You could feel the cautious, assessing glances without having to look at him. The car's cabin felt stifling and oppressive in the thick silence. New partners were always an unknown, something to get used to, but you hadn't anticipated such a cold shoulder from the man you were supposed to work closely with for the rest of the case.'d known it was a possibility, but you'd wished it wouldn't have come to this.
You did your best to ignore it. Something about the man you'd been assigned to gave you the impression that he wouldn't appreciate a snarky remark back about his attention.
There it was, again. Another glance. This time, you sigh and shift in your seat. Perhaps it wasn't the smartest thing to say, but you were getting pretty tired of the staring.
"Do you creepily stare at all of your partners?"
When Law doesn't respond, you turn your head to finally look at him. He's frowning deeply, eyes now straight ahead to see where he was driving.
"I don't need a partner." He finally says. Well, at least you knew why he'd been so cold to you when you were first introduced. Someone was clearly bitter about your assignment.
"Your boss didn't think so."
"He doesn't know everything."
"Hmph. Funny. He said the same thing about you." You reply, leaning your elbow on the car door and propping your head against it. "Something about being stubborn, too."
There's several beats of silence as the car slows to a stop. The engine idles, humming and rumbling within the cabin. You tap, tap a steady beat against your forehead. What was his problem?
" it because I'm a woman?"
"Oh, please." His head shakes, and he measures his glare directly at you this time. "You think I care what gender you are?"
"Some might." You shrug. "There aren't too many female private investigators out there. It wouldn't be the first time I've been scoffed at because I don't have a cock."
Law shakes his head, attention directing back towards the road. He presses the accelerator and the car begins to go forward again. "So long as you can do your job, what does it matter? Don't rightly care what's between your legs. Man or woman, I'd still feel the same."
You give a sigh. "Figures I'd get stuck with the biggest prick on the planet. Just my luck."
You see his jaw work itself out of the corner of your eye. His mouth opens, then closes. He's held whatever it was he was going to say back. And after thinking about his response, he finally held up a placating hand.
"Look. I've got nothing against you personally. Hell, I barely know you." Law turned down the next road, and you spot the house of the person who'd called in the suspicious activity ten minutes earlier. "Haven't had a partner in years, and I'm used to doing things alone. Boss knows that too, so it's beyond me why he thinks I need one now, all of a sudden."
"Then, maybe it's time the lone wolf learns to play with others again." You say with a shrug, sitting up in your seat as Law eases the car to park against the curb. The vehicle comes to a stop with a creak, and he changes gears to keep it in place. "Besides, a second pair of eyes and another opinion couldn't hurt an investigation, right?"
"Depends on the opinion..." He mutters, just loud enough for you to hear.
"Just like he said: stubborn." You open the car door with a roll of your eyes, stepping out onto the sidewalk. "Come on, then. We have to start this partnership somewhere, and I'd rather Mrs. Henderson not see us fighting before we start asking her the difficult questions."
You could tell Law was pissed. He'd refused to speak with you as you both tromped your way back through the rain to your car. The weather was terrible--almost as bad as your partner's mood--and you carefully watched your footing as his vehicle came into sight. You both hurried on, stumbling into the car and slamming the doors shut to keep out the wind and rain.
Releasing a long, frustrated breath, you watched your partner rub at his eyes. Then, he leveled them at you with a venomous glare. "What the hell was that?"
"Which part?" You settle into your seat, knowing he had to get all the anger out before you'd be driving anywhere. Typical men. "The questioning or the chase through the construction yard after that?"
"Both of them, all of it...I had things under control!" His reaction was restrained within the confines of the car cabin. Maybe he'd intentionally brought you both here specifically so he didn't have the urge to hit anything. Or you. "Where did all the accusatory questions come from? You spooked her, and now she's fled to God-knows where!"
"We're investigators, we have to ask hard questions." You state blandly.
"Sure, once we're more certain of who our suspect is!" He cries out, gesturing as he spoke. "This was a preliminary questioning at best. Or, at least, it was supposed to be."
Your eyes roll, getting impatient. "I was certain she's our perp."
