Heavy thunks and clashes of wood punctuate the air of the crow's nest, your ragged and stuttered breathing pressing out in short huffs. The long, wooden baton that Zoro had on hand for the rest of the crew to practice their melee combat clacked with great force against Usopp's own sturdy weapon, sending the vibrations running down and into your hands. It takes all you have no to drop it.
You see sweat bead down Usopp's forehead. This training was taking it's toll on him as well. He takes a step back, putting distance between you before sidestepping and going in for a more precise strike. You manage to deflect it with a well-timed upward thrust of your baton, and the mock battle continued.
You circle one another, searching for weak points, for parts of your opponent you could exploit or take advantage of. But you both know each other intimately, putting you both at an equal footing.
For a sniper, he's certainly improved his close-range combat capabilities quite a lot. Zoro's insistence on learning to defend oneself and even put up a good fight offensively had gotten through to him, it seems. Especiallyafter you'd gotten hurt on the last island, and he hadn't been able to prevent it...
You'd told him that it hadn't been his fault, though you suspected your words fell on deaf ears most of the time. Usopp was determined to be a more capable warrior, someone you and the crew could depend on not to need rescuing. Hence the training sessions.
Almost missing his next swing, you step back out of the way just in time before the end of the baton strike at your shoulder. Usopp, expecting resistance, stumbles just enough to give you the opening you'd needed for the past 10 minutes now, and you don't hesitate to step into his proximity to end it.
He grunts as the end of your baton strikes him firmly in the sternum. And thanks to his already off-kilter balance from before, he's send backwards and onto his backside in one easy go. The baton clatters to the floor several feet away, released when he tries to stop himself from falling.
Huffing out heavy breaths, you point the end of the baton down at his fallen form, triumphing over your victory without a word. You're not one to gloat. This was just practice, and you had suffered your own numerous share of losses to the sniper at your feet.
Usopp looks up at you with a mixture of pride and disappointment. You just know, deep down, that he takes every loss as another moment when he couldn't hold his own against an opponent. You know he tries so hard not to let the doubts and uncertainties get to him, that his days of being considered the 'weakest' Strawhat were long behind him, but given the recent events, you begin to suspect it's getting more and more difficult to push those negative sentiments aside.
So with a tired smile, you toss the baton to the floor beside his forgotten one, and sit in front of him on the mat.
"You did really well." You say genuinely, watching him look away at the compliment. No, no, that wouldn't do. You lean forward and squeeze his knee, gaining his attention again. "I mean it, Usopp. I can see the improvement already, even after only a few weeks. There's a big difference."
"Yeah..." He admits, slowly nodding and gaining his breath back. "I guess you're right."
"I am." His brow raises at your cocky answer, but it does what you wanted it to, which was lift the corner of his lips.
"I think a break is in order anyway. We've been up here for..." You check the clock hanging on the wall. "...almost 2 hours now."
"I won't say no to that." Usopp lets out a relieved sigh, leaning backwards until he lays flat on the floor, eyes closed to rest. You sit back on your haunches and relax as well, tilting your head back to feel the breeze from the Sunny's air conditioning vent from the ceiling.
The silence between you is comfortable. Steady and calm. And yet you still feel riled up from your sparring earlier. There's this itch under your skin, ever-present. Your eyes open and glance down at Usopp curiously, wondering if he showed any signs of feeling that similar...urge.
But his eyes were still closed, and his bare chest rose and fell in a steady pattern as his heart rate lowered. You were grateful now that he'd forgone a shirt for your sparring session, the summer sun outside having been more than enough to take a few layers off of the both of you.
You bite your lip, eyes trailing down his shining, sweaty chest, down to the shorts that hung snugly on his hips. An internal debate waged back and forth in your head, fueled by the adrenaline that lingered in your blood. Would he...be alright with a little fun after a sparring match? But he was tired, obviously spent from the exhausting practice with the batons. Would it be rude to interrupt that just because you wanted a bit of fun? Oh, but he wouldn't have to worry about anything, you could take care of-
"Y-Y/N." You hear, eyes glancing back up to Usopp's face which was now looking at you with a flushed expression. Had he seen you staring at his crotch with that expression of heat in your gaze? Most likely. "S-something on your mind...?"
"Mmm, you could say that." You reply with a widening, coy smile. "All this sparring has me thinking."
