The show was impeccable. In every sense of the word. The performance was of course faultless. The staging, costumes and lighting all perfect. Jay looks to me at the end and smiles, happy that I'm happy.
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"Thoughts?" I say to him raising my eyebrows.
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"Whilst I thought that was great, I still like watching you dance more" he winks at me.
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"Well maybe you'll get a private show later" I say and I wink at him.
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"Oh I'm counting on that Mrs Scott" he says.
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I walk out into the foyer, him on my heels. I reach my hand back and he grasps it as he always does. It's our gesture. We have done that ever since I literally ran off at the fashion show. We had been arguing, I was not his at that time but he reached out his hand and at the time it had infuriated me. He held onto my hand, and I hated him for it. I hated how much I liked the touch of his hand in mine and I had to deny that because I was with Matthew. This little gesture stuck with us however and now when he holds my hand I cherish it.
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"Let's grab dinner here" he says casually leaning into my ear and whispering.
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I lightly squeeze his hand and guide him to the restaurant. It's busy, the foyer had been jammed with people and everybody wants to eat in the restaurant. We definitely will not get a table. The food smells divine.
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Jay politely informs the waiter that he has booked a table and I look over at him smiling. He's an eleven out of ten, okay? Most dates would be sighing and cursing saying stuff like- let's just find someplace else you don't mind do you babe? Not Jay. He's a thinker, he has considered before we even got here that I might want to eat out and he made it happen.
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"Of course sir" the waiter says and escorts us to a table overlooking the huge windows that possess impressive views over the water.
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"Jay you are exceptional. I mean I always knew you were great at this, you know but... I'm very lucky" I say smiling.
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"Taylor you're the most perfect fiancée ever" he says.
"I mean it" he chuckles.
He cheers' my glass with his own.
"You are always complimenting me but the truth is you are the exceptional one" he says smiling at me.
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I blush and look down at the menu.
"Can you suggest anything? Have you eaten here before?" I ask him and he looks up smiling.
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"Get a steak with me" he says.
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"Steak okay. Sure I will get a steak" I say and he laughs.
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"It's great honestly but if you would prefer pasta they do that too" he says.
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"Nope I'm gonna try it" I say.
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When the waiter comes he orders for us and I relax happy that he takes charge in all situations. I pull my phone out and unlock it. There's a torrent of notifications. I glance up at him. He eyes me smiling.
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"Cats out of the bag?" He says with a sly smile.
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"Very much so" I say back to him and I stroke his arm.
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I look at Rhea's message first. Not only has she commented, liked my post (each individual picture) she has also messaged me personally.
Taylor. Wow I'm currently sitting with Malachi, we're in Bali. It's the life, isn't it? But enough about me, eye spy a rock on my besties hand. Congratulations. That ring looks fucking huge. I would call but assume you're at a show. Catch up with me on touchdown. Love ya.
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I laugh at her message, and type back a quick reply telling her that I will catch up with her when I'm back. I ask about Bali and tell her I love her too.
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"Matty has messaged me" Jay says and I look up.
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"Possessive little prick that he is: 'she's still going to come back to me and leave your side. congratulations asshole' nice isn't he?" Jay says reading from his phone.
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"Don't worry I'll ignore, not going to ruin this moment for us" he says.
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"Why would he say that? We've been done for so long" I comment.
"I'm sorry, that is an asshole thing to say" I say feeling responsible for his behaviour.
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I quickly check my phone and he hasn't messaged me. At all. Ross has but I ignore it for now. I'm messaging Matty.
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"I'll sort him out" I tell Jay and he looks alarmed.
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"Babe it's fine" he comments
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Matthew, that is a totally unreasonable thing to say. Don't be a complete prick. I mean what the actual fuck?
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I send it off and leave it at that. He replies almost instantly.
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No I am happy for you, I'm happy that you are happy. Even with him. But I just don't see it okay? I love you endlessly and I'm not going to stop, you don't know all of our history- mine and Jay's. And I just think, he's unworthy of you. That's not going to change. I love you and I'm happy for you. But I won't ever accept that we're done.
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Of course I do not want to hurt him. Honestly but the line in the sand couldn't be clearer. I am with Jay, I am engaged and I love him.
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Matty please. It's not about that, I love him. I'm going to marry him. You can't be sure of my relationships because you're not me- I know how I feel about him. Believe me I would say no if I wasn't sure, if I had the smallest of doubts. But I'm happy with him. I'm sorry that things didn't work out in our favour truly I am. But this is it for me.
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I send it off and check out my other messages. I pull up Ross' message. He has sent me a congratulations image, the kind of one you find on your phone and then a more serious message.
I check on Jay and he's just watching me waiting, serious expression on his face.
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"I told him to but out of my relationship." I say to him.
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"Okay. That's going to go down well" he says.
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"What else can he possibly do?" I say sighing.
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Ross George Peterson, my best friend. The first guy I fell in love with, we have never dated officially but he has always truly been there for me. I got him the help he needed when he fell off of his motorbike in the snow. Our lives are entwined, we will always have one another. He has made it no secret how he feels about me. Even through me dating Matthew, his best friend, in front of him.
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Taylor he has written, Ross is a writer and he takes time even with his texts.
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You have been the best person in my life by a long shot, I mean you even saved my life! What more can anybody ask for? Not only this but you helped me to recover and in ways you probably aren't even aware of you helped me to feel like me again after the accident. I will forever love you. And our lives will always be linked. I am happy for you. I am happy that you are pursuing the life that you want. Catch up when you're back.
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I pass my phone over to Jay, he reads it and smiles.
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"Ross is never ever gonna leave you be is he ?" He laughs.
"He is genuinely happy for you. He messaged me congratulations too. Even though he thinks I'm a dick he did message me something nice" Jay laughs.
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"Rach messaged me too and my fellow principal Jacob. Oh and Josh and Justin” I say, what is it with all the J names !
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I laugh and put my phone back into my clutch bag. The mains arrive and I glance up at Jay, my fiancée.
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“Guess we need to start making plans” I say to him.
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“For our wedding” I say smiling.