"How? How could you possibly think that? I barely asked her four questions by the time you started pointing fingers."
"The ring." You said with a shrug, as if it had been the most obvious thing.
Law stared at you, breathing evening in the moments of silence as he comprehended your words. "What?"
"The ring on Mrs. Benson's finger." You said again, tapping the same spot on your own where the jewelry had sat. "Everyone we've spoken to who knows her never mentioned a fiancé or husband. They described her as the reclusive type, barely any friends, and not outgoing at work. Where in the world did she find the time to get herself a hubby, then?
"She kept trying to hide her hands while we spoke, without making it obvious. Didn't want us to see her wearing it. And what's more, the style matches the description of the one that Mrs. Henderson says was stolen. From what I could see of it, I'd say it's identical. So by all accounts, I'd think it was fairly obvious her story wasn't matching up." You finish, feeling proud of yourself.
Your partner's eyes glanced along your face, before reaching up to cover and rub at his own slowly. He let out another deep sigh. "I didn't notice the ring..."
"I'm not surprised." You say with a rye smile. "If her skirt had been cut any higher, I'd say she worked at the local nightclub in her evenings. Women know how to direct men's attention where they want it, after all."
"That...wasn't the issue." He says with a cough, but clearly you'd caught him in the lie.
You laugh, smoothing down parts of your hair that had gotten wet. "Sure..."
Law clears his throat, reaching in his pocket to find the car key. He inserts it into the ignition and turns. The vehicle comes to life after a few revving noises. "You're certain it was the same ring?"
"Fine." He said, pulling away from the curb and back down the main road. "If you're right about this...then I owe you a drink."
"Deal." You say, suddenly aware that Law was taking you somewhere specific. "Where are we going?"
"Where I think we'll find her." His expression was marked in concentration. "Something she said when we spoke...I've got a hunch."
The bar was packed, but luckily you and Law had managed to get a small table at the back. It was close enough to the entertainment for the evening that you could clearly hear it, but not too close to be deafening.
You cradled the tumbler of whiskey in your hands, Law footing the bill as promised. He'd seemed a little miffed by that, but in the end you'd both gotten paid by Mrs. Henderson what you were owed. That alone had seemed to brighten Law's mood just a bit.
"A job well done...wouldn't you say?"
Your question draws his attention. He'd been strangely quiet so far. You wondered why. He gives a slow nod. "Better than expected. And much faster, I'll admit."
You offer him a small smile. "Perks to having a partner."
"A competent partner, at least."
"I'm flattered."
He's staring down at his own tumbler as you take a sip from yours. The lull in conversation prompts you to look away, towards where the small jazz band were playing their set. You listen, deciding to enjoy the night while you could.
Law was handsome, if not a bit cold and difficult. Ignoring the negative parts of him, you could almost pretend this was more than it was. A fanciful thought, but you couldn't deny the pull deep in your gut.
There was something about him. You knew there was more to the private eye than he let on. Why? You had a general idea--it was difficult not to read the clues in others when not on the clock--but thought better of asking directly. You didn't think he'd be very receptive to your blunt questioning.
"I owe you an apology."
You blink, startled by his admission. "While I might agree...whatever for?"
"I wasn't exactly...friendly, when we took this case together. In fact, I'd call it downright cruel." He explained. "Barely let you have a chance to prove yourself before judging your worth. What I said was true, though. I'm used to working on my own. Alone. It's...easier."
You nod, and he continued.
"That being said, it wasn't...terrible...having your help on this one." He concluded with a sigh. Clearly it was difficult for him to look at you saying all this. It made you smile a little. "You're not as bad as I thought."
"Aww, I can almost hear gratitude in your voice." You joke, and he sends you a half-hearted glare.
"All I'm saying is...I wouldn't be opposed to working together again, Y/N."
"Oh, that's a relief." You say with a pleased sigh. "Because your boss already asked me to work with you on your next case. Seemed he was pleased with the results."
You expect his resigned sigh this time, and laugh in reply.
"Guess this is the start of a beautiful partnership together."