"...about what?" He ventures to ask, sitting up when you start scooting closer to him.
"About...you." A few more shuffles forward and your nose is pressed to the tip of his own, leaning over him casually. His eyes glance down at your lips, and you lick them out of reflex. "You're always so good to me, Usopp. And, it's obvious, isn't it? I want to take care of you."
Your words have him widening his eyes, and it's clear that he doesn't know where he's supposed to look, irises flicking back and forth across your face but then occasionally down at
"Oh." Is all he says, and you find his flustered state so endearing.
"Why don't you sit back and just...let me make you feel good?" You suggest, hand reaching down you stroke over the crotch of his shorts. "Is that ok?"
"Yeah, yeah...that's...really ok." He says with a nervous laugh, sitting up a little straighter as you begin palming him through his shorts.
The little gasp he lets out spurns you on, prompting you to lean forward and capture his lips in a kiss, snatching his attention away from anything other than you.
His hands settle on your shoulders, pulling you closer as your hand kneads and hardens his cock from atop the fabric. His initial surprise begins to melt away as you kiss him, guiding his lips with yours however you wished. But he was always quick on the upswing, and caught up with your enthusiasm soon enough.
You could feel his hips lift a little with each of your strokes, and when he was at least half hard from all of the attention, your fingers go to the drawstring of his shorts. Usopp wastes no time in helping you lower the waistband of the shorts and underwear underneath, now eager to feel you touch his sensitive skin that strained against the fabric.
His cock is beautiful, veiny as it comes to life under your touch. You pull away from his lips just long enough to look down at it with love. You wrap your fingers around the base, giving his length a few experimental strokes, and Usopp groans low in his throat at the way it feels.
"So big in my hand..." You mutter aimlessly, not missing the way he gulps back in slight embarrassment, though the compliment is appreciated of course.
He's hot to the touch, perhaps from desire, but also perhaps from all of the energy spent earlier working up a sweat. Either way, you love the way he burns for you, and so you begin the up and downward motions of your wrist over his length.
Usopp is the one to steal a kiss this time, you think to distract himself from the pleasure your hand was administering just below. His hands pull your face in close, lips working yours with passion and the barest hints of desperation. Now that you've teased the sensations, he wanted the end-game, to come apart under your touch. What a good boy...
Fully erect and submit to you, he squirms in place, wanting to thrust upwards into your hand as you jerk him off, but holding back to let you do the work. You wanted to take care of him, after all. He didn't want to take that from you.
You swallow his groans and little gasps as you work him over, hand steadily pumping his length and giving it a little twist as you knew he liked. Usopp really was sensitive on his cock, and dexterous fingers like yours were the perfect instrument to finely tune and sweep him through a quick orgasm.
He's much quicker to get to that peak than even you suspect. The tell-tale signs that he's close--stuttered breathing, the tightening of his shoulders, and the harder grip that he has on your arms to keep you close--all stack against one another. He's close, he's close, and there was nothing more you wanted than to get him there.
"Do you want it?" You ask, unable to keep the coy question from your lips. He pants against them, eyes closed as the wave approaches.
"I want it...please, Y/N."
His whisper does it for you, and you lend him mercy, stroking him a little faster and making sure your fingers brush the bottom of his cock's head each time for maximum pleasure. And it's within moments that he gives way under you completely, body tensing up and shuddering as his cock weeps with white, creamy cum.
He spills several spurts, each one dribbling down over the hand that still holds him, and finally his muscles unclench and it's all he can do to breathe normally again. It's not until your breath comes out in a huff that you realize you'd been holding it. Damn, just look at him, shaking and disoriented from pleasure...
Hands now messy from his seed, you stop your stroking, sitting back to give him space to breathe. He looks to you with awe, with a blissed-out expression, no doubt still coming down from the orgasm.
"That was..." His head shakes slowly back and forth, before his lips turn upwards in a little smile. "...wow, heh."
"Should we get cleaned up?" You suggest, hand still sticky with his cum.
"Sure." He says, then hesitates before getting up. He thinks deeply for a moment, eyeing your hand and then your face, before quirking the corner of his mouth up just a little further. "Maybe...you wanna shower together too? You know...to save on water."
"Saving water." You state with a chuckle, standing alongside him to head to the small wash room. "Sure."