Jay's POV
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Rachel lost all interest in Ross as soon as the others left. They are friends and have been for a long time. But caring for others genuinely isn't her strongest point. She's now on her phone swiping away at social media and the occasional shopping site. Wildly looking at lingerie which will do her no favours.
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"You wanna get takeout" she asks in my general direction. I just didn't realise we were eating together or even leaving together. In all honestly I was hoping that Ryan would come along and take her off my hands and back to her place. Rachel has practically lived with me all week long, and it has not been plain sailing. From the fake tan sheets to the water drenched bathroom floor, I haven't enjoyed it.
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"What you thinking" I ask instead knowing that it's not worth the upcoming fight and whinge fest.
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"Ah I want pizza" she whines looking at her phone and tapping away.
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"And wine" she adds laughing eyeing me and then her hideous orange bag where she places her phone into an internal pocket.
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Rachel launches into a moan about how boring university was today without us lot and how she's had a hard day. Just to rub salt into the wound for Ross who has literally been in pain all day. I eye Ross, and he smirks.
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"Guys thanks for coming" he laughs, growing tired of the whining. It was clear that he didn't want Taylor to leave earlier I could tell, the whole room could see him holding onto her. Forgive me, but Matty is being such a pushover allowing all of that. Not a chance.
Ross openly holds her hand, kisses her cheek and hugs her and Matthew turns a blind eye continually. Which leads me to suspect that Taylor has a way of keeping Matty happy, and I can only in my wildest dreams wonder what that is. Not that I dream about her. Every single fucking night. I sigh as it’s never going to happen for me; Tay and Jay will never be.
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Watching her with Ross during our little snow adventure the other day I witnessed just how much she cares for him. Just how much she will sacrifice herself for him and I regret to admit that she will never ever care for me like that. I’m not even sure that she realises just how in love with Ross she is.
That's messy. And I'm staying out of the whole thing. One of them is out for heartbreak.
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There is but one thing that still encourages me, Taylor upon waking up this morning, her brunette hair curling down to her waist, whispered my name. So quietly that had I of had the TV on I would have missed it for sure. Rolling onto her side to face me her lips caressed my name and unable to contain myself I stared at her in absolute wonder as she slowly opened her eyes but minutes later and blushed.
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Rachel decidedly makes a move, with the orange handbag, and like a gentlemen I nod goodbye to Ross and follow her out. The Range Rover waiting in the car park, for us. She hops in eagerly assuming that she will be coming to mine. That I will be ordering the takeaway and that she will be drinking my wine.
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My Range Rover handles weather such as this with ease and we are back at mine in no time at all. Rachel has already had two of my cigarettes before we get out of the car and as I stand in the elevator up to the apartment I wish Taylor were waiting for me. She’s not seen my apartment before, at all, and I like to think that the art on the walls would captivate her. The bookcase would surprise her, perhaps she would think me less of an uneducated idiot.
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Once the elevator rings and opens up to my skyline apartment, I wish I were alone tonight. Instead wordlessly I strip chucking clothes in the general vicinity of the laundry room. Clasping my phone in my hands I order two pizzas, wings and garlic bread. Rachel opens up a bottle of Prosecco and I sigh as she pours herself a glass and takes a seat on my sofa. Standing again I pour myself a shot of brandy and make my way into my kitchen where I can be alone with my thoughts.
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The maid usually attends to my apartment on Wednesdays and I notice that the washing has been done too. Both my clothes and Rachel’s have been washed and ironed and placed neatly on the king sized bed. It annoys me that Rachel has taken up so much space in my life as I pour another shot for the bad mood I'm in.
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My phone beeps on the countertop and I wrongly assume that it’s the delivery. Taking a look at the screen, pouring another shot I can barely contain the shift in my emotional state.
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Jay, thanks for yesterday. It was really good of you to turn up and stay. Tay x
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Just when I quit on Taylor she ends up showing me some kind of attention. Ignoring Rachel entirely, I begin to type a reply to my favourite girl in the world. Imperative it is that I play this one right, I will be nice Jay, respectful Jay that rescues her from bears and waits around on his sick friend all night long.
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No problem, you don’t have to thank me. Anytime x
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That's cool enough I decide, there are no innuendos and no silliness. None of that usual me stuff that puts her off. I take another shot. A happy shot, one for luck.
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“Jay where is the pizza?” Rachel calls as I ignore her.
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Taking my phone in my hands I eye its as it beeps again. Thinking of how this morning I was watching her sleep. Her legs sprawled out over the chair the covers kicked off exposing her thighs and coral painted toe nails. Her shirt clinging around her hips and her long hair tumbling around her. I have never ever liked the look of a girl sleeping that fucking much.
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I think we're going to have to catch him up with the work from uni. I'll see you in class tomorrow ? Have you started the assignment, I’m finding it a minefield. Let me know your thoughts. I have to also admit I felt very relaxed when you arrived when I was in the snow, thanks for coming to me. I don’t know what I would have done and how I would have gotten myself out of that, with my sanity intact x Tay
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I tap away a reply eagerly as I hear the buzzer sound and Rachel stomp ungraciously to collect the pizzas.
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Yeah I'll meet you outside babe see you then. No I haven’t started the assignment maybe we could talk about it tomorrow sometime, start it together. I will always be your getaway car Taylor, realised how upset you were and just wanted to help xx Jay
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“Pizza is here” she shouts no doubt opening up the boxes and tucking in. Whilst myself and Taylor are having an actual back and forth conversation.
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Getaway Jay. Thanks for helping xx Tay
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I smile warmly just looking at the messages and imagining the smile that will be playing on her lips.
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Have a good night xx Jay
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Placing my phone down smelling the pizza from here and deciding to have my share before Rachel finishes the lot. I stride into my living space, looking out to the open skyline and seeing possibilities. With my glass half full, of brandy, I grab a slice of pizza and tuck in. Turning my flatscreen over from sex and the city I put on a movie and Rachel protests. I give her the stare that says she can leave if she likes, she decides to stay, unfortunately.
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Now I can finally try my charm on Taylor. I'm much better than Matthew, I'm irresistible. I've just got to show her. Day one of charming Taylor Elena Harris begins tomorrow.