You nearly startle from the place you leaned against the car door as your partner takes up a place beside you, hands in his pockets. You hadn't even heard him approach. Hell, you hadn't expected him there at all, at least for another several hours.
"Law, what the hell are you doing?" You hiss, glancing towards the group of alleged mobsters you'd been tasked with watching. The large crowd in between you served as good cover, but having two people watching from afar might rouse suspicions. "Aren't you supposed to be staking out the warehouse?"
"Already did." He said with a pleased expression. "Found the guys we were looking for there, too."
You push off from the car, surprised. "What? Then what are we waiting for-?"
"Relax, Y/N." Law said with a chuckle. "Already taken care of. Cops got 'em booked and in cells where they belong, and we got the payment from the client."
"Wha-?" Your head shakes, all of this news reeling you. "You already got the payment? How long ago was that?"
"Mmm..." Law checked his watch, smile widening. "About 4 hours ago."
"4 hours?" You cry out, frowning. "And you didn't think to tell me that the job was done until now? I've been standing here all day! My feet are killing me!"
He gave an infuriating shrug. "It was your first stakeout. We punk all new investigators to the firm if we get the chance. It's kind of a...tradition. Nothing personal."
You scoff, words failing you as Law was clearly having a great time. You never do find the words to say how outraged you were over this. He only chuckles at your expense, walking around to the other side of the car and getting into the driver's seat.
"You gonna stand there all day, or are we going to get some grub?"
You so badly want to punch him in his smug expression, but the growling of your stomach trumps all else, and you get into the passenger seat without a word.
"Not a word." Law stresses as you leave the client's house.
"You know what." He rolls his eyes, not looking your direction. You even see what's the beginning of a blush on his face.
"I don't know what you're talking about." You say with a smile, unable to mask the chuckle that's behind it. "I'm sure Ms. Darby's eager offer to thank you personally was purely platonic."
"You're not helping."
"Don't worry, next time I'll let you bring the clients the good news by yourself. I wouldn't want to get in the way of anything...private."
Law groans to himself as you laugh harder.
You were getting more and more annoyed with each question you asked your potential client. At this rate, you figured you'd just let Law take the case on himself for once.
"When did you begin to suspect that you're wife was cheating on you, Mr. Graves?"
No more than a sardonic glance in your direction, before he turned to look at Law directly in the face. "I started getting antsy a few months ago. She started acting weird. Different. Like she wasn't grateful no more of the things I work day in and day out to provide."
Ugh. You do your best not to make your eye-twitch too obvious. You wanted to remain professional, after all. Especially in front of a prospective client. Since working with Law, you hadn't experienced any further derision from others because of your choice of career, but you knew it would only be a matter of time before another sexist came around.
Reigning in your temper, you cleared your throat. "How did her behavior change? Was it simply her actions, or-?"
"She's been...busy with her friends, as she calls it." This time he didn't even bother acknowledging that you spoke. He leaned forward in his chair, looking seriously at Law. "Joined some new gardening club apparently. And they meet a little too frequently if you ask me. I don't buy it."
You gave up the questions after that point, leaning back in your chair and letting Law take over the interview. He gave you a glance, before frowning at the potential client.
"Is there a problem, Mr. Graves?"
"Problem? I think my wife's galavanting around with a young boytoy, that's what. Ain't that why I'm hiring you?"
"I'm not talking about that." He said with a shake of his head and a tone that clearly indicated he was losing patience, causing you to look at Law with surprise. "I can't help but notice your unwillingness to cooperate with my partner."
For the first time, Mr. Graves looked at you with something other than clear dismissal. "Partner? That's what she is? Heh, you're yankin' me around now, pal."
"I'm not." Law replied with a raised brow.
"Never seen a woman in a man's job like that before." Mr. Graves said with a dismissive wave of his hand.
"Hmm." Law hummed, closing his notebook.
"I'd prefer if we do business man-to-man, if you know what I'm saying. She can take the day off, shop for her groceries or something."
"I'm sorry, Mr Graves." Law said, standing from his seat and gesturing for you to do the same. "But I'm afraid we can't help you."
