I text Matty. Yes, I actually text him. It's bizarre and it feels mad but I need to vocalise a few things.
60Please respect copyright.PENANA8TlBCQPetj
Meet me? Coffee shop. I put and I click send. I stare ahead for a second wondering. I don't expect him to text me back straight away although he does.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAbxTkgIN0Gb
See you in ten he replies. I begin to make my way there. Feeling nervous, I take in a deep breath of fresh air and hold my head high. Entering the coffee shop I order him a coffee and myself some hot chocolate.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAuA7Xzk7txJ
I sit at our spot, he will know where to go. Not long after I've sat down he strides through the doorway. Scanning the crowd, spotting me his eyes soften and he heads to my table. Wearing a white crew shirt, jeans and vans he sits down opposite me.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAGO0lTPcsNW
He makes eye contact and his green eyes are searching mine. He's curious, this has caught him off guard.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAr79H82MTAN
"'Matthew" I say and he watches me.
60Please respect copyright.PENANASE2WB5oWUy
"You okay" he asks concerned eyes looking into mine.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAZeUlMC6L8D
"I'm okay, I just wanted to talk because... ugh" I say frustrated with myself.
60Please respect copyright.PENANA8PMmwOnV05
"I just wanted to tell you" I begin and then put my head in my hands.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAj5ze7mbThd
He smirks.
60Please respect copyright.PENANATQKjzsoOBd
"I've got all day don't worry" he laughs.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAcIqC88fr9U
"Remember we chatted ages ago, at yours, we had a spliff and I told you every bad thing I did while we were together. I never thanked you for your forgiveness and empathy. I am so happy that I get to keep you in my life" I say and this is coming out a mess.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAU39LrNbX51
He just looks at me like I'm crazy.
60Please respect copyright.PENANA4bwQp69wzP
"Of course Tay" he says softly.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAFLZWBg86zI
Deep breaths, I tell myself. Just spit it out.
"And I wanted to tell you alone, because of who we were together, and who we still are essentially that I'm getting married in a few weeks. Nobody else knows yet but you" I say and look at him.
60Please respect copyright.PENANASotkiYO53V
His eyes darken a little and he sips his coffee.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAww0q46b5EV
"Is it what you want Taylor" he asks me.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAi2m3e5Flgg
"Yes, I'm getting married, and you are invited. You and Jay were friends and I don't want to ruin anything. I would love to have you there, truly I would. But I would also totally understand if you refuse the invitation." I say softly.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAQyjNO1vjLF
I let it hang in the air. He looks at me like I just ripped his heart out. Like I'm holding it in my hands and sticking pins into it.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAspdfE5tgZl
"You want to be his wife?" he asks me again, softly.
60Please respect copyright.PENANATGYgg9EYhB
"I love him." I say.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAN1InvuwQ2F
"I didn't ask you that, is this what you want?" he asks and he grasps my hands across the table.
60Please respect copyright.PENANANk4LGzTapS
"It's not too late. I can look after you Taylor, I love you. I know you're engaged but that's easily changed, I would give everything to have you" he says earnestly.
60Please respect copyright.PENANANR8LN6Riy5
"I'm pregnant and engaged" I say.
60Please respect copyright.PENANA0bLNae22bg
"And I would still do anything for you." He replies releasing my hands.
60Please respect copyright.PENANASAWRr8TWXe
"It wasn't my intention to bring up stuff. I didn't want you to hear from everybody else. And I didn't want to send a generic invitation either. Matty you mean so much to me. I will always care for you and love you even." I say softly, reminding myself that he's not long been out of hospital.
60Please respect copyright.PENANABymChRMTdt
"How can you love me and still be with him" he asks forwardly. I blanch slightly but recover leaning to grasp his hands again. He pulls them away.
60Please respect copyright.PENANATNuuqmUCSD
"Me marrying him was always on the agenda though. Since he became my fiancée" I say.
60Please respect copyright.PENANALYhfj1Drpr
"So he just gets you; after everything. After Jen and Jane and who knows who else. He just wins." He says frustrated and I notice him pushing his hair back.
60Please respect copyright.PENANA4AdkkISHTD
"After everything I still had hope, but you're a different person Taylor. Somebody else." He says defeated.
60Please respect copyright.PENANA789mqDTaIM
"What's that even supposed to mean" I challenge him.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAk1Xz6J6tIN
"When we were together, you would not have done me and Ross at the same time like that" he snarks and I get angry.
60Please respect copyright.PENANA6LKInT8SJv
"I..." I begin but he interrupts me.
60Please respect copyright.PENANA0aIOyjL1IY
"You were mine; we were the ones having a baby remember? You wouldn't have jumped into bed with somebody else" he says flippantly.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAm5yj7ggtF4
"Okay" I say lost for words.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAs9YuyhPB5I
"I'm not perfect. I'm not, and I never was" I begin softly.
