Rachel's POV
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Astounding I think to myself walking into the master suite, a large four poster bed with curtains that line the oak structure and huge windows that reveal views over the vineyards. Miles upon miles of land. High ceilings and a seperate bathroom, marble arches either side of the open bathroom doors showing glimpses of a jacuzzi.
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Taylor waltzes through the cavernous room as I drape my dress over the upholstered chair by her vanity mirror. A large folding mirror with three seperate panes of glass to show each angle of your reflection. Set against the large window to let in the natural light. The sun setting slowly as it does here in this open landscape.
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Taylor pulls out a state of the art hair styler and begins on her lustrous mane as I take a seat at the vanity table and work on my makeup, a glass of red by my side.
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"So tell me" I begin when she turns the dryer off and hairsprays the curls.
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"Are you excited to go to Dubai" I ask and she nods, turning to face me.
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"It's not something I'd planned but hey it's a privilege to be able to travel so much" Taylor surmises walking over to the walk in wardrobe and pulling out a black designer gown. No wonder Jay Gilbert Scott gets whatever he wants, he buys her illustrious designer items. I'm aware of his tactics.
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"But you want to go?" I persist as she hangs up the gown proceeding to sit down next to me on the velour upholstered bench. I watch her in the mirror as she puts on some powder.
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"I want to be with him" she begins reaching for the bronzer setting her cheek bones with a deep powder. It gives her a sultry look and I decide to try a bit on myself.
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"I think I'll enjoy the beaches, he has a penthouse too." She surmises as I look at my reflection in the mirror and decide to put down the powder brush.
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"It's hard being a new mom. And it's daunting when I know that it will just be me and Henry you know" she begins grasping a ruby coloured lipstick.
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"I don't know but I do know that you're the perfect mom" I begin as she smiles.
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"I'm trying, my mom has helped me so much" she explains and I nod standing up to retrieve my own white gown. Christopher likes me in white, once he told me that I looked like an angel and to be fair he couldn't be further from the truth however a girl has to try.
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It comes easily to Taylor, being beautiful is her natural standard. She finishes her makeup which only accentuates her features and heads over to the walk in closet grasping the metal handle and walking in to change. Just as I slip on my white dress and zip up the side.
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"I'm happy to go Rachel, it was more the not knowing" she shouts out.
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"Matthew knowing and not me" she begins.
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"Did you ask Jay about all of that?" I ask her through the wall.
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"Yeah he was like Matthew was baiting me about taking you to Paris" she says pulling off a great impression of his southern accent as I giggle and she appears leaving the door open to the closet. I'm floored by the sheer size of the closet, it's larger than my bedroom. A fancy glass table in the middle with locked compartments, designer handbags and briefcases scattered around the centrepiece. A large wall of mirrors and even a shoe wall to the far left.
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"He was all like Taylor I wouldn't make you just leave but I wanted to shut him up" she mimics and I laugh watching her adopt his stance and expressions.
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"Dress looks amazing" she smiles and I thank her reciprocating the compliment. Her gown will turn every head apart from Chris', he's never ever looked at another woman. Even though women glance at him everywhere.
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All power to Taylor and honestly it is her choice and ultimately her prerogative to look that hot around her two ex's. However the consequences are that Matthew will try it on with her and plot to take her to another country. I have known Matthew for over ten years, and I'm aware of him sneaking off whenever Jay is busy. It's very evident to most of the room when he has gone off looking for her. He's obsessive and will never leave her be.
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"It's a killer look" I tell her, meaning it. It must be one hell of a compliment to have a guy like Matthew planning to sweep you away to Paris. I don't begrudge her that particular fantasy, however we all must live through the arguments constantly between Jay and Matthew. More often than not they are rather entertaining actually.
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"You are playing a game with me tonight, pregnant or not" I smirk and she rolls her eyes, Honestly if I were her I'm sure I would behave in the same fashion. Matthew is wonderful, not only to look at but his attitude is addictive. Charming and playful yet intense. I remember our on again off again relationship, he was captivating. Quite frankly he was worth the drama.
