It had all started from a brief glance at the navigation map. Just wayward curiosity, nothing more. But a familiar shape on the parchment made you blink, then take a second closer look at your next destination in the New World.
Was it…? Leaning down, your finger traces the edges and shorelines of the island upcoming in your journey, designated with a small paperweight that served as the destination marker. Yes. Indeed it was. The name scrawled in loopy calligraphy left a little ball of warmth, of…nostalgia, deep in your chest.
Noticing your behavior, Kid turned and raised a brow, watching the way you so reverently eyed the image. "What's up with you?"
"Nothing, it's just…" Your head shakes, before you tap the paper. "This is where we're headed next?"
"Yeah. It's the closest place where we can restock our provisions."
"How long until we get there?"
"…if the winds hold, about 8 days." The captain says, a mixture of curiosity and suspicion coloring his tone. "What's it matter?"
"It's where I came from." Your lips lift in a small smile, the irony of it all coming down to you. "My home." You'd been so eager to leave the shores of your country all those years ago, taking a ship the further away you could get to seek adventure. And in the end, you'd somehow circled back around to it. Funny how those things worked.
You expected a comment from your captain, something snarky or teasing. It would be so like him, to find something to verbally prod you with. That's just how your relationship worked. But instead, there's a silence following your admission.
Caught off guard by the lack of response, you look towards him and see a complex expression on his face as he stared down at the island drawn on the map. But before you have a chance to ask about his sudden shift in mood, he nods slowly.
"I bet you're excited to see it."
"I haven't really thought about it since I left to begin with. But now that I am…yeah, I guess I am a little homesick." You straighten from the table and cock your head to the side. "It'll be interesting to see what's changed, what's stayed the same."
Kid hums, but he's already turned around and walked out of the room, unbeknownst to you so lost in thought at the prospect of seeing home once more.
He'd been acting…odd. Nothing dramatic, but this subtle shift in how he spoke with you and acted around you. And while that wasn't anything particularly unusual for your surly Captain--the man was often found in one mood or another at the drop of a hat--this one seemed somehow different from anything you'd seen before. Plus, with the revelation that you'd soon be seeing your home for the first time in years, your mind was rather preoccupied and didn't think to truly take notice of it.
You felt watched, at odd times and at random. Kid seemed to be the common denominator, but you never could manage to catch him looking at you if you glanced his direction. What's more, his conversations with you felt…thoughtful. Not in the heartwarming sort of way, but as if he chose every word and sentence with extreme care. And from someone so unfiltered and careless in what he said with most everyone else, this was a particularly strange detail. Kid didn't censor himself, didn't hold back the way he was for anyone else's benefit.
So…what was all this? With Kid dodging direct questions at every chance, the answer didn't seem soon in coming. Giving up with him for the time being, you simply focus on your nearing destination.
It's exactly as you remembered it. The sleepy little village untouched by time. At least, that's how you'd describe it. The dock was just as ramshackle and barnacle-encrusted, sea salt-lined and rotting wood in dire need of replacement at several parts. Further back, you could see the curling of smoke from the businesses and shops in the markets and main plaza.
All you could do was stand at the top of the gangplank and take it all in.
"If you're gonna go, get going. We can't stay here forever." A gruff reply said beside you, and the moment was ruined. Frowning, you look to the scowling redhead standing a few feet away, wondering what had crawled up his ass and died. His grumpy mood seemed to have no obvious cause, but the way he was glaring out at your hometown meant that something was bothering him. Most of the time, it was better for your health not to ask, and so you followed that sound advice here too.
Not letting him bring down your mood, you step off the gangplank and down to the dock, making your way towards the middle of town, the smile widening on your face as you went.
Kid stayed, rooted to the edge of the Victoria Punk's deck railing, staring after your shrinking figure. He didn't realize his hand had clenched the edge, and was squeezing it with a white-knuckle grip. At least, until Killer bumped his shoulder gentle as he passed.
"You're an idiot, you know." Was the unprompted comment from his first mate. "She's not gonna leave."
"That wasn't what I was thinking." Kid grumped, having the dignity to look both offended and angry at the same time. It had little affect against his masked companion.
"Uh huh." The incredulity was obvious in Killer's tone. "Maybe you can lie to her, but I know better. It's all over your face, the way you stand…all of it. You can't sit still for a second."