60Please respect copyright.PENANASUag3HH07P
"Do you even know how Ross feels about you? He talks about you all the fucking time. And you just encourage it, kissing him at the hospital. Having sex with him" he says.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAU6Ix3d8P9f
"I didn't have sex with him" I say shocked, how does he know about the hospital? The kiss(es)? I say and I make a note to talk with Ross.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAeiYwAO9VZd
"I know how he feels about me, because he tells me all the time too. And I've told him a million times what the deal is with us." I say defensively.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAF5W8KAg0jT
"That's irrelevant Matthew. I'm talking about us" I say.
60Please respect copyright.PENANA57g8aODq7P
He laughs.
60Please respect copyright.PENANALFCqHzuLEO
"Irrelevant, great I'll tell him that. There is no us; I held on and you let go" he says.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAcf399ped6B
I look down into my hot chocolate fighting between tears and shouting at him.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAE9RT6czBSW
"I understand" I wobble and I half stand.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAtpnTAC7XYg
"You don't have to look out for me. Or tell me what to do. You said no to me remember. I offered you everything I have and you denied it. Not the other way around." He says exasperated.
60Please respect copyright.PENANASfODTEnSDJ
I wipe my eyes. Collect my bag. What did I even expect? He's right. I know that deep down and that is exactly why it hurts. Clutching onto my belongings I turn and leave immediately before I cry my eyes out.
60Please respect copyright.PENANABuhbcF24Qw
I walk away. Holding my tears back so as not to cry in front of everybody in the coffee shop.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAC9lG1YEwLd
I wipe my eyes and push my hair back. Feeling the cool air rush at me as I'm striding away. The coffee shop is tucked away, it's why I like it so much. You have to walk through the woods in order to get there. And now I'm descending back through them towards busier parts of campus. It is raining and I don't care. I'm just getting wet.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAD6wQW61jO8
"Tay" I hear a male voice say behind me. It's Matthew. He jogs to catch up with me.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAxp7PsxhTNf
"You're right" I say turning to face him.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAzcJiOqmU5j
"No I wasn't being fair, I'm just wound up that it's not me. You've chosen and that's all that matters" he strokes my damp hair back.
60Please respect copyright.PENANArk6nCezd5R
"I just wanted to give you a heads up" I cry and he shh's me.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAGbdvSGAaJl
"I was unfair, I'm sorry" he says.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAlBG5zWiOV7
"I'll be there at your wedding" he smiles.
60Please respect copyright.PENANA2GGIe3NUux
"It would mean everything to me and Jay" I say.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAI4ulxHvO09
"I'm unsure who he's going to ask to be best man?" I murmur.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAmdd1KgK0xt
"He's made all the plans, I sort of found out this morning" I say softly looking into his green eyes. It's silent around us, just the rain pattering on the soft leaves of the trees.
60Please respect copyright.PENANApgIJQ9Gwq9
"What do you mean !?" He asks shocked a wry smile on his lips.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAowPXDY5DkP
"He just announced that he's booked our wedding. I had mentioned that I didn't want to get married when I'm fat" I say back.
60Please respect copyright.PENANADHNh6bR9Zr
"You're pregnant, you won't be fat !" He laughs smiling down at me.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAEm7bQWLFKj
"Typical Jay to just take charge" he laughs.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAf3SSRItGrN
He holds my eye contact for a moment longer. Assessing me.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAgJ1KeIseSC
"I'm sorry for what I said about Ross" he says finally. His fingers trace lines over my cheek and I close my eyes.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAZWB0YabhfS
"I was just angry and very much in the wrong" he says.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAGuomgibYG0
He plants a soft kiss on my cheek, lingers and I know that he desperately wants more. More of which I cannot give him.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAmH2qu9vsKy
"I will always love you Taylor Elena Harris" he says softly.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAHrc5V3DtOI
"Matthew" I say softly.
60Please respect copyright.PENANA0CHVFJbhv7
"I need you to be happy, with somebody" I say looking at him, green eyes that glow. His warm skin heating up my cool hands from the rain. Droplets of water dripping down his forehead, where the rain has picked up.
60Please respect copyright.PENANASFNG1pU6H1
"I don't know who she might be" I begin.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAbYIxn7xcbk
"But there is a girl who is perfect for you" I say.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAJ1cr4FhAnf
He stares into my eyes, watching me.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAGXaghvWild
"Shes beautiful, with long brunette hair and blue eyes." He smiles hands going through my hair.
60Please respect copyright.PENANA1Pht5xryml
"Skin that glows and a heart that doesn't skip a beat" he smiles looking at me.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAq82qR7zKZf
I slowly but surely disentangle myself from him. He smiles, and releases me. He holds onto my hands.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAjPOD25fDtn
"The night Jay came over when we were first dating" he says out of the blue.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAEH5o6lA68F
"He never did that. He was so curious about you before he had even met you. I really wanted to keep you from it all. From him. Because I knew him then. And when he saw you for the first time curled up on my sofa in just a shirt I knew that he would never give up. He never did, did he?" He laughs, scoops his now wet hair back. I smile along with him. My clothes beginning to stick to me.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAaZY7yypJKW
"But Taylor, and I hate to say it, he surprised me because he became a different person being with you. I had believed he would get with you and leave you like he did every single girl. But that never happened" he says.
