Everywhere you looked, there was something happening. The park was alive with laughter and bells and the light-hearted music that played over the intercom system. A wonderland of color, candy, and children. You’d never seen anything like it.
Corazon had recommended coming here for your date, and you were so glad he did. Your idea wouldn’t have been nearly as fun. Plus, it was like Corazon was in his element, amongst the people, so carefree and happy. And for once, he put on something other than his fluffy jacket and heart-patterned shirt.
It was as if he’d hung up Corazon for a day, and accompanied you as Rosinante. The thought made your heart soar.
Distracted by everything around, you were surprised to feel a hand slip into yours. You turn, seeing Corazon sheepishly smiling at you.
“Don’t wander off! I won’t be able to find you in these crowds again.” He said, smile widening as you blush. “Keep ahold of my hand, that way we can stick close together.”
You tighten your fingers around his hand, enjoying the way it fit into your own so perfectly. “Sorry…there’s just so much to do here!”
“I know! It’s great, isn’t it?” His eyes flickered around, before returning to you. “What do you wanna do first?”
“Hmm…” With so many options, you weren’t sure. You spot a small stand set up at the end of the walkway, an artist leaning in close to someone’s face as they paint a design. You think of Corazon’s face paint and start pulling him along towards it. “I want to get my face painted, so we can match!”
“Ok.” He replies, surprise evident in his expression. But he allows you to pull him towards the stall all the same.
The artist makes quick work of your face, and you nearly giggle as his brush gently glides across your skin. It tickles, and you have to keep looking at Corazon to keep your composure. The adoring way he looks at you as you sit on the stool patiently…you bite your lip. How lucky you were to have him look at you in such a way…
“What do you think?” You ask your date as you step away from the face painter’s stall. His eyes track the designs you chose, and he chuckles.
“I didn’t know you could get even more beautiful than you already are!”
“Oh…th-thank you.” You’re glad your cheeks are already painted, otherwise he’d see the intense blush you break out into. Trying to recover, you place your hands on your hips and stop walking. “Now it’s your turn to pick something! What do you want to do?”
“Well, I’ve had my eye on the ferris wheel all afternoon.” He said, and your eyes glance up at the giant ride in question. It was so high up… “Wanna ride it with me? There’ll be a great view up at the top!”
“Umm…sure!” You say, having to fake most of your enthusiasm. You don’t want to tell him that you’re afraid of heights, because he seems so excited to ride it. It wouldn’t be fair to only do the things you want to do on this date. So, hiding your hesitation with a wide smile, you allow him to pull you off towards the line.
You can’t help but stare up at just how tall the metal structure is. The way it spins in place makes your stomach turn just a little. How does something so big move like that? You find yourself holding onto Corazon’s hand again to bring yourself some sort of comfort.
Before long, you’re the next ones in line. Corazon gives your shoulder a squeeze and nudges your shoulder as the attendant opens the gate for you to step into the cabin. Your whole body is a bundle of nerves as you step inside, sitting mechanically on the seat. Corazon takes his place across from you, looking as relaxed and carefree as ever.
“Are you liking the amusement park so far?” He asks as the ride begins to move once more.
“Y-yeah! It’s great! Really great…” You say, trying not to let your discomfort show. But the way you’re gripping the seat with a white-knuckled grip and your stiff posture lets him in on what was happening anyway.
“Y/N…are you ok?”
“Just fine!”
“You don’t look very comfortable…” He mutters, frowning a little as he wonders what’s gotten into you. Then, realization dawned on him. “Are you…afraid of heights?”
“N-no.” You say, trying to prove otherwise by leaning towards the window to look out. But it was a mistake, because you straighten back up with a gasp and close your eyes.
“Well, why didn’t you just say so? We didn’t have to go on the ferris wheel.”
“Because you wanted to ride it. I wanted you to have fun on our date, too.”
You hear him chuckle, and the cabin shifts as he moves to sit directly beside you. “Come here.” He says, and envelops you in a comforting embrace.
You lean into his chest, thankful for his warmth and strength. The face paint still covers your blush, but with the way you look at up him with such gratitude and embarrassment, you have a feeling he already knows it’s there.
“It doesn’t matter what we do. I’ll always have fun when I’m with you.” He mutters softly, one of his thumbs brushing gently against your arm in a soothing manner. Your shaky breathing begins to ease as the feeling of safety washes over you. “With you beside me, every day is an amazing experience.”
“You’re just saying that.” You say, unable to entirely take his cheesy words for it.
You feel the gentle press of his lips to your forehead, and you look up in surprise. He smiles down at you warmly, eyes alight with that adoration again.
“I mean every word of it.”
You blink away the desire to cry tears of joy. You didn’t want to ruin the good moment by crying now, so you settle into his chest a little more. “Hold me until we get back to the ground?”
He pulls you in and leans back in the seat. “I promise.”