Taylor's POV
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The storm brews outside and I watch as headlights flash and a car pulls onto our drive. Matthew is still on top of me, breathless. We haven't said a word since I instructed him to put babies inside of me. I'm not totally sure where he stands on the whole thing. And I sure hope I haven't overstepped a line.
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"That was wow" he smiles kissing me. So we're going to avoid my declaration, perfectly fine by me I smile up at him.
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"You were wow" I tell him.
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"Mmm I filled you up" he smirks and I laugh my head rocking back.
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"You" he whispers in my ear as the door chimes.
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"Are so going to get that again, telling me to impregnate you" he sighs and I smirk.
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"I love you" he whispers simply and I smile to myself.
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"I love you" I say as the door rings, again.
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"I'll get it, you get ready" he whispers in my ear, slowly pulling out of me and chucking on a button up shirt and Levi's. I sigh watching him get dressed in seconds yet still look like a supermodel.
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He bundles down the stairs and I stand up eyeing our wardrobe and deliberating what to wear. Armani, Chanel or Marc Jacob's? It will be a gown this is the first party we've had. Albeit in the snow, I'm intent on lighting up the open fire in the kitchen and drinking a few more glasses of wine.
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Gazing at my reflection in the mirror, I fluff out my long hair and touch up my lipstick. Spritz my perfume on heading over to the wardrobe intent on a floor length Armani dress. It's not too dressy, low cut and sleek. An ethereal silver shimmer to the gown that make it appear like snowflakes.
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Sliding it on, feeling every bit the goddess that just demanded her fiancé give her babies. I pull my waves down over my bare shoulder blades over the spaghetti straps. Tying half of my hair up into a messy bun and leaving tendrils of a few stray curls to flow down the sides of my face. Noticing how the gown skims over my hips, and flows effortlessly like water. It's another show stopper.
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I step down bare feet, to the sound of Rachel laughing in the kitchen. Reminding myself that my clothes are very much all over the kitchen floor and flushing slightly as I pace through the hall to my kitchen. Where if I want to leave my clothes discarded on the floor I will.
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Gilbert Scott is standing, leaning on my kitchen island, a smirk over his face as Matthew collects up my clothes and Rachel snickers. Jay's face falls when he sees me, literally his expression drops and I'm surprised he doesn't drop and smash his bottle of brandy. Taking in my look he eyes me as I walk into the kitchen, and I half expect a snide comment but he is still yet to recover.
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I brush my hand up Matthew's back, as he turns and looks down at me. A broad smile, appraising my décolletage.
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"Wow" he sighs and I smirk.
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"Now that's art" he smiles and I chuckle slightly collecting my clothes from him.
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"Taylor" Rachel says as I turn to look at her and smile. Perched on one of the oak bar stools, in a dark navy dress which is both short and tight. Almost corporate looking, but it suits her, somehow.
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"Rachel you look wonderful" I say softly as she smiles at me heading to the wine and pouring a couple of glasses.
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"No Taylor that dress is the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen" she exclaims, still not a peep from Jay. It sways as I walk over to her, and I second guess myself thinking maybe I should have placed some booby tape on.
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"It's so sexy" she says and I laugh nervously.
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"Are you coming onto me Rachel" I giggle and she laughs as I hand her the wine.
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"Seen as there's a storm" I begin softly looking at Jay and then Matthew sipping my wine.
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"We decided to keep you all in the house" I laugh and Jay finally recovers his shock.
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"But I will be cooking" I say before Matthew protests.
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"Please, I can do it" Matthew smiles and I laugh going over to him and ruffling his hair.
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"No" I say smirking, he tickles me and I giggle telling him that my dress is not tickling appropriate.
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"Something might slip no" I gasp as he follows me over to the chiller.
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"What are you cooking?" Rachel asks sipping her wine and watching Jay curiously as he stares at me.
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"Peppered sirloin, potatoe dauphinoise with shallots and Gruyère" I say simply looking at her as she stares at me uncomprehending.
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"Steak and potatoes, Rachel" I laugh and she nods smiling, setting her wine down she excuses herself briefly for the bathroom as Matthew sets up the fire in the kitchen.
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"Can I help with anything" Jay asks me and I smirk over at him, sipping his brandy wearing a light pale blue shirt. His hair slicked back again, making him look intense. His blue eyes bearing down into my own as the bell chimes.
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"You can peel the potatoes" I smirk as he sets his brandy down, rolls up his sleeves set on helping out.
Matthew heads to the front door and I sigh looking down at the meat, on the wooden board.