"Can't help me?" He asked in shocked outrage. "The hell you mean you can't help me? You're an investigator, that's what you do!"
"I'm sure you'll find someone else willing to help with your problem. Good day, sir." Is all Law says, taking his leave with you only a few steps behind him.
You glance back at your rejected client in bewilderment, hastening your steps when it became apparent that he wasn't letting you leave without a piece of his mind. The words that spewed from Mr. Graves' mouth were...colorful, to say the least.
You stay quiet all the way to the car, and even once the two of you had driven away from the office where Mr. Graves had requested you meet. It wasn't until Law got to the first stop sign that you found your words.
"What was that?"
Law gave a shrug. "Didn't even give you the time of day. Man was nothing but a shnook."
"You could have taken this one alone." You suggested.
"I don't work for sexist, pig-headed, pains-in-the-neck like him." Law said with finality, and you could tell he meant it. "We work together, or not at all, and clearly he wasn't gonna treat you with the respect you deserve."
You're speechless for a long time, thoughts elsewhere. You'd been careful to keep your initial attraction to your partner kept deep and hidden in your feelings. But it was in moments like this when that was incredibly difficult to do.
You could remember a time when Law was as cold and inconsiderate as Mr Graves had been. But that seemed so long ago now. You smile softly at him.
"Don't mention it."
"A date?" Law asks in surprise, brows raised. "You have a date?"
"Yes, I do..." You say slowly, gathering your things from your desk. You figured the nicer-than-usual attire you'd worn to the firm's office that day would have clued him in to that fact, but maybe he just hadn't wanted to pry. "Is that so surprising?"
"I, uh...suppose not."
"Is there something wrong with that?" You press further, and he clears his throat.
"No, it's...fine." He gives a dismissive wave with his hand, as if he hadn't meant to say anything in the first place. "I just...didn't know you were dating, is all."
"I'm young and single." You say with a shrug, turning off the light on your desk. "And going home to an empty bed every night loses its appeal rather quickly."
"I see." He says with an understanding nod, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Well, I was going to say we should celebrate today's case closure at that new place on 5th and Sullivan, but...another time, then."
Try all he might to mask it, you can still hear the disappointment in his voice. Hearing it...sends a pain through your heart.
"Enjoy your date, Y/N. I hope it goes well."
"Oh. Thank you."
"I'll see you bright and early tomorrow, then."
You nod, walking past him out the firm's doors. Something hurts in your chest as you do so. Something feels wrong as the door closes behind you.
You make it all the way to the next building before your steps falter, then stop entirely. The rest of the street is empty and long, and you stare down it for several seconds in deep thought.
But it's less time than you expected before you turn around and return to the office you'd just come from.
Law is confused when he sees you step back inside. "Y/N?"
"It's our tradition to celebrate with dinner after a case closed." You explain with a smile. "I think it would be criminal to break that now."
"What about your date?"
You wave your hand, before grabbing his and dragging him out the door with you. "Ah, he was a bit of a cold fish anyway. I'd rather company that I know I'll enjoy, tonight."
It hurt, so much. You tried breathing through the pain, but every inhale caused sharp pain through your chest. It was so incredibly cold, you thought you shouldn't feel anything. But the pain was agonizing. You grimace and wince, letting out a jagged groan.
Where was Law? He said he'd be there soon. How long ago had you called him from the payphone across the street? Time felt fuzzy.
You keep your hand pressed against your side. Pressure would reduce the bleeding, slow the streams of blood. Your hand was warm and sticky, but you weren't brave enough to look down and see just how much was staining it. You didn't want to see how bad it was.
Fast footsteps approach, and you struggle to reach for your gun, dropped and forgotten several feet away. If it was the man who had shot you, coming back to finish the job, you wanted to at least get a shot or two in first.
Your fingers just managed to brush the edge of the stock when you heard your name. In Law's frantic and shocked tone, the footsteps quicken, and someone scrambles to kneel beside you, a much stronger and larger hand settling on top of your own.
"No, no, no...Y/N, look at me." Law instructs, panic coloring his tone. "Come on, open your eyes."