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"Rules" I begin as she giggles taking a seat on the ottoman and placing on her louboutins.
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"Rules are no causing fights between Jay and Matthew" she laughs as I roll my eyes. Taylor is very aware of her preoccupation with both of these men I'm sure of it, her husband and her lover.
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"You got it" I smile holding onto my small silver clutch as she walks over to the double doors. Watching the sway in her walk I'm utterly convinced that some drama will ensue either way this evening.
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"Taylor I'll miss you whilst you're away" I giggle as we walk down the hall and she smiles broadly.
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"Rachel I'll miss you too" she reciprocates.
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"How funny is it that we became the best friends" she adds and I laugh out loud. The first time I met Taylor I couldn't have ever imagined being friends with her, but surely after all of these years I would not have believed anybody had they of told me that we would be in Italy together. With Taylor married to Jay and myself engaged and ready to be a married woman.
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She sweeps through to the veranda and Ross clocks her first, as Christopher turns with his tongs in hand and smiles at me. Mouthing the word; beautiful. Covering the distance between us I wrap my arms around him before I turn to Jay and thank him for his hospitality and his food. He looks surprised and slightly miffed but he smiles widely.
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"Who would have thought it" I begin looking at Matthew burning a whole in Taylor's bare back as she talks to Ross, he's holding onto Henry.
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"Us lot getting married and having babies" I laugh as Chris smiles.
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"Have you got something to tell us Rachel?" Matthew asks breaking his stare from Taylor momentarily to smile at me. He's utterly delusional. Sometimes I even wonder whether she's put some kind of spell on him, what with her clairvoyant mother. It perplexes me that he would stick around whilst she's on baby number two with his best mate, the millionaire. Jay looks down at me momentarily and gives me the same expression he always wears when his eyes reach mine; one of regret. One that keeps me from cussing him out or slapping his face because without regret there would be no remorse for playing me so horrifyingly for years whilst he was trying to get with my best friend, his now wife.
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"God no I'm not pregnant and I've had enough wine to prove that" I laugh.
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"I mean Taylor is though" I smirk and he nods happily eyeing her hips as Jay strides over to her, taking Henry and kissing his wife on the lips.
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"Would you like that though Rachel?" Chris smiles and I see the sparkle behind his slightly green eyes. The starlight beaming down on his bare chest as he flips the burgers, momentarily I imagine him being the father of my children. We would have a little girl first I'm sure of it, a little one that I could dress in pink and put little bunches in her hair.
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"I would Chris of course" I say slowly as Ross approaches our group around the BBQ and Matthew smiles handing him another beer. The guys normally start on the beers but always end up opening a bottle of brandy.
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"I'm going to do just that soon" he smiles, he's all man as he serves up the burgers. Ironically Christopher and Jay get on like a house on fire; they're both business minded but Christopher is more laid back. He takes his time with things, not tenacious yet he always manages to pull things off. I think he may just be the most beautiful soul I've ever met; from his soft calm voice to his brilliant sense of humour. Certainly he has the patience of a saint dealing with me.
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"Taylor" Matthew says to my right and I roll my eyes as Ross watches him approach her shirtless and extending his arms to embrace her. His huge biceps clenching as he hugs her. Jay has of course gone to retrieve their babies milk. Matthew is shameless as he holds her, compliments her and showers her with his attention.
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"Looks gorgeous on you" I hear him say as she pulls away from him slightly.
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"You guys really need to start actually dressing for our parties" she smiles looking at me as I nod eyeing his arms around her. There is something just a tiny bit too familiar between them, the way he holds her like a romantic partner instead of a friend. His hand cupping her waist as he stands behind her.
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"Otherwise when we play the game later how are you going to fair against us girls" I smile as Taylor winks at me.
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"What game?" Ross asks slowly placing trays of food on the table from the side of the BBQ.
