Jay's POV
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Two forty six pm and my success rides on this moment. This moment right here where I am answering questions from the board about the direction that the company is heading. We're talking five year, ten year plans and I'm ahead of them. I briefly imagine Henry at ten years old and my brain finds the whole thing unfathomable.
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However the numbers I know and the facts are all easy for me. The grand scheme of things is something I struggle with, I tell myself that there must be some kind of leniency for a man who has just lost his father. His compass to navigate the world, however I know that such discretions are never awarded to those who are CEO's. It's just not my place to be meandering or pacing the floor, I am to be direct and driven. Wholly focused on the company, and so when I give my answers I address all of them presenting every board member with eye contact before I move on.
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It's a successful show of confidence and power when I stand first following the scrutiny to a silent room where none can object me. They begin to rise from their seats alongside me. It's the first time I've felt a sense of adrenaline from my position, my blood practically courses through me as I finish the meeting and dismiss them.
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I turn to John, my father's right hand, now my joint COO alongside my mother and he nods triumphantly. My mother eyes me from across the large meeting hall as she collects her pen and diary and slips out of her chair. Before uttering a word she walks with me down to the head office, no shows of affection like a mother usually would as she would not wish to make me look inferior in front of others. That means no taps on the shoulder or mother to son hugs out of respect for the companies professional integrity. I am the boss, though in my heart I will always be her son first.
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"Incredible" she remarks once I take a seat down in my father's chair. John across from me with a whole bunch of papers and notes from the meeting.
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"Well done boss" John nods along, he's known me since I was two or three years of age. It must be odd for him to call me boss however professional integrity outranks anything else in this building. He must have seen me chewing on rusks and blabbering as a toddler yet now he looks upon me with respect and honour.
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"Now that is settled Jay you must feel relieved, everybody was floundering when I arrived. Like headless chickens! I did not wish to worry you but honestly your introduction was concrete and bullet proof. Just like your father, the aura you give off" she begins and I roll my eyes smiling. The term aura makes me cringe as she looks at me sarcastically.
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"Now" she says eyeing the image framed on my desk of my father holding Henry, an expression of remorse crosses her face before she removes her emotion.
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"Let me babysit my grandson, you take Taylor out for dinner and mock-tails" she smiles happily over at me as I nod.
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"I cannot wait to hold him" she smiles and I nod.
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"Of course" I say brushing my hair back and waiting for the spreadsheets to load. John stands leaving me the notes whilst placing a hand on my back. Just a small touch that says a whole world of things; like well done, I'm here and most importantly sorry for your loss.
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"Meet you here at five" my mother explains following John out of my office as the door clicks shut and I stand embracing the silence. The views over the city are unmatched, floor to ceiling windows that cover the entire city and the ocean beyond. My mind wanders to a time when I was perhaps fourteen, a youth accompanying his dad to his job with my surf board under my arm. My hair long and grown out as I rolled my eyes at his continuous chat. Instead I watched the ocean from here, this very window.
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As I gaze at the sea now I realise that it is perhaps too far to tell the waves from this distance but at that age I was sure that anything would be more interesting than sitting and listening to him. What I would do to hear his voice now, to have him say something anything about my show in the boardroom. Or to give me some lecture or prediction on the game over the weekend. The years I spent ignoring him and otherwise hating him are now a missed opportunity.
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Jay, he had said, before we left that afternoon, I think to myself as I glance out at the rolling tides. The city scapes reflecting imagery of the ocean and its waves over their glass structures. One day he had declared you will be here and not looking out of a window at the sea for answers he had laughed. How things haven't changed in the time that has elapsed I think standing with a wry smile, I'm still searching for clarity in the water and organising my thoughts by dreaming.
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One day he shook his head at me, you will be a presentable young man with a whole business to run and I know you will do me proud. As I stare out into the waves it's the first time I've really allowed myself to miss him, as a fourteen year old I dismissed his comment. Looking down at my shoes and vowing to never become a boss or part of any company. I thought of it all as some desk job despite my natural flair for business even at a young age. I wanted to live my life; I had this notion that I would break free from the tradition. That I would travel continuously sampling cultures and chasing dreams. Flitting through money instead of earning it.
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How wrong I could have been, my father would be proud of me and he would also be relieved knowing that I took his place. I smile disregarding the waves briefly and returning to the desk. Large ebony oak that sits proudly against the windows. Sun filters through onto a collection of velvet sofas framing a coffee table that would be used for meetings. Although as a child I'm sure that I used to eat my lunch on them.
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Two bookcases and a projector screen for online meetings. I realise as I take a seat that my spreadsheets have loaded and I smile tapping away at my keyboard and inputting the new data. Taking the job in my stride and letting thoughts of the past melt into the background of my mind.