Was it that obvious? Kid supposed he'd always been a bit upfront with his body language. No wonder the blonde always seemed to know what his captain was thinking at any given time. It would explain a lot of things. Still, that aside…
"You should have seen the way she lit up looking at the map." Kid said under his breath, glancing back towards the direction you'd gone. He could no longer see you in the distance. "Maybe she hasn't said it outright, but I bet she's thinking it."
"We're family, she's said as much. Have a little faith." Killer gives a shrug, arms crossed. "Besides, even if she did decide to stay behind--which I know she won't--would you stop her? Would you take away her choice?"
"…" The answer to that question wasn't so clear, but eventually his head shook slowly side to side. "If it's what she wanted…I wouldn't."
"Everyone gets a little homesick, Kid." Killer says with a shrug. "It comes and goes. Even I do, sometimes. Not often, but still even now. Don't you?"
"No." Kid's answer is hard and firm, eyes narrowing imperceptibly. "Not worth thinking about."
"Hmm." Killer only hums, knowing that it was best to not push that topic. He may be one of the few that could tell it like it was to the fiery redhead, but even he had lines he didn't cross. "Well, for everyone else, I think that's just part of setting out to sea. We all leave a little bit of ourselves behind. Or, in your case, maybe you brought a little bit of home with you."
Then with an affectionate pat against the wood of the Victoria Punk, Killer pushed away from the railing and heads down the gangplank himself, leaving his captain to his tumultuous thoughts. Killer knew he had a lot to think about.
It was in front of the town's church that he found you, sitting on a stone bench in front of the wrought-iron fence surrounding the property, overlooking the meadow beyond it.
Set up along the edge of the town, it was relatively peaceful, a place to relax and lose yourself in the beauty of nature surrounding oneself. A silly sense of importance had overcome you when you'd sat on the bench. Enough so that you almost teared up a bit. How ridiculous. It was just a stupid bench. Even so, it had taken longer than you'd admit to dry the moisture welling up in your eyes.
He said nothing as he took his place next to you, letting you be the first one to break the silence.
"I came up here all the time when I was young, just sat here and watched the meadow." Your hand gestures out to the great expanse of green. "Not much to do in this town as a kid, and I wasn't a big fan of most of the brats my age either. Had to keep myself preoccupied somehow.
"So I'd sit here, listen to the bells in the church ring. I'd bring bread out and feed the squirrels and birds. Sometimes there'd be a rabbit hopping along, and every once in awhile, if you were really lucky, a deer or two would pass by." You smiled at the memory, gaze faraway as you recalled what wonder you'd felt at the time. "Those were the best. The priests thought I was there to listen to their sermons, kept trying to convince me to come inside the church, but all I wanted was to see the deer. I was convinced the church bells somehow drew them in." You scoff, shaking your head. "Can't deny I was a bit of a stupid kid, but hey. Small town, you know?"
Kid listened intently as you took a slow, deep breath and leaned your neck back, face up to the sky.
"I haven't thought about that in a long, long time. It feels good to just…remember…" Is your wistful conclusion, going quiet after that.
How had 3 days gone by so quickly? It felt like a blur. A dream. But hey, you were content with the fact that you'd made the most of it, visiting all your old haunts, seeing the sights one last time before you left again, with no idea when the next time you'd return was. If at all…the New World was a dangerous place, you knew. Maybe this was the last you were to ever see of it.
Kid seemed anxious to leave the island as soon as possible, which made you a mixture of sad and confused. Did he dislike your home that much? You couldn't begin to guess why. There were times he'd seemed almost peaceful during the times you'd spent together there. And he had the capability to speed up the log pose's set speed. His devil fruit made that possible. Yet, he didn't. He allowed it to naturally align with the magnetism of the island, a rarity.
You liked to think that he did so for the express reason of giving you as much time as you could to enjoy the visit. An uncharacteristically heartfelt gesture, if that was the case.
It was your last night on your home island. The log pose was due to set during the night, and it was expected you'd be sailing off in the morning. One last dinner from the local eatery, and an unhurried, lingering walk back to the ship was the end to your day. And while the whole thing felt bittersweet, there was a fulfillment in your heart as you neared the Victoria Punk, spotting your captain leaning against the railing, waiting for you.
Ascending the gangplank, you gave Kid a grateful smile, stepping up to stand beside him at the railing. "A great night for a walk through town."
