Jays POV
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Although I have visited galleries before, this is not one I have frequented. Pushing the gold handle open on the glass door I step in to the sound of chatter and clinking glasses. White washed walls, set off by the twinkling lights and spotlights on the canvases. The sound of heels on the parquet flooring and the low groove of music in the background. A gentlemen in a tux, offers me champagne and I gladly take a glass.
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I had picked out my best suit for this occasion, tailored and made to measure Armani is a statement in any room. In a smart light grey teamed with a crisp white shirt, with a few buttons undone, I notice that a few woman look at me but I'm uninterested in desperate housewives and so I stride through the gallery and locate her.
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Taylor, looks incredible, to a degree that I am actually taken aback standing still for a few seconds in the middle of the gallery just watching her, with Ross. It appears to be Chanel but I could be mistaken, either way it vaguely resembles a wedding gown and my mind races away with me. Completely figure hugging in an ivory silk. I notice Ross' hand on her bare back and fight the urge to burst into their conversation storming my way through the crowd and slapping him. Keeping myself calm as she is however smiling at Ross. Matthew I locate next, is busy doing art stuff.
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Striding over to them as Ross removes his hand from her back and points at a print on the wall. I notice his designer suit and nod at him before stroking her back inconspicuously.
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"You look beautiful, Taylor" I tell her and she smiles, her eyes shining. Her lips are maroon tonight and I fantasise kissing them and messing up her makeup just briefly.
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"Hey man" I say to Ross and we exchange pleasantries.
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A blonde women approaches us, wearing a tight leather corset and black pants. My first thought is please not now as she eyes me hungrily. What is it with these blonde women, and their preoccupation with me I almost laugh to myself.
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"Hey" she says to me at an attempt to mingle with me. Ross looks down and Taylor smirks sipping champagne. The darn woman has a wedding ring on, and a wedding band I notice as she slurs her opening line.
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"Oh you're the girl in the picture" she says appraising Taylor as she follows my eye line to her. Pure envy washes over her face and she sulks off.
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I notice that Taylor watches the door and I crane my head over to see Rhea entering, with Malachi. She sashays through the crowd with her glass of champagne and embraces Taylor.
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"Hi guys" Rhea laughs clearly having already had a little pre drink at home, we say hello and she hugs us both throwing her arms around both Ross and myself. Malachi nods to me and Ross before we begin walking as a group around the artwork.
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"Let's see your picture then" Rhea laughs.
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Taylor smiles and guides us over the room to a canvas that takes pride of place in the centre of the wall. She is posed tastefully although totally nude, her lips curved in a smile and a silk sheet covering her for modesty.
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Matthew has captured her perfectly, the curves in her hips and the fullness of her lips. The body that I remember from when we showered together drawn before me, I blush slightly and sip my champagne.
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"Wow" Rhea smirks.
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"It's like, hey bestie that's what my tits look like" Taylor laughs sipping her champagne.
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"Point taken you're beautiful" Rhea laughs giving her a brief hug before perusing the rest of the work.
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"What do you think?" Taylor asks quietly, and I realise I'm staring, captivated. I don't want to look at anything else for the rest of my life. I glance over at Ross and he chuckles telling her she's beautiful before he goes to grab some more champagne.
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"It's stunning" I comment tearing my eyes away from the canvas.
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"You're stunning" I say looking at her and telling her I want to buy it. She laughs and makes a joke of me hanging it in my lounge.
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"Let's walk around and you can tell me what you think of each picture" she smiles.
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"I like this one!" I say and she pulls me along grasping my arm and smiling. I savour her physical contact remembering that we're in front of everyone and that she can't touch me all of the time.
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"This one here" I say pointing at a print by a different artist of a landscape, standing back slightly as she appraises me a small smile on her lips.
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"Is very ordinary" I finish and she smiles.
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"I like the colours, but it's not exciting. It's typical and idealistic" she adds smirking and I resist the urge to kiss her lips.
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"Next" she smiles walking me over to the next print as I casually brush her back and smile.
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"What are we looking at here" I say looking up from her back and finally at the series of lines and dots in front of me.
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"It's abstract" she says trying to find the positives her hand on her hips.
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"Its not doing anything for me." I say smirking looking back down at her.
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"Where's the meaning and the curves and the lines" I say softly and she laughs, her eyes rolling slightly. It's as if she is the only other human being in the room, I can only consider her. Watching her as she guides me freely to the next piece.