You do as he says, albeit with much difficulty. Your breathing was shallow and fast, and you felt your strength slipping away the longer you sat there. "Law?" You manage to whisper.
"I'm here." He's still pressing into your wound, his other hand cradling your cheek to look at you closer. "What the hell happened? You were supposed to stay out of sight until I got here to back you up."
"Don't know..." You coughing, then moan out in pain as it moves your chest painfully. "Took me by surprise-"
"Stay still, don't move." He says, eyes roving over your body for further injuries. He's worried, you can tell. You shut your eyes so you don't have to see his expression of concern. "Y/N, you've lost a lot of blood."
You're so focused on trying to stay awake, you don't respond.
"I need to get to that payphone, call for back-up and the ambulance." He said in a rush, patting your cheek a few times so you opened your eyes again. "Stay awake. I need you to stay awake, got it? Don't close your eyes."
You nod through the pain, showing with your eyes that you understood. You're shocked when he leans forward and kisses your cheek, the most intimate gesture you've ever seen from him.
"I can't lose another partner." He muttered in fear. "I can't lose you."
And before you can process what he's just said and done, he's sprinting away to the payphone to call for help.
Your tradition of dinner after a job well done had evolved over the months after your injury. His demeanor in general around you had softened. Law never tried to take back the tenderness he'd shown you as you lay bleeding against the warehouse wall. He'd never made an excuse to the kiss to your cheek. Neither did you pry, trusting that in time, the truth would come out in full.
Slowly, but surely, your celebratory dinners shifted away from restaurants and hole-in-the-wall food stands to more...personal affairs. You alternated apartments, yours or his, after each closure.
It was with a few glasses of wine or scotch between you that the quiet, personal conversations became more frequent. You learned many things about the man who'd been your private eye partner for well over 2 years now. The man who was so careful in trusting you, laid bare the secrets on his soul that you felt honored to know.
You learned of his last partner, and how his own bravado had cost them their life. You learned of Law's vendetta for a man who ruled the city from the shadows, and the reason why he became a private investigator to begin with. You swore to keep his many secrets, so long as he kept yours.
A trust you'd never known in all your life grew between you. You were rarely apart, even off the clock. Your tradition expanded, changed and grew into something more. You met at one another's apartments for more than just celebration of a case closure. Brainstorming ideas and meetings to discuss details were moved from the stuffy office to one of your living rooms. Your homes became as familiar to one another as your desks.
It was after one particularly dangerous job had been seen to completion, a stormy evening, and a little too much wine, that the admission you'd known in your heart for so long to be true finally came out.
You'd found yourselves sitting so close together on the couch, the smell of alcohol light between your faces, and the adrenaline from the danger of that day's job still faintly buzzing in your veins.
His lips drew your attention. No amount of self-awareness could pull your gaze from them. You knew you were staring, but the curiosity of how they'd feel against yours was tantalizing and powerful.
The sound of your name is what finally pulled your attention upwards to his eyes. And the depth of emotion you saw in his gaze is what drags the truth out of you.
"I've never met any other man like you, Law." You whisper slowly, hand reaching up to trace the edge of his jaw. He leans into your touch. "I...don't know what to do with myself around you."
He huffs a breath, as if he can't believe what you've said. "I can't think straight, when you look at me like that."
"I think you. After all this time, it's the only thing that makes sense. I've never...wanted any other man like I do you."
"Aren't I fortunate, then..." He mutters, leaning closer and placing his hand on your thigh. "You're a woman who's never been afraid to take what she wants...when she wants it."
He's right. You're a braver woman than most. And you waste no further time in pressing your lips to his.
Your curiosity is sated, the slow molding of his mouth against yours as soft and insistent as you thought it would be. But thankfully neither of you are so drunk to make it uncoordinated. A little liquid courage, but not too much as to make this all a blur come the next morning.
He kisses you back with fervor, just as soundly. You wonder if he's thought about doing this just as long as you had. Almost 2 years was a long time, and the desperation in both of your lips lead credence to your suspicion.
"You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." He speaks against your lips when you pull apart for air, hand trailing up your thigh slowly. "I'm sure the rest of you will be even more stunning."