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The clock on the far wall tells me it's been around an hour and twenty by the time I gaze back at the door instead of my spreadsheet. One single tap and I call for the visitor to enter before eyeing the spreadsheet.
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"Mr Gilbert Scott" a young girl says fumbling over her words as she half trips through the door.
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"Sorry" she says straightening up and pulling a small trolley through the double doors. I hadn't realised that tea and coffee was delivered to my offices, I suppose it's not something that my father spoke about and I haven't changed the arrangements since I began my position. The girl, perhaps an intern in a smart white trouser suit pours a coffee and I look down at my desk clearing through my to do list.
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"Here" she says pacing across the vast room with a cup in her hands, the carpet below her feet I fear for as she shakily steps towards my desk. The cream velour of the carpet is however unmarked when she reaches my ebony desk.
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"A black coffee" she explains scooping her light ash blonde hair back as I thank her. She loiters as I glance down at my desk, trying to ignore her. It's not that I feel superior, it's that I have a wife who is my world and should I even look at this woman perhaps she will get the wrong idea. Taylor's voice and concerns about women of the company presenting themselves to me rings in my head and I sip my coffee before looking back over at the computer.
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"Will that be all Mr Gilbert Scott?" She asks almost professionally as I nod slowly setting the coffee down.
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"Yes, sorry I'm unsure of your name?" I say calmly.
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"Rebecca. The tea lady." She laughs slightly compelling me to look up at her with a wry smile.
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"The tea and coffee lady" I correct and she grins satisfied to have garnered my eyes. Smoothing her white suit she prances over to the trolley again as she pushes it over to the door and I shake my head realising that I must help her by holding the door open. It would be the gentlemanly thing to do and I imagine my father doing it many times before me.
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Rebecca stumbles over to the door and it's a surprise that the trays do not go flying, with her high shoes and how they are inhabiting her quick escape of the office. I grasp the handle and hold the door open as she looks up at me shocked. An embarrassed smile and a flush of her cheeks and then she's gone.
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My mother arrives somewhat later than five pm, as I've been lounging back in my office chair reading through business journals. Claire, my mother, walks straight into the office as I collect up my briefcase and place a few documents in folders. The several cups from my coffee that have kept me going all day scattered over my desk as I place them on a tray and carry it through with me. Glancing up at my mother's incredulous face as she watches me place the tray down neatly by the door.
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"What?" I say as she laughs.
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"You do not have to clean up!" She laughs and I smile.
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"I don't expect anybody to clean up after me" I say and she smiles.
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"Well I never expected you to be arrogant" she sighs pulling on her Burberry trench and slicking her hair back before we walk through the hall and down to the elevators.
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"I'll follow you" she sighs once we reach the underground parking. I nod as she climbs into her Ferrari noticing that most of the cars have already left the facility apart from a small yellow mini. Curiously I glance at it and wonder what board member would drive around in such a fluorescent yellow car before I open up my Audi and climb in.
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I scan my card on the system before the gates open up and I cruise along the highway wondering how Taylor managed in her brand new Mercedes. The image of her floods my mind with our baby in her tummy beside the black shiny car and I smile, I did that I think to myself. My wife, with my rings on her fingers and my initials tattooed on her cruising through Dubai in a posh car. She's everything I've ever wanted, even when I hadn't realised I needed a partner. Dialling up her number instantly I smile to myself imagining her feeding Henry or looking out at the setting sun.
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"Yes my husband" she answers the call and I smile happily, a broad grin falling over my face.
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"My wife, how has your day been?" I ask her and I can sense her smile.
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"I've had a lovely day. I've got a picture of our baby for you, both of them. A scan picture and one of Henry looking out at the sea" she smiles and I lose track of my whole work day speaking with her.
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"We went to his checkup and then I got a checkup too" she begins and I smile. Taylor informs me that Henry is above his weight for his age, I joke that he is a chubby baby. He's almost ready for solids, however they have suggested puree and blended vegetables and fruits. Taylor has begun making up recipes for him to try and has purchased us a blender. She explains that he is suckling on a teether in a baby chair that she has also invested in for him. I get wrapped up in the sound of her voice, lost in the stories she tells me about their day.
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"I cannot wait to hold you" I say and she pauses.
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"Honestly Taylor I've missed you so much today" I reiterate.
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"I've missed you too" she smiles down the phone as I hear Henry gargling happily in the background.
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"He's watching a baby programme on that huge one hundred inch flatscreen" she giggles.
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"I would be impressed too. It's teaching him words, who knows" she explains and I thank my lucky stars that I have her as a mother to my babies.
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"As long as he says momma first" I laugh and she giggles. I proceed to explain that my mother will be looking after him for us this evening so that we can have a nice evening out and that I'm work free the next day. Taylor ends the call by kissing into the microphone, before we have playfully argued about who should end the call first and done all of the things that couples do when they don't want to stop talking to one another.