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The next print is another nude. This time it's not Taylor. She turns to face me a huge smirk on her face. It's a man.
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"Thoughts?" She says laughing at my dumbstruck expression. I smile down at her and her irresistible laugh.
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"This isn't one of mine" Matthew says coming up behind her and kissing her affectionately. Almost removing myself from her presence as she looks up at him.
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"I like it" she smiles eyeing the male models chest.
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"It's very manly" I laugh out loud.
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"How's it going Matty ?" I ask him as Ross joins us and my time alone with Taylor, my future wife, is out. Sure that I'm getting carried away with myself I take a glass of champagne from Ross and tell myself to stop dreaming, as if I ever wanted to be married anyhow.
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"Good man, how are you" Matthew says, and it's odd between us. I kissed his fiancée and now our ten year relationship has resulted in small talk.
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Taylor wanders over to the next picture leaving us in the dust sipping a new glass of champagne. As Matthew watches me smiling, I try not to watch her bare back. Imagining my hands on her holding onto her hips. Matthew is talking to me and I remember our kiss, I remember her telling me that she feels more for me and it keeps me calm as he touches her like a husband would when she stops at the next picture.
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"I didn't know you liked art so much Jay" Matthew comments with a hint of ridicule.
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"Yes he's got lots in his apartment" Taylor says smiling and I thank her eternally in my head. Just wait until I take you to the lake house, I think to myself realising my head is running away with itself again.
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"Oh nice, sounds good, will have to have a look sometime" Matthew says brushing the conversation off. Yes preferably when your girl is mine and you're the third wheel I dream idly in my head.
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"Matty?" The lecturer says pulling him away from us before Matthew kisses Taylor and heads over to mingle.
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Hanging back, giving her the option to walk over to Rhea with Ross. I assume she will follow him however she turns to face me eyeing me with curious eyes. Taking my arm she watches Ross appease her friends and talk with Malachi, A waiter offers her more champagne and we take a glass each.
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"This is good" she says smiling over at me.
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"You like champagne huh ?" I tease her, smiling down at her.
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"Yes champagne and art" she giggles.
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"Me too Taylor" I whisper softly loosing the others to the crowds of people.
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"My darling" I say unsure of where it came from, I've never spoken to a woman in this way before or called her an endearing name.
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"You would like lots of things in this world" I say softly and she looks up at me curiously.
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"Like what Jay baby" she smiles a lopsided grin, one that tells me that champagne makes Taylor completely and utterly irresistible.
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"Like oysters on the beach, like log cabins where I can fend off the bears, like sunsets in Australia sipping cocktails or champagne" I smirk and she chuckles.
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Taylor catches up with Rhea and Malachi who have both had a few glasses, she pulls me along with her making sure she doesn't lose my hand. Nearing the end of the exhibition Rhea suggests we go out for a few glasses of champagne. Taylor expresses that she wants to dance and insists that myself and Ross come along. I watch her as she filters through the crowd to find her fiancée and yearn for her to be with me. It's stronger than I've ever felt it before. The most obsessed I've ever felt about a woman ever in my whole life. Rhea eyes me curiously before I look down into my now empty glass.
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***Taylors POV***
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"Matthew we're heading over to the big eight are you able to come with us" I ask him both of my hands on his chest now that I've finally found him. The problem is he is utterly sober and I am not. His lecturer eyes me and looks away and I feel like a silly little girl. Matthew guides me away from the other guests and prospective buyers to talk with me alone.
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"I can join you in a little bit. I've just got to pack up first my love" he says to me softly watching my eyes.
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"Are the guys going with you and Rhea" he asks more to understand whether we will be protected by any potential strange men than anything else.
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I nod before kissing him, somewhat too passionately as he pulls away glancing up at the random members of public conspicuously. Lightly brushing my lips back with his own, I frown feeling like he's continually pulling away from me. Like I'm clinging onto him all of the time and through his body language he is asking me for space.
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"I'll join you after" he promises and I smile leaning in for another kiss as he pulls back from me.
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"You okay?" I ask him softly, begging myself to just leave and not ruin his evening. I wipe my eyes, and then go to leave but he holds onto my hands.
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"I'm okay babe I just need to sort out the art and then I'll be all yours" he says softly.
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"I'll see you over there" he reassures me before stepping aside and heading over to the potential buyers.
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I leave walking back over to the guys and Rhea, feeling like I've been dismissed. I plan on talking to Rhea about the entire thing, over many glasses of wine or champagne.