It was with a long-suffering sigh that you shoved the keys to the front door into the lock, twisting it open with a flick of your wrist. Laden with your bag, you push yourself into the house, closing the door behind you with your foot.
You hear him before you see him. Well, more accurately, whatever show he’s watching on the tv. The sounds of exaggerated dialogue echo from the living room, and you rid yourself of your bag and shoes by the door in record time.
“Hey there, gorgeous!” Corazon calls from where he’s lounged back on the couch, his favorite fluffy blanket wrapped around him. He flashes you a bright, beaming smile as you round the corner. “How was your day?”
“That bad, huh?” His smile is replaced by a grimace, feeling sorry for you.
“Worse, somehow.” You groan, sauntering over on dragging feet. “I felt like I got nothing done, and yet I was so busy.”
“Well, the rest can wait until tomorrow.” He held his arms out, gesturing with his fingers. “Come here and lay down, then. You look like you could use a nap.”
You almost refuse. It’s right at the tip of your tongue. There’s so much you still need to do. The dishes, laundry, a few things left to do from you long and draining day of work/school…but the inviting arms of the blonde on the couch is too compelling to ignore.
“Yeah…you’re right.” You say, giving in to the urge to just…do nothing, for a little while. Without ceremony, you walk to his side and collapse on top of his, making his grunt with the impact.
“Oof, careful there.”
“No worries, just get yourself comfy.”
You do as he says, shifting and adjusting yourself until you find the most comfortable spot, resting your head on his chest. His arms wrap the fluffy blanket around your shoulders to let you in on the cozy warmth.
You let out a sigh as one of his hands stroke your back, up and down, with a lazy pace. The background noise of the tv show he was watching sounded far away as your tired eyes closed. The long, taxing hours you’d just come from completing seemed to melt off your shoulders and aching body as you relaxed in Corazon’s arms.
There’s no other place like in his arms. So warm and safe. As if the outside world didn’t exist when he held you close. And for all intents and purposes, it didn’t. It was just you, him, and whatever god-awful show he was watching this week.
Then, a sudden thought made you snap your eyes open. “I gotta make dinner-”
“I’ll order us delivery.” He rumbled quietly, grinning down at you. “You’re not cooking dinner when you’re that tired. You’d probably burn whatever you tried to make!”
“You’d burn it regardless.” You shoot back, making him purse his lips and raise a brow.
“Touche.” His smile returns. “Still. You’ve been working too hard, so I’ll order takeout and have it delivered.”
“Take a nap, Y/N. Don’t worry about anything else. I’ll take care of it. Ok?”
You were reluctant, but finally nodded your understanding, closing your eyes once more and drifting into the lull of rest that Corazon’s gentle ministrations were pushing you towards.
And this time, when you were right on the verge of sleep, you didn’t resist, falling asleep to the steady beat of his heart under your ear.