He cocked a brow at you, confusion mounting as you closed your deliciously smooth legs so he didn’t have access to the most intimate part of your body. He’d been busy kissing a beeline towards it, when you’d suddenly tensed. Mid-way through a round of sex he’d been looking forward to all day, even.
For someone he’d pleasured many a time before–and had always been eager to reciprocate his sexual intentions, mind you–you had become strangely…distant.
“Am I making you uncomfortable?” He asked, doing his best to keep his hammering heartbeat in check. The fact that you were both naked wasn’t helping, but clearly something was bothering you. He wasn’t brutish enough to keep going despite that.
“No, just…”
“Just what?” He pressed, unable to resist trailing his fingers down your legs. Luckily, you didn’t shy away from his touch. He leaned forward, taking your lack of repulsion as permission to kiss a smooth trail up the skin of your chest.
“What’s going on in that beautiful mind of yours…that distracts you from the wonderful things I wish to do to you?” His lips reached just behind your ear. He hears you hum, still hesitating on saying whatever it was that had you so timid.
“Y/N…” He presses gently, unwilling to let this go. He’d never seen you act this way, and it was starting to concern him.
“I’ve just never…” You trail off, trying to figure out how to say what you wanted to. “Umm…been eaten out before.”
His head tilts, lips finally pulling away from your ear to look at you plainly. The sexual tension between you had reduced to a simmer, not so low that the mood couldn’t be salvaged, but at least he wasn’t thinking with his dick, rather than his head. “Do you not wish me to?”
“Not exactly, but…isn’t it weird? I don’t see how it would feel good for you or me…” You watch as his eyes narrow, an amused quirk upwards at the corner of his lips. “What?”
“If I wasn’t sure you would enjoy it, I wouldn’t have suggested it.” He mused, chuckling as his lips swept down again to claim yours. It had the desired effect, of calming your frayed nerves, your fingers returning to dig into his skin.
He pulled back again, only an inch away from your lips, and met your half-lidded eyes with patience. “If you’re willing to let me try, I can promise you pleasure like nothing else you’ve felt.”
Your eyes search his. “If I let you try, and I want to stop-”
“Then I’ll stop,” He nodded with a grin. “and still satisfy the both of us how I know you enjoy.”
Reassured by his words, you give him a nod. Pleased, he kisses you again, thankful and proud of your willingness to try and your trust in him.
He took his time, in no hurry as he slowly built the mood back up to the heat you had both been feeling before. Your hums of pleasure returned as he worked your body beneath him with his hands and mouth. Your breasts and neck were especially sensitive spots, which he targeted with intent.
It wasn’t long before he could feel your usual impatience return, the way your nails dragged themselves down his shoulders to signify the need for more. His lips began their path down your body once more, softly biting into the flesh of your breast as he passed it by, his tongue circled around your navel teasingly, his nose brushed the skin of your inner thigh…
You were on edge, but this time, instead of fear and uncertainty, your gaze held a curiosity, and the expectation of something good. While you still weren’t sure of the outcome, you had faith in him, and that was enough.
Placing one last kiss against your thigh, his hands slowly spread your legs wider to give his head room to lower down in between. His tongue lowered-
“Nnnngh…” He hears you groan, legs making to close around your head, but he holds them apart. Your fingers dig their way into his hair, gripping his head at the new and unfamiliar sensation. You don’t push or pull him either direction, unsure if you wanted more or less.
Law, on the other hand, was entranced. He’d always wanted to get a taste of you, and now that he had, he hoped you’d allow him to indulge. Still mindful of your uncertainty, his tongue made shallow passes of your clit, stimulating and swirling the sensitive nub as he pleased.
His fingers tightened on your thighs, determined to hold his own feral need to ravish you in check. This needed to be at your pace.
You twitched and gasped out pleasured breaths, eyes closed as he continued to lick and taste you. Given you hadn’t told him to stop, he didn’t, but the cautious person he was made him pull back to check on you. “Y/N-”
“Don’t stop~!” You cry, practically yanking his face back towards your slick with a demanding bite to your tone. Your back is practically arching off the bed. “It feels good…”
Your words loosen the chains of his restraint, still securely wrapped around the intense desire to really taste you, but definitely relaxed. His lids lower, and he happily obliges your plea, tongue exploring with more certainty, more pressure, as you clearly are enjoying the way he’s making you feel.
The sounds of complete, debauched pleasure that spill from your lips is the finest symphony to his ears, chipping away at what little resistance is left for him to treat you delicately.
The sound of his name in a deep, longing moan was what finally snapped it.
He told himself that you’d stop him if it became too much, and with that reassurance, he plugged his tongue deep into your pussy. You thrash at the unexpected depth, feet pressing and kicking into the bed as you struggle for purchase against the onslaught of mind-blowing pleasure that’s assaulting you in that moment.
You didn’t realize it could feel this good…how had you gone so long without letting him do this? God, you were an idiot…
He’s sure to leave bruises on your thighs, gripping you for dear life as he hurtles you towards your orgasm faster than you’d ever gotten there before. You pant and gasp, desperate for air as your body shakes and writhes.
You feel and hear Law’s deep groan of his own, verbalizing the way he is enjoying you coming absolutely apart from his tongue alone. Your face exploding into a shade of deep red, that was all it took to shove you over the edge. And before you manage to draw the breath to tell him so, you cum around his mouth with a staggering ferocity.
You shiver and shake, Law’s tongue lapping up everything he can as you ride out your orgasm. Only when you try pushing his head away from the overstimulation does he finally pull away.
He leans forward, planting a long, slow kiss against your mouth. You taste yourself on his lips. It’s a strange taste, but not disgusting. And when you have to pull away to breath, your lungs still desperate to fill and get your heartbeat back down to a normal pace, he places his forehead against your own.
“You’re absolutely delicious…” He mutters with a wicked smile, and your heart does little loop-de-loops in your chest. The man knew just what to say to make you blush.