Pirates had a tendency to party, but after the defeat of Kaido and Big Mom in the land of Wano, a simple night drinking by the fire just wouldn’t do, oh no. Especially not when the whole country wanted to get involved and celebrate the fall of their tyrannical leaders. And if there was one thing Wano knew how to do, it was throw a festival.
Seemingly in a matter of hours, the Flower Capital was cleaned of debris and decorated with banners and ribbons and paper lanterns to mark the occasion, and the surviving stores of sake were broken open. Old enemies turned friend, even amongst the pirate captains–though only temporarily–as alcohol ran freely throughout the Capital.
Kid was in a good mood, at least for now. With a large jug of sake in hand and the remains of the red bean soup he’d eaten sitting in the bowl at his side, he watched the party go on from a spot on some crates. You were beside him, watching him, rather than the citizens and pirates dance around like fools.
Sporting many bandages across his torso, arm, and neck, he didn’t appear in much pain after his fight with Big Mom. Though the alcohol was certainly dulling some of it. You were just glad he’d made it out alright. Seeing him so calm and peaceful throughout the night, even making quiet conversation with you when he felt like it…it seemed like a dream, really.
He noticed your staring, and gave a grunt, tipping back his jug of sake to drink the rest off in one big chug. His lips popped off the top and he gave a loud ‘aaaah’ in appreciation of it’s taste. Now empty, he tossed the jug off to the side, not caring where it landed.
“Wanna get me some more, Y/N? I might share with you this time.” He gave a sly grin and a wink.
“Sure.” You said, rising from the crate beside him to scurry off before he could see the way your face lit up red. You still couldn’t believe how much his attention affects you. And no doubt he did it on purpose, knowing the way you reacted his a simple glance your direction. Risking a look over your shoulder, you realized that he was looking at your ass as you walked, and you quickly faced forward again.
You carefully pick your way along the edge of where a majority of people were dancing, off to find where the sake was being distributed from. It wasn’t far, still within sight of your companion, and you stepped up to grab a jug.
“Mellorine~~! You hear beside you, and with a start, you turn to see a blonde man–one of the Strawhats if you remember accurately– standing beside you with hearts in his eyes. Hands clasped together, he wiggled his way closer to you, before dropping ceremoniously down to one knees and taking a hold of your hand.
"Lovely lady, you are a sight to behold amongst these brutes. A delicate flower, blooming under the moonlight.” The unabashed compliments turn your face red again. How could they not? You weren’t used to such attention.
“Surely a beauty such as you wouldn’t be without a companion tonight? Festivities like this shouldn’t be enjoyed alone, but in the embrace of a willing lover!” He spouted poetically, not seeming to notice your bewildered expression.
“Umm…I have a companion already, but thanks for the offer.” You tried tugging your hand away, but he held it in such a firm grasp.
“And yet he’s nowhere in sight? To treat you in such a way…”
“I’m fine, thank you.” This time you successfully pull your hand away and turn in place to return to Kid’s side. Thankfully, the blonde got the picture, because other than looking dejected at your refusal to spare him a moment, he leaned against the crates of sake and lit up a cigarette.
Approaching your Captain’s side, your heart dropped a little. His easygoing smile was long gone, replaced by a scowl.
“Here’s your sake.” You say, smiling at little at him and holding out the jug. “Did you still want to share it with me?”
“Hmph. Why don’t you share it with your new blonde boy toy?” He jabbed moodily, eyes fixated on something past you. “He seemed ecstatic in your company.”
“What-? Kid, it isn’t like that. I told him to leave me be-”
“He touched you.”
“And I pulled away!”
“Doesn’t matter. He must have thought you wanted it, why else would he hold your hand?” He grumped, scowl deepening the longer he thought about what he’d seen. “Don’t make yourself out to be the victim when you’re putting out like that.”
“I’m not offering myself to every man I meet. I’m not a whore.” You defend heatedly, rather insulted that his impression of your intentions were so low. “You’re the only one I care to be…touched by. You should know that.”
The fact that he was making you say all of this candidly was extremely embarrassing, but if it cleared the misunderstanding, then you’d do what you needed to.
“Really now?” His eyes flicked over to truly see you, then, though clearly he wasn’t convinced by his expression. “Cheap promises. I’m not in the mood to be your sloppy seconds, wench. Go make googly eyes at someone else if you want attention.”
Your mouth opened, but nothing came out, your shock overwhelming your ability to find words to say. The nerve of this man…! And before you could get the chance, he stood from the crate and sauntered off to do…whatever it was he was off to do.
He didn’t turn even when you called his name, and an awful stirring feeling deep in your belly began to agitate as you watched him settle next to a tall, slim Wano-kuni woman. She laughed behind her fan at whatever Kid said, and you could do nothing but watch.
Someone eased in to stand next to you. Killer’s mask faced to watch Kid as well, his head shaking in disappointment, perhaps.
“Let it go for tonight. He’s stubborn.”
“It’s not my fault.” You told him.
“I know, but…Kid doesn’t handle jealousy well. I’m sure he’ll regret saying those things in the morning, but this is how he’ll handle it until then.”
You sigh heavily, dejected and hurt, especially when Kid eases closer to the nameless woman and flashes a grin to. Unable to watch any longer, you turn and find a quiet corner of the party to sit and drink the rest of your feelings away.