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"You know how to peel" I ask Jay and he scoffs, brandishing a knife and setting to work.
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"You look incredible" he whispers looking down at the chopping board.
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"What this old thing ?" I laugh and he smiles, tutting.
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"It's Armani, right" he asks quickly checking my label as I scoff at him.
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"Any excuse isn't it" I giggle as he places the knife down and I breathe in slowly, anticipating his touch and telling myself to step away.
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"Do I need an excuse to touch you Taylor" he asks me. I gulp as his hands rest on my hip over the floaty material. Hearing Ross' voice in the hall and Rachel speaking with him. Jays eyes flick up to the door and then down to meet my own.
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"I wish that, I could touch you all night long" he smirks and we're back to teasing one another. I bite my lip slowly and face the meat again, seasoning it, before tying it up.
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He glances down at my hands and it's oddly peaceful being around him when he's quiet. I feel his hand on my lower back as he leans into me just slightly.
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"Armani suits you” he smiles whispering in my ear.
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“I don’t know any girl that could pull off a gown like that and look that sexy doing it” he whispers his fingers grazing my hip bone. Placing garlic cloves and herbs around the meat, and crushing peppercorns I place the baking tray in the gas oven as he watches me waiting for me to retort.
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Grasping a pan, the rest of my ingredients and a wooden spatula I join him by the stove. I sip my wine and appraise him.
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“There are many girls that look good in dresses. You just are not looking properly or at the right ones” I smirk and he giggles pushing his hair back and sipping brandy.
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“I am assuming that you mean ones without rings” he says grasping my hand quickly. I consider swatting him with my spatula. Spooning in the butter and shallots I bring them to the boil as he carefully watches me. Measuring out the cream and milk, I add that too and let it simmer. I sip my wine again and look up into his eyes, cool blue eyes with a hint of green in the centre.
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“What are you thinking” he says softly. Jay Gilbert Scott is an animal I remind myself and he will do almost anything to get with a girl.
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“I need you to stop coming onto me” I say reasonably, as he watches me curiously. Undeterred by my admission, I bite my lip watching as his hand strokes up my arm.
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“I’m not coming onto you, I told you that you looked incredible: it’s a fact” he says softly, his fingertip looping over my shoulder and stroking down my chest.
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“If I were to come onto you, I would place my hands here” he says grasping each side of my waist, and pulling me into him.
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“Telling you that I spent a whole darn entire night dreaming about putting your body on mine, I would kiss…” he smiles softly, placing his lips on me once, a brush to my neck.
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“You, from here to your toes” he chuckles eyes flicking up as Rachel descends upon us. Acting cool he places his hands on the potatoes and puts them into a long baking tray. I smile up at him, and he rolls his eyes as Rachel demands some more wine.
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“I’ve got the food” I smile up at him, gazing at his lips. The ones that just kissed me. He stares at me briefly before heading over to the wine.
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“Smells incredible” Ross says simply heading into kitchen taking one glance at me and placing his big arms around my waist. I giggle as he sets me back down, eyeing up my dress and whispering the word stunning.
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“Armani fall collection” Ryan says in the doorway and I wink at him, unaware that he was coming but very happy that he’s here.
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“It’s… you’re very good at that” I laugh pouring the sauce over the potatoes and adding Gruyère on top before popping them into the oven.
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“Here” Phillipa says handing me a small box with a bow on top of it. I glance up at her; both curious and shocked.
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“It’s only small” she smiles as I undo the blue bow and reveal a pair of gold earrings. They’re hoops, little ones that hug your ear lobes.
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“I do love Tiffany’s” I smile over at Ryan and he softens, smiling happily.
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“This is wow” I say wiping my face.
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“It’s not even my birthday guys” I laugh and hand Phillipa a glass of wine. She hugs me and I pop them in my ear.
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“This is for all of the crap you put up with on that night with Jen. Not bringing it up so I won’t say anymore, but you bought us gifts and so we felt like bringing you earrings was only fair” Phillipa explains as Matthew places his arms around me. I gaze up at him and he smiles, broadly.
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“Okay wow” I say stunned, tearing up again.
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“Ryan what would you like to drink” I ask him cordially, attempting to pull myself together.
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“Taylor I would actually kill for one of those brandy espresso things” he laughs.
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“If it’s not too much trouble” he smiles genuinely.
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“Of course I’ll make a batch” I eye Jay inconspicuously. Gilbert Scott is absolutely shocked yet again presumably at my gold earrings gift, which in all honesty, I am too.
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