Finding a field of beautiful, untarnished flowers in the country of Wano was a difficult feat. Hawkins himself hadn’t been sure if such a vast meadow that hadn’t been tainted with the pollution of Kaido’s factories and production facilities even existed anymore.
But, somehow, you’d found one. A tucked-away field of the white and yellow flowers that few had access to. On top of his and your dedication to Kaido’s power and recognition of Orochi’s authority, only his status as a Headliner granted either of you such permission to enter it.
It had taken days of asking for him to finally agree to go with you. In a country with such unpredictable leadership, he didn’t want to risk the wrath of a Yonko or the cruel Shogun by shirking his duties for the day unless the chances of angering them were slim. After reading the cards to find out the day that would most likely result in a pleasant, uninterrupted afternoon together, he finally saw a fortune he was satisfied with, and so you’d set out on his horse.
The mysterious box you brought along with you made him raise a brow, but despite several attempts of asking you what was inside, you only smiled and told him to wait for them to arrive at your destination. His curiosity was certainly piqued, but you were a stubborn one and wouldn’t cave.
You’d wandered towards the middle of the field, where you created a spot to sit and be surrounded by the lovely white flowers. Only once he was comfortable beside you did you pull off the lid of the box, revealing a carefully prepared lunch for the two of you to eat.
“Surprise!” You’d said with a wide smile, holding up the bento box out to him. “I packed your favorites.”
“Is there a special occasion?” He asked, expression softening as he took in the great pride you clearly held for everything you’d put together. He gingerly took the gift from your hands.
Shaking your head, you pulled your own bento from the box you’d brought. “You’ve been so busy lately, and I just wanted to give you a quality meal that we could share. I hope you’re hungry…”
“I am.” Hawkins reassured, not wanting you to get discouraged. “It looks delicious.”
“Well, I’d like to say it tastes even better. Go on, eat it!” You gesture to the box, beaming that lovely smile of yours.
You engage in light conversation as you eat. It’s clear that being surrounded by the lovely flowers and your simple company had relaxed your partner a great deal. If one didn’t know him they’d believe he hadn’t changed at all. You knew better, however. It was in the way his eyes softened, his shoulder set themselves back, and he even ate the food you’d provided.
So cautious in a land ruled by one of the Yonko, Hawkins rarely relaxed in any circumstance. But with you in the middle of a beautiful meadow of flowers, no one around for miles…he could actually loosen the tight grip that was endlessly kept on his guard.
Once your bento boxes, were finished, Hawkins made to stand and return to the horse, but you gripped his arm and held him beside you. “We aren’t going yet…are we?”
“I cannot stay away long. They’ll have need of me-”
“I have need of you.” You interrupt quietly, sliding your hand down from his arm to his hand, linking your fingers together. “Stay. Just for a little while longer?”
You could see the fight behind his eyes, of being committed to his duty, and caving into his wishes for once to spend more time with you. And luckily, it seemed this time around you took priority because he didn’t resist as you pulled him to lay beside you on the ground.
You both stare up at the clouds rolling past in the sky above, white and puffy and gentle. The warm sun and the scent of daisies make you smile.
“I wish we could do this more often.”
“I’m sorry my responsibilities prevent us from being able to have time alone as frequently as you’d prefer.” Hawkins says quietly, tone carefully kept neutral, though you suspect he’s hiding guilt behind his expressionless face. “It’s not for lack of trying.”
“I know.” You reach over beside you and link your fingers together again, squeezing to show him you weren’t upset. “I’m just worried that Kaido will run you into the ground with everything he’s piling onto you.”
“Don’t worry about me.” He replies, turning his head to look at you. And this time, there’s a small reassuring smile on his lips. “I consult the cards each and every day. There is nothing of concern in the days to come.”
Days? That wasn’t a very long time… “And past that?”
“It becomes less reliable the further into the future you try to gaze, Y/N.” He explains patiently, rubbing your knuckles with his gloved hand. “Trust me, won’t you?”
“Of course.” You say without hesitation. “I’ll always trust you.”
Hawkins’ smile widens, and he brings up your hand to his lips, placing a long and gentle kiss upon it. The warmth of his mouth against your skin makes your cheeks heat, and you can’t look away from his complex and heavy gaze.
“Next time I’ll take you somewhere special. Just you and me…and we’ll have all the time in the world to enjoy each other.” He promised, and you had the utmost faith that he would keep his word.