“I had a really good time tonight!” You say, beaming up at the taller, blonde man at your side. Leaving the movie theatre behind, the both of you walk back towards the center of town where you lived. It was late, and your date was coming to a natural close. “Dinner was wonderful, and the movie was a good choice.”
“Glad you liked it.” Corazon responded, grinning despite himself. “And, uh…thanks for overlooking the fact that I nearly set the table on fire with the candle.”
“Heh, are you kidding? That was the best part of the night.” You chuckle, earning a rueful smile from him. “Definitely something I won’t forget.
"I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or not.” He chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his head with one hand. “But seeing you smile about it isn’t so bad.”
You can’t help but blush at the words, touched by his genuineness and kindness. He’d been doing that all night, throwing in easy little compliments about you, your laugh, your smile…it was adorable and extremely sweet.
You turn down towards your street, the night air keeping you cool from the summer’s heat from earlier in the day. And when you realize that you’ll reach your front door soon enough, you look over to where Corazon’s hand dangles down at his side.
You can’t resist the desire any longer, and reach out to link your fingers together through his. The blonde looks down, brows raised, but he doesn’t say anything or pull his hand away. Rather, a timid smile of his own graces his lips, and he squeezes your hand in his as you walk the rest of the way down the boulevard.
You feel a sense of calmness between you, one that neither wants words or conversation to interfere with, and so you remain mostly silent as you walk home under the moon. You lean your head onto his shoulder, which prompts him to blush just enough for you to notice.
But eventually, you do reach the front door of your home, and your steps slow as you approach. Reluctant to let him go, but knowing that for a first day it probably wasn’t right to invite him inside, you slowly slide your fingers out of his and turn to look at him.
“I mean it, Corazon. I had a really good time tonight. And…hopefully you would be willing to go out with me again?” You couldn’t help the way your words turned into a question at the end, fear of rejection suddenly overtaking you. “I don’t want this night to be a one-time thing.”
“I don’t either.” He agreed, beaming his relief and happiness. “I promise you, we won’t let this end here, ok?”
You nodded, staring up into his eyes with wonder. They were filled with such kindness…oh, what you wouldn’t do for this man already, and it was only the first date.
“I’ll…see you later, ok? Have a good night.” He raised his hand in farewell, turning to leave, but you reach out and grab his wrist before he can go.
“Y/N?” He asks, brow cocked in confusion, but before he can say anything else, you’d lifted yourself up on your tiptoes and brought your lips together in a kiss.
It wasn’t anything particularly noteworthy, but it was light and gentle, and something you’d wanted to do all night, now that you thought about it. You’d never forgive yourself if you hadn’t taken the leap to have that first kiss on your first date.
You felt him sigh into the kiss, relaxing enough to reciprocate.
Your need to breathe is what eventually ends the kiss, and you pull away with a smile on your lips. But neither of you pull too far away from each other, lips still only inches apart.
The way he looks down at you, with such wonder, is nearly more than your heart can bear. This man would be the death of you.
“Goodnight, Corazon.” You whisper, still making no move to go inside.
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
He swoops in for one last peck on your lips, unable to resist, before parting ways from you. Your eyes are on each other the entire way, until he disappears from sight behind the building over.
Your dreams are sweet that night. Definitely very sweet.