You're unfazed by his noncommittal reply, and instead gaze one last time over the island, your home, in the distance. The wind breezes gently, rustling Kid's captain's coat and forcing you to swipe a hand along your forehead when your hair was misplaced.
Just as you go to turn around and head inside, Kid's voice stops you, uncharacteristically somber.
"Do you want to stay?"
"Stay?" The suddenness makes you blink, and at first you're uncertain of what he's asking. "Stay here? On the island?"
"Uh, I don't…" With a frown, your head shakes, and you slightly lean away from the railing. "Where is this coming from? Are you…kicking me off the ship? Is that what this is?"
"I'm asking if you'd stay, given the choice." Kid reiterates, finally turning to look at you. There's an acceptance in his expression, a subtle moroseness in the way he looks at you and meets your eyes. "You seem…happy here. At peace. Like you said before, this is your home. You've been sailing with us a long time, and I would understand if you feel like you've had enough adventure, enough danger, to last a lifetime."
The seriousness he was taking this with was a little baffling. "Kid-"
"I won't try to stop you, or sway your decision, whatever it is." His eyes narrow in a wince. "I respect you too much to try."
You blink, mouth opening and then closing shut. Words failed you for a moment, too many questions filtering through. Kid had always been a complicated individual, and even more complicated partner. You couldn't begin to guess how he'd come to this conclusion, after all you'd been through, but clearly he thought it a real possibility that you'd jump ship and wave as they sailed away into the open sea.
"Kid…" You let out a huffed breath, half amused and half exasperated that you were even having this conversation. "You are the biggest dumbass I've ever met."
His natural confrontational personality begins to show, and he sharply glances at you with a glare. "I'm trying to you the choice here."
"There is no choice to make, idiot." You retort, gesturing back to the town. "Why would I wanna stay?"
"I don't know!" He says with indignation, now turning to face your directly. "You seemed all happy to be home, I figured you didn't want to leave again."
"I got homesick, sure! But you really thought I was gonna consider leaving the crew? To this sleepy little nowhere country? Nothing happens here! Nothing! I don't think I could sleep properly without Marines trying to blow holes in the ship every day. I'd go nuts!"
Kid doesn't say anything, his frown now directed inward. Clearly he hadn't taken your thrill-seeker personality into account in all of his reasonings. Which was a major oversight on his part. It's like he didn't know you at all.
"What, you want me to stay here? Want to just leave my ass on a bench and sail away? Is that it?"
"Then what are we still standing around here for? Set the log pose and let's go." You say with a laugh. "Maybe I'll get a little homesick every once in awhile, and yeah it'll be a little sad to see the place go again, but this ship is where I belong. Nothing could change that in my heart."
It seemed your words had finally convinced your captain that you were truly intent on staying, and he gave a loud 'humph. "Well, good. You'd better stay. Otherwise I wasted my time making this."
Pulling something small from the pocket of his jacket, he thrusts the heavy object into your hands. You open your palms to find a little figurine of a deer, head perked up as if it had just heard a sound. The craftsmanship was rough, but you could clearly tell what it was meant to be. And the feel of it in your hand was…familiar.
Kid must notice the question in the way your brows raise, and he explains with a roll of his eyes. "Pulled one of the bars from the church's wrought-iron fence. So you can…you know…have a piece of home with you, I guess."
You turn the little metal deer in your head, feeling the way the metal was bent and molded into shape with care. The mental image of Kid huddled over his workbench, meticulously yet carefully making this for you left you without words. For Kid, this was practically a declaration of love, in a way. And given the roughness of the man himself matched that of the material of your little figurine, you wouldn't squander that at all.
"Thanks, Kid." You say, tone quiet and thoughtful. "I really appreciate this. It means a lot. I'll treasure it."
"Yeah, well…" The redhead never did take compliments or thanks very easily, and he turns away. You don't miss the slight tinge of red to his face before he fully hides it from your sight. "It's nothing. Don't mention it."
Seconds of silence pass, you gazing down at Kid's gift, and him standing there pretending as if he hadn't done something so heartwarming. Then, seemingly fed up with all of this gushy crap, he gestured to the interior of the ship.
"We have an early day tomorrow. We'll set off at dawn. No point standing out here all night."
"Right." You agree, knowing that sleep was much needed. It would be back to business in the morning.
Without a glance back at the place that had once been home, you follow your captain into the ship to continue your adventure. What would await you come morning? You hadn't a clue. And that was just how you liked it.