60Please respect copyright.PENANALqIGS1bYJp
"I had all of these stupid ideas that I would swoop back in and we would be stronger than ever" he smiles looking at me.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAS00Ye1zM6L
I look down at the ground self consciously. Pulling at my damp hair and combing through it with my fingers. His hand lightly grasps my chin and he dips my head up to look at him.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAtbPFnnhLsQ
"I thought that I would marry you, we would have children. Who knows, move to the English countryside" he laughs eyes locked in mine.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAJmh0agA8bM
"And have a little family" he says softly.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAncDaMcpB5y
"Matthew" I say in protest. The woods are still, the rain is oddly peaceful.
60Please respect copyright.PENANA4aP1WK5MN4
"No because in a couple of weeks I won't be able to say any of this. This is my last bit I promise." He smiles.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAoCvjH52WOA
"I still love you, and should you ever wake up one day and remember what we had; I would appreciate it if you tell me. No matter where I am, or you are in the world. I will make it work like I should have after the miscarriage" he says softly, he pulls my hands up to his lips and kisses them. Somehow it's not cheesy, it's just Matthew.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAwXjPfMu22l
"But" I begin looking at his lips.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAm235wEUCCI
"No" he says as I begin to protest and his green eyes meet my blue ones again.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAy8AL5pFBMZ
"I should have made things work. I didn't and that's on me for the rest of my life" he says.
60Please respect copyright.PENANApL1c47cGph
"Matthew you did" I say crying again his fingers catch my tears and he wipes them away.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAE8zNJ0CCpN
"You were perfect" I say.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAmJh0rv1Qaw
"Now you shut up, so that I can say my piece before I'm married in a few weeks" I laugh and he smiles at me.
60Please respect copyright.PENANA3LvlYopL7I
"I thought I had it all with you, that was it for me. Us and nothing else. So much so I would never have been able to visualise myself with anybody else. I wanted our little baby, and I was truly devastated when I lost him or her. There's nothing I regret more in my life than that loss. Because if that hadn't of happened who knows where we might be by now" I say and I look up at him into the green eyes that I was so used too.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAjk2KpgE7Tp
"I will always love you too Matthew James Henderson" I say softly.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAqXN61tk4Gg
"I will always cherish what we had and what we could have had." I smile. We both pause and he just watches me.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAMnrSegyZNr
“But Jay, you hated him Taylor. You told me you didn’t like him, that he annoyed you so much” he protests softly.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAfVPPV1dx3d
"Jay, was the person that he was, he aggravated me, annoyed me and I hated him for a while. Because he got right under my skin. And before I knew it, over time I scratched away the surface to find somebody that I cannot be without for the rest of my entire life. I found him. And I love him" I say softly.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAuPVqkO1D83
"You know I'll never get my head around you being with him, really I cannot. But like you I've always loved Jay like a brother; even when we've butted heads. Even when we've fought. Even when I feel jealous of him." He replies.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAcucfMLskHQ
"I knew him Taylor, before his mum suffered miscarriages. He was so idealistic, carefree even. Totally in love with the idea of being in love with a girl" he smiles and I hold onto his hands. I've never heard anyone talk about Jay before, his history in this way. And I want to know, so much. I want to collect every bit of information and treasure it.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAAa5ZSY2Xnz
He holds my hand and walks with me towards the campus.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAHFC41m5PIg
"We were too young to have relationships. We used to talk about girls. All the time. Girls that we dreamed up and imagined to look like you. He wanted a girl just like you even back then, brown hair and blue eyes. Someone perfect" he looks at me with a slight smile.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAYBoOXfGDm8
His eyes glisten when he sees my undivided attention listening to him.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAjeQPcG5r07
"Part of me wanted you to never cross paths. Because I knew" he laughs and it's stopped raining.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAMvunrR3l17
"You are the epitome of all he ever wanted. We talked about girls and he would just describe you, before he had ever even seen you. When his mum started miscarrying though, He changed a lot. He still talked about girls but not in a love sense. He didn't want commitment, above all else. He wanted physical relationships." He says.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAEMUedFE5mk
"I didn't ever think I'd see that side to Jay again" he smiles turning to look at me.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAnChV3JY2BL
"The happy side, the guy that falls in love" he says.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAiAu2yiUiGt
"Meeting you, made a difference to his whole life" he says softly and he rubs my hand in his refusing to look at me when he says it.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAmO1qHMZ6ir
"Thank you" I say to Matthew.
60Please respect copyright.PENANA8dCqHv0se0
"I mean it" I stop him and make him face me.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAgzAIjRPxrp
"For everything and for being in my life, still" I say and tears drop from my eyes.
60Please respect copyright.PENANA9MHfFccxVV
"Always will be" he smiles.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAkQheDdi4Fw
"To catch your happy tears" he says softly wiping my face.
60Please respect copyright.PENANAqKfsU79XCt
"I appreciate you telling me on my own, even if I overreacted. It means a lot" he smiles slightly blushing.
60Please respect copyright.PENANA2eUWClW9XZ
I laugh slightly and we walk again through the trees.