Matty's POV
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The snow, which is now falling heavily, is oddly peaceful. At one am nobody is walking about and disturbing it. The car park is still almost devoid of people. Pulling my phone out, I arrange a tow for the 4x4 online so that it gets sent back home for tomorrow.
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Taking a long pull on my cigarette and looking up I see Jay eyeing me. Give me a break, I think to myself, it’s already killing me that he’s been with her alone. Wondering what he might have said to her, how he would have comforted her.
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"You okay man" he asks dragging on his own cigarette.
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"I'm all good just towing the car home." I tell him simply.
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"Is she going to be okay" he asks tentatively.
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"Not seen her that way before" he adds softly as I turn to inspect him.
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"I know. It was tough on her I think she thought he was a goner." I explain pocketing my phone and facing him.
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“She was collapsed in the snow beside him when I found her. Completely cold through and through, grasping at his hands and checking for a pulse” he explains looking into the parking lot.
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The guilt I feel for not being able to help her in her time of need is immense. However at the time, without my car he was the best option to help her, to stop this from becoming an absolute nightmare where she ends up physically hurt. The prospect of her having conceived my child was very much on my mind the entire time.
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“Are you okay man?" I ask him, aware that he may also be feeling a sense of shock.
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"I’m fine, she isn’t" he says simply.
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“She cried a lot in the car” he adds, sighing slightly.
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"You think she's got him talking yet?" He asks turning to me, one hand in his pocket as he smokes.
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"Well I guess we will see" I say knowing that Taylor will not stop until she talks to Ross, and makes sure that he is okay.
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"She ugh is a very caring person" he says oddly.
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"Well don't give her too much credit!" I laugh sarcastically.
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"No I just mean, the way she reacted to him in the hospital bed. And how she has been trying to get him to wake up" he explains.
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"Yes? Do you not know Taylor? At all? She hung up on me in the car and went looking for him putting herself in danger" I retort.
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"She's like that, always has to do the right thing. Risks herself over stuff like that." I say and is it coming across that I'm proud of her?
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"She would even do it for you Jay" I laugh.
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"It's fucking admirable." He says taking a last drag on his cigarette and then drop shooting it into an ash tray.
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I shake my head and follow him back through the revolving doors, he eyes the receptionist on the way in and she blushes.
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Pulling him and his Barbour jacket over to the food hall, I notice it’s similar to Taylor’s jacket and sigh. He pulls his black beanie off of his head and blonde waves tumble down almost to his shoulders.
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“Let’s grab some food” I tell him as he follows me, a whole host of female attention on him as he strolls around casually pushing his wavy hair back.
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“Chocolate is not food” he snarks heading over to the deli counter and purchasing meat and fancy cheeses.
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Taking the elevators up to the west wing, he inspects the chocolate and fizzy drink I’ve bought her and smiles. I roll my eyes at him whilst imagining the smile she will give me when she sees it.
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Jay strides through the wing of the hospital as nurses move out of his way and smirk at one another. He clicks open the handle on the door and I distinctly hear Ross’ low chuckle. Jay looks back at me smirking as I think to myself that there is nothing that my girl cannot achieve.
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"You're incredible and I got you a chocolate bar" I smirk watching Taylor turn to face me.
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"Thank you" she smiles.
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“I got you a selection of meat and cheese” Jay laughs and Ross scoffs.
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"Glad you're back with us brother" I tell Ross as he nods at me weakly.
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"What did you say then" Jay asks Taylor as she grabs some pastrami and cheese and eats it.
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"She was telling me awful jokes" Ross laughs, smiling to himself.
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“Hey you did laugh at some of them." She teases him.
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“They were that bad I took pity on you” he smirks.
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“You’re very lucky that I cannot hit you” she smirks heading to the duffle bag I bought over from home. Placing her Barbour jacket on the recliner chair she stands and stretches out in the little skirt and jumper she’s still wearing.
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"I brought you a shirt if you wanna change by the way" I explain as she rifles through the bag and pulls out my check shirt that she always ends up wearing.
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"Perfect" she says heading into the small bathroom.
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"You got my tooth brush too" she smiles over from the en-suite.
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"Well yeah I was waiting for the cab thinking what should I bring, Did I do good?" I call over watching her strip down and smiling to myself as I recline back on the chair.
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"Perfect as always" she laughs heading back into the room in just my shirt. Seated in the recliner next to mine she lays down on her side facing me. I can't not look at her. She's literally been crying all day, but she looks amazing all of the time.
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Placing a blanket over to her for her to use when she wants to sleep. The nurses couldn’t say no to Jay before when he explained that driving in the snow was far too treacherous, and so they have allowed us to stay.
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Taylor's POV
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So in a bizarre turn of events we are all sitting watching TV in Ross' hospital room. Another movie playing out on the flatscreen. And through their constant chatter I’ve realised that Matthew and Jay actually get on very well.
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Ross murmurs a little, he's been drifting in and out of sleep. I stand up and ask him if he's okay as Jay eyes me from his chair.
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"More morphine? Maybe" I ask Ross.I feel his forehead. And he's just ever so slightly warm.
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"You're kind of warm" I say pushing his hair back, feeling the perspiration and worrying.
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"I'll call for the nurse" I say.
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"I thought you were one" Jay laughs as I look at him, and stick out my tongue.
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The nurse arrives. An older lady, with brunette hair tied into a plait, she reminds me of my mum. I speak with her as she enters. She smiles at me warmly checking Ross over.
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"He is warm, you're right however the morphine will sort that out" she tells me pressing the button and sorting out the drip.
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"Are you interested in being a trainee dear" she asks before she leaves. I chuckle turning my attention back to Ross.
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"Told you" Jay smirks and I roll my eyes.
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Matty eyes me quickly and smiles. It's a shame that I can't lay in his arms tonight. I stare up at him laying on my side. Blanket around the end of my legs. It is warm in here. Hospitals are supposed to have a lack of funding but they sure have the money to heat them.
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"Babe don't look at me like that" Matthew whispers.
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"Like what!?" I say smirking.
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"You know what" he chuckles and tickles me.
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"Get some rest" he warns me placing his hand under my chin and guiding my lips to his. After a long kiss he lets me go.
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"I’ll deal with the patient" he says softly.
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The nurses have allowed us to stay on the recliners over night because of the disruptive weather and heavy snow. I had imagined us all having to ride back in Jay’s range however it appears we’re all having a hospital sleepover instead.
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Lying on my back, I finally rest, closing my eyes for hopefully a dreamless sleep.