's like everything outside the room doesn't even exist, in that moment.
The barrel rocks underneath you, but given it's no doubt full of alcohol, it remains relatively in place. The wet squelches of his entrance and the slaps of his hips connecting with yours is all that can be heard.
You really hope these walls are soundproof. The walk back upstairs would be embarrassing otherwise.
The hand keeping you leveraged on the barrel digs its nails into the wood, and your breath hitches as his cocked brushes against the perfect spot inside of you. "Right there...right there!"
"Cum, Y/N." Zoro growls. "Wanna see you cum."
"So close." You whine, gasps growing more shallow and faster, until you feel like you're hardly breathing at all. It's so good. Fuck, this might be the fastest you've come to scrambling for your orgasm. You're caught by surprise. "Z-Zoro-!"
"Ohhh, shit." He groans, feeling your muscles contract and squeeze around him as you cum hard. Your muscles tremble and shake around him, mouth wide open. Your moan is caught in your throat.
Your lover's thrusts quicken and lose their pattern, cock entering you at a frantic pace that he can't keep up long. But he doesn't need to, because he's suddenly still, buried to the hilt with his head against your collarbone. His ragged groans and breaths fan against your sweaty skin, seed pumping deep into your pussy as he climaxes.
You want to sit there awhile and just bask in the afterglow of the intense round of sex you'd just had. Hell, you think you need a cigarette after that, despite not being a smoker. Sex that good needed something to round it off, right?
But you don't exactly have all the time in the world. Mihawk could return at any moment to check on you and perhaps usher you out of his lodge. It was late when he'd brought you down here. It was even later by now. Surely the festival would be coming to a close soon.
Zoro helps you to clean up, stealing quick and gentle kisses from your lips when he could as you dress and try to compose yourself a little. You feel shaky and...so content, you feel you could fall asleep right then and there in his arms.
No sooner are you dressed and brushed down do you hear footsteps on the stone steps leading down to the cellar. You try your best not to look like a deer caught between headlights as Mihawk enters the cellar.
"I see nothing's been broken. That's a relief." He says with a chuckle. "Sorry for the departure. That altercation has been taken care of, but I regret it is rather late. I'll need to close the lodge soon, so your tour must end here."
"That's alright. Thanks for showing us around." Zoro said with a grateful nod. The glance he gives you is nothing short of smug and promising. "I know Y/N enjoyed it."