"Get me out of these clothes and see for yourself." You dare him, a smile pulling the corners of your lips. He returns it, pressing it against your own as he kisses you with such passion again.
He pulls and guides you towards his bedroom, clothing slowly being tossed to the floor as you went. His belt was removed with a clatter, while your blouse fell into a heap with such silence. The feel of his fingers at your back as he removed your brassier was electrifying.
You'd often daydreamed of running your fingers over his exposed chest. Doing so now, without his shirt in the way, was even better than your imagination could have ever come up with. He shudders under your touch, a pleasured grunt escaping him.
He's gentle as he lays you back onto his bed, all barriers that had been between you completely gone. Your unmentionables lay discarded on the floor somewhere, along with his own. Skin-to-skin, bodies pressed together as he hovered above you. You've never felt closer, more wanted and sexier than the way you did as he gazed down at your exposed flesh.
He's gentle. He's slow and unhurried. He's enjoying every inch of you that you've allowed him to see and feel and touch, and you're appreciative of his attention to detail.
Where his hands and fingers have trailed paths of fire and electricity between your breasts and up along your neck, his lips follow suit. You gasp under the work of his mouth. Law groans at the sound of your enjoyment, pleased and encouraged by it. Perhaps it's a sound he's been desperate to hear. You don't know, but you suspect.
When his fingers find the part of you most sensitive and in need of attention, slowly pushing their way inside, your gasps turn to long moans. You beg without words for more, and Law is happy to oblige.
First two fingers. Then three, when he deems you can handle it. And the way he looks at you, gazing down at where he touches you so intimately. He' amazed. In awe. How could you be so wet and so warm? How had he managed to find a woman he so desired who reciprocated the feeling? Incredible...
Your thighs shake and shiver, fingers digging into the comforter as his ministrations hit just the right spot. You call out his name, cries reaching the ceiling and further. He's as skilled with his hands as he is his mouth. You're overwhelmed by how good it feels, how much more you want, and how quickly he's got you rising to meet that edge of ecstasy.
The shock of his fingers fulling out of you makes you whine, hips thrusting upwards to search for his touch once more, but the insistent pressing of his cock against your entrance is even better.
"Want to be inside...the first time you cum." He groans out, finding the right angle and sliding deep into your wetness. Your legs wrap around his waist and you pull him in further. You feel him press at your womb, making your toes curl.
"Law, I love you!" You cry, capturing his lips in yours once more. So overcome with emotion, your confession spurs him to move his hips, dragging out and then back into you, then again and faster after that.
The need to breathe outweighs your desire to kiss him, and you're panting, gasping for air as he thrusts deep. The pleasure mounts and builds on top of that which he'd already created with his fingers. Already half-way there, your head drops back onto the bed.
You're surrounded by his scent, covering his comforter and pillows and sheets, as he sets his pace. Fast and hard, yet the love he has for you is obvious in every snap of his hips. His breath against your neck is hot. You've never heard such sweet sounds as his labored and lustful groans.
Your orgasm catches you by surprise. The pleasure is blinding, white-hot. Your cries reach a pitch you never thought possible as your body tenses and your muscles contract around him.
Law swears, thrusts growing frantic and wild as he desperately seeks to follow after you into pleasure. But there's no worry if he will with the way your walls milk his cock. You feel him throb, pulse, before his hips still pressed against yours and he spills his load.
His bedroom is quiet, the temperature much higher than when you first stepped foot into it. At least, that's your impression as you lay there struggling to gain your breath back. Law holds himself up above you with trembling arms, not wanting to crush you with his body weight.
Your eyes meet in the moonlight that filters through his window, and you smile at each other. The city that never sleeps outside is left forgotten as you bask in the afterglow of sex.
His hand reaches down, gently brushing at your cheek, and he lowers his head enough to place a gentle kiss on your lips. When he pulls back, his eyes are soft and warm. So very different from the first day you'd met.
"Stay with me tonight?"
You nod, smile widening. "Tonight, and every night if you want."
"I've never wanted anything more."