Taylor's POV
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Gilbert Scott has possessed me, it's the only reasonable explanation for the whole entire thing. I watch him sitting by the fire, on our couch, Rachel on his knee as he glances up at me briefly before looking back down at her. The snow settling in the background behind him, covering the woods outside in a thick white winters coat. Remembering how Jay mentioned his mother and how she taught him to cook, showing me his softer side. Supporting Matthew with his art. Ross pulls me into him, seated next to me, and I smile up at him briefly before looking into the fire again.
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"Italian coffee tomorrow?" Ross whispers and I smile up at him, the firelight giving him a rosy glow.
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"Of course" I tell him suddenly worrying about him riding back in the snow on his motorbike. Imagining the flurries of snow and how they will impact his vision. Matthew hands me another glass of wine before sitting back down on my other side. Falling into conversation with Ross about art I smile over at him as I nestle into his chest.
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Phillipa and Ryan offer Rachel a ride, but she seemingly has other plans, they take their leave and I see them to the door. Embracing Phillipa, I thank them for my earrings and smile genuinely at Ryan. He pulls me in for a hug and I wish them luck in the snow which is settling. Pushing the porch door closed and shivering slightly from the storm, I head into the kitchen and embrace the warm open fire. Deciding baileys hot chocolates are now the only answer to end this evening.
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"You can just ask me" Jay says softly, as I gaze into the flames. I hadn't heard him enter the room at all and I refuse to look up into his stare.
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"Ask you what?" I say softly feeling his hands stroke my back briefly, standing behind me.
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"What my mother taught me to cook" he says and I smirk. I face the fire and smile, feeling his chuckle reverberate through me.Watching the flames lick up the chimney breast I listen to his southern voice.
"She taught me how to make pasta, from scratch. She taught me how to bake and how to carve. Her favourite thing to teach me was how to make the perfect espresso, a mocha and a cappuccino. Because she knew that she wanted me to make her a coffee every single day either that or she thought I was going to be a barista" he whispers, his voice entirely different when he talks about his mother.
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"Did you make her coffee every single day" I ask softly.
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"Of course" he whispers his hand travelling up my bare back. I half expect a sarcastic retort, an innuendo but he remains quiet. His hand tracing lines up my back slowly.
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"You've been watching me" he says softly and I turn to face him.
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"I've been assessing your intentions for Rachel" I say, I haven't. In all truth, I'm completely set here with Matthew, my brooding artist, and I'm livid at Jay for coming along and being so darn forthright and good looking.
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"Mmmm have you really" he says softly, seeing through me instantly.
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"What are your intentions" I say softly, not daring to look up at him. His hand traces down my back, softly. I sigh slightly, realising who I'm talking to and that he will not be giving me the answer that I hope for.
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"You know what they are already or you wouldn't be looking at me" he says tipping my chin up to his.
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"You are my intention" he whispers, still holding my chin with his strong hands.
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"I'd like it, if you stopped making me like you" I say before I can stop myself, he grins and lets me go.
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"Is that you admitting that you like me Taylor" he smirks and I glare up at him. Pushing his blonde hair back he scoffs slightly, it makes me feel safe and in control again. I can't take it when he's being charming. And nice.
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"I'm sorry I won't wind you up" he chuckles.
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"What are we making then, in the kitchen" he laughs and I smirk.
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"Do you enjoy cooking with me" I laugh and he blushes, embarrassed.
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"Actually yes, you are strict like my mother but you don't slap me around the head" he sighs and I laugh out loud heading over to the gas stove.
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"Bailey's hot chocolates, marshmallows" I say and he claps his hands together.
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"You want a mocha" he asks me and I giggle.
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"Who are you and what have you done with Jay?" I ask and he rolls his eyes. Setting up the coffee machine and getting to work, as I heat up a pan for the hot chocolates placing the iron kettle on top.
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"Taylor a woman like you needs a hot water tap, honestly" he smirks nodding at the old fashioned pan.
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"It will revolutionise your life" he explains steaming up the milk and creating a fluffy soft top to his mocha. I eye him impressed, just as he turns to me and places a warm mug of coffee in my hands. Looking down at me and watching me as I sip it. I close my eyes and smile. Once I open them again he's smiling from ear to ear.
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"It's wonderful" I say to him and he nods.
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We finish spiking the hot chocolates and he adds some cream to the tops. I dust them with chocolate powder. Reaching up into a top cupboard for the giant marshmallows he watches me stretch on my tip toes.
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I turn to the door as he grasps my hand in his and lightly pulls me back to face him.
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"I just wanted you to know" he whispers and I stop short facing him.
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"I'm not being a dickhead with you, I genuinely like you" he whispers and then pushes his hair back frustrated.
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"I know that's exactly what a dickhead would say" he sighs and chuckles slightly.
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"This isn't coming out right at all is it" he grins and I can't help but to laugh slightly.
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"Thanks for making mocha's with me" he smiles and we leave the kitchen, the fire dying down behind us.
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The following morning brings more snow, looking out of the sash window I mentally thank Matthew for having a 4x4 with good grip, imagining myself having to grit the drive before I leave.
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The flurries begin to fall again as I feel Matthew's warm arms encompass me and hold onto my bare tummy. I smile down at him and cuddle him back.
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"Taylor the thought of you lying next to me naked and pregnant is something I can't escape at the moment" he whispers as I smile and kiss him.
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"You know I've only missed a couple pills" I say softly.
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"It's not quite that quick" I say tickling him as he chuckles and tickles me right back.
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Stepping under the steaming water in the shower, Matthew joins me and we kiss continually. Before he massages my hair, his hands dropping to my waist. Holding onto me.
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"I'm not going to be long" I whisper to him and he smiles.
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"Enjoy your coffee and cake" he smirks.
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"I'll set him straight and hopefully he will move on to another girl" I say as he catches my lips in his own. I am up to my ears with blonde guys, I think to myself remembering Jay last night.
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"I need you" he smiles his hands travelling down my wet body. I sigh feeling his hands explore me as the water splashes around us.
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"Taylor" he whispers in my ear possessing me with his finger, gently.
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"Soon I'm going to put babies inside of you" he whispers and I cry out with the pleasure.
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“When you come home I’m going to fuck you into our bed” he begins and I whimper.
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"Mmm is that good baby" he asks softly as I rest my head on his muscular chest. I sigh and pant, kissing his chest.
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"Taylor" he sighs as I touch him, rubbing him all over.
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"It's so so good" I say breathlessly feeling the hot water run down my back as I finish.
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"Just so you know, it can happen that quickly" he smirks cupping my waist and I smirk.
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"It all depends on whether you're ovulating" he smirks and I chuckle telling him that he knows more about babies than I do.
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Pulling out my brandy Melville jumper and a tweed skirt I pull them on alongside some tights. The jumper is cropped to my belly button and my tweed skirt hangs nicely in an a-line style cut just under my bum. I glance at the snow and decide that it's officially time to wear my beanie and a coat whenever I leave the house. Alongside my boots I grab my purse and I'm ready.
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Matthew hands me the keys to his 4x4, he's very trusting, allowing me to drive his car into the storm. I kiss him deeply, his hands caressing my thighs. My hands run through his hair and he moans, he loves me touching his hair. I deepen the kiss. He pulls away.
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"You better go before I refuse to let you leave this house" he laughs brushing his hair back.
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"And be safe" he smiles down at me before I kiss him lightly. I glance back at him standing on the porch to our house as I start up the car, committing his handsomeness to memory, it might make this whole process easier.