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"I'm sure strip poker was on the list or we'll just end up playing dares" I smirk feeling Christopher's hand rub my lower back.
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"Poker. I won against Matthew, Jay and Ross" Taylor announces looking up at him briefly as he smirks almost kissing her lips.
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"When they first arrived we played and I managed to win." She smiles before heading into the kitchen, her long hair flowing down her sides.
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"She was pretty good" Ross comments wryly watching her disappear into the house.
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"If I remember correctly she charmed Jay out of his game and I had to fold. Matthew faced her off and lost" he explains as we all take a seat before Taylor returns with another bottle of wine and a salad.
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"That's right" she smiles ruffling Matthew's hair before she takes a seat next to him. It's almost as though they never left one another sometimes.
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"Here" Christopher whispers plating my burger up as I stroke his back appreciatively.
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"So if you play the strip version you are all stuffed" she winks at Ross before glancing at Jay's empty seat at the head of the table momentarily. Matthew slips his hands underneath the patio table and from the way Taylor sits upright and gasps slightly I know that he's got his hands on her.
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"These burgers are great dude" Ross announces looking at Chris who smiles back at him genuinely.
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"And honestly I've no worry playing strip poker and losing" he smiles relaxing back in his chair shirtless. Ross has spent a huge amount of time it seems lifting weights, his biceps have grown and his pectorals are more defined. Yet he still remains every girls best friend rather than their lover. I watch as he pushes his blonde locks back and smiles easily at Taylor.
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"Oh me either, I may be pregnant but I'm happy with myself" Taylor jokes as Matthew looks down at her chest briefly utterly bewildered by her proximity.
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"Ohhh" Ross smiles a sparkle in his eye as he plates up some salad.
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"Fighting talk" he jibes as Taylor stands to retrieve the sauces and I can't help but to see Matthew's hand drop from her side. Just as she gets a dollop of burger sauce and places it on her burger Henry shrieks from the doorway and she turns around alarmed instantly.
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"Hey, I don't know he doesn't want the bottle" Jay says somewhat concerned as she assesses the situation. His face bewildered and lost as he approaches her with the red faced baby. Taylor grasps Henry and reassures him as he whimpers.
Taking a seat with the baby she proceeds to latch him on instantly. Jay hovers and it's the first time I've ever seen any sense of vulnerability cross his features. Matthew places the back of his palm on Henry's forehead as he suckles and the crying ceases.
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"He's just slightly warm" Matthew whispers looking up at Jay who proceeds to take a seat at the head of the table.
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"Maybe he has a temperature" Taylor says gazing down at Henry as he feeds.
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"It's possible could just be a bug" Matthew says.
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"We should check him once he's calm for any rashes or anything more serious" Taylor explains, the quiet is a relief as we all eat awaiting Henry to shriek once he unlatches from the breast.
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"I tried with the bottle he just kept thrashing his legs" Jay mumbles as Taylor looks up at him.
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"Kids always want their moms when they're not feeling their best" she reassures him watching him empathetically.
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“Moms are the best” Christopher says easily as I smile up at him.
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“He’s asleep” she murmurs as Matthew peers down at his little face. Taylor gently passes the baby to Jay and he smiles at her before she straightens her dress up.
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“Let’s set him down in the bassinet and gently check him” she surmises as Jay stands slowly lowering Henry into the white ruffled bassinet. The hood up shielding the baby from the patio lights.
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“Honestly” she whispers rubbing Jay’s back, the rest of her words indecipherable from my chair.
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“No rashes” Jay announces and it feels like the entire table lets out a collective sigh of relief.
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“He feels a bit cooler” Taylor says gently moving the bassinet to her side as she takes a seat once more. The inky blue sky surrounds us, the warm glow of the patio lights and heaters encircles us in our own little bubble as the night drifts away full of laughter and good food. It’s something that since growing up and meeting the love of my life I’ve become more accustomed too, trading in the messiness of college parties for dinner parties with my nearest and dearest friends.