It's one of his favorite times, the daily bath. Most devil fruit users didn't look forward to bathing, the water leeching them of energy and always posing that tiny, unlikely risk of drowning if one wasn't careful. But not Kaku. He looked forward to it with great enthusiasm.
For one, the Cipher Pol headquarters, while not built with the palace-like quality of Mariejois, was still quite lavish. And being part of CP0 came with many perks. The personal living quarters of it's members were of the highest quality, ensuring their comfort in between missions. Only the best for the best, you supposed.
The bathrooms, private and designed for comfort and relaxation in mind, was your favorite part of the whole place. The place smelled of the damps woods, natural and earthy, and the colors encouraged you to close your eyes and rest awhile. You'd fallen asleep in the bath numerous times doing just that.
Kaku appreciated the space just as much as you did, and found that after a long day for the both of you, the nightly routine of bathing was something you could both look forward to together. The quiet and unwinding ritual of cleaning oneself and one another, he felt, brought you closer in a way that he otherwise wouldn't have the time to do around his job.
You could anticipate when he'd return that night--Kaku was quite prompt, and did all he could not to leave you waiting. The two of you didn't have much time at the end of the day to spend together. He never liked shortening it further. And so, expecting him, you prepared the shower for his return.
You could visibly see the weight of his work fall away as he stepped into the bathroom, just in time as you began to undress. His smile was lazy and relieved, catching sight of you standing there. He greeted you with a kiss to the forehead and a quiet hello, thanking you for getting things started.
The hot water's steam rises above the shower door, fogging the bathroom mirror as you wait for your lover to undress himself. He's swift, eager to step into the spray just as much as you are. And as soon as he's bare, he follows you into the spacious shower.
Conversation is light, curious, as the two of you get yourselves wet. How each other's day had gone, anything new or interesting to report. The typical things. And as usual, you simply stand in each other's embrace for the first few minutes, relishing in the closeness, in the intimacy you'd both missed all day long. It's soft, and it's comfortable, and it never gets old, night after night.
But underlying the domesticity is the ever-present desire you have for one another. It was a reality you'd both come to terms with, the finite time you had for each other. It only made the moments together all the more passionate and heated. As it did now, the light atmosphere in the shower growing into something a bit more heated.
The kisses to your lips evolved into your back being pressed against the wall, and your legs being wrapped around his waist, hands on his shoulders. Kaku doesn't ever waste time, hasty and eager. At your word, hearing your permission to continue, he pushes into you with a satisfying groan, feeling the way your body envelops his cock.
His strength does things to your head, the way he so easily keeps you pressed to the wall while his hips do their work. The stretch is alleviated by the scalding water, easing the muscles that would otherwise ache. And yet the chill of the shower wall makes you shiver as it arches away.
You can barely breathe between kisses, sloppy and fast. He fucks you like it'll be the last time, and you know the next time will feel just as desperate, just as needy. It fills your head with thoughts, and makes your toes curl.
The shower echoes with sinful sounds, ones you know will fall on deaf ears thanks to the soundproofing in your suites. Your passionate throes grow louder, ragged and breathless. As much as you might want to prolong this, you know it's a losing battle.
Watching you fall apart in his arms is what sends Kaku over the edge, his forehead pressing against yours as he cums deep inside. His hips give a few more stutters, before falling still as you both recover from the intense moment.
Sitting there, quiet and satiated, is pleasant under the hot spray of water. It soothes the body, and looking into Kaku's eyes is a balm on the soul. Combined, you feel as content and at peace as you possibly could.