Taylor's POV
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Upon touchdown in Italy I decide to make the executive decision not to bother my mother asking her to pick me up from the airport. With the keys to the lamba in my capable hands as I open it up placing Henry in the back car seat before I climb around to the drivers side and settle into the leather upholstered seat. Resting my head back and smiling as I look out at the skyline, the planes flying and beginning their ascent into the sky. Jay had left the car here when he took us to the airport before our Dubai trip and I pay up the parking fee before leaving and driving along the freeway back to Tuscany. Two suitcases in the trunk and my handbag next to me holding all of Henry's essentials.
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Eventually with the AC on and the music up I glance out at the green fields with their hints of yellow and amber smiling in the knowledge that I am back. I can almost smell the tomato's and herbs of my pantry, the scent of grapes from the vines. The heat from the sun beating down onto the track roads as I follow the navigation whilst singing along to Haim. Tapping my fingertips on the steering wheel as I pass another cluster of olive trees and look into my rear view mirror at the image of my son asleep soundly in the back of the car. Claire is right of course, he's the image of his daddy. The blonde hair and the slightly ruddy cheeks, I marvel at his perfection and cannot help but to imagine him being the most popular boy in his class later on in life.
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The lane that leads up to the farmhouse comes into view just ahead and the anticipation of seeing the terracotta walls and the vineyard seizes me. The lamba thunders up the gravel lane as I look over at the passenger seat wondering what Jay, my other half, is up to in Dubai. Imagining him in his office about to pack up for the day and head home to our apartments. I yearn to hold him, to feel his arms around my waist.
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Once I pull up and secure the beast of a car outside the front of our home, I pull my phone out and send him a voice note to tell him that I miss him and that we're home safely. I snap a few pictures of Henry asleep in the car seat and send them through before gazing up at my large country home and the lights illuminating the rooms inside. My mother most likely making up dinner and Rachel sipping wine in the kitchen. Two of the most important women in my life, the one that raised me and my best friend.
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Just as I extend my hand for the door handle, noticing how the sun is beginning to tilt below the skyline. The beginning of a sunset as the light changes from a bright intense glare to a warm golden glow, I step out onto the gravel and pace around to the rear door for my baby. Unclipping him and cradling him into my chest hearing the thudding sound of tyres on gravel behind me as I crane my neck to look past the lamba noticing a Mercedes approaching me. It could be Rachel and Chris, however the mustang that he had been using is already parked up front. Stumped I stand and watch the car pull up noticing the driver as he secures the car and pushes his blonde hair back showing me his easy smile.
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"Taylor" Ross says through his window that is wound down as I grin from ear to ear and he kills the engine of the car.
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"Ross you're here!?" I exclaim as Henry jolts in my arms but remains sleeping. I had fed him on the plane, carrot and sweet potato puree followed by apple sauce and it has kept him going.
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"You look so well" he smiles appraising my black sundress and my longer hair. He pulls the door open and stands before me as I look past him for Matthew. Ross’ arms encompassing me as he hugs me and I stare directly over his shoulders at Matthew and his brunette hair as he clambers out of the passenger side. His olive complexion and a white shirt draped over his shoulders. My body remains still as he crosses around the Mercedes, Ross looks down at me and I just watch Matthew walk gingerly. The boot over his leg from an injury related to the attack makes me gasp as Ross takes Henry from me and I throw my arms around Matthew only just restraining myself from kissing him.
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"Told you I wouldn't miss being here for the world" he whispers in my ear in a low voice as I sob slightly.
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"You didn't tell me that you have a busted leg" I gasp looking down at his leg as he shakes his head.
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"We didn't want to worry you" he says as I watch him shaking my head. Overwrought by the emotion of seeing him again I look into his eyes and he just watches me allowing me to grasp onto his forearms and hold him.
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"Hey" he says quickly moving the conversation along as I gaze into his green eyes.
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"I kind of got this" he smirks opening the rear door and revealing a giant steiff soft cuddly bear, golden brown and the size of a small child.
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"For Henry" he smiles gazing over at him still asleep in Ross' arms.
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"You bought him a humongous teddy bear!?" I laugh as he pulls the bear out of the backseat and holds it over his shoulder a grin on his face as he watches me smile.
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"Oh hi!" Rachel squeals and I wouldn't be able to mistake her voice for anybody else's. Although I haven't even seen her yet, I imagine her to be wearing a fluorescent dress and a huge grin.
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"My lord that's a large teddy bear" she squeals as I turn finally removing myself from Matthew's arms and taking in her bright pink sundress and heels.
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"Rachel" Ross smiles as I thank him for holding Henry before cradling my baby back in my arms once more. Matthew looks down over my shoulder at Henry and I catch his eyes in my own before clearing my throat and looking over at Rachel.
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"Matthew you're in a boot!?" Rachel exclaims gazing at the hospital boot on his leg as Ross retrieves the bags from the trunk and we all begin walking up the steps to my home. The vines of flowers surrounding the marble rails that lead up to my front door all blooming with small white and pale yellow flowers.
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"Yes more on that one later" Matthew sighs rolling his eyes at me before we head into the foyer and I watch as Rachel and Ross bundle into my kitchen having dumped off the suitcases in the hall.
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"Hey, Matthew" I whisper softly watching as they disappear finally into the kitchen, my sound system on and the scent of lasagne emanating down the hall.
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"Taylor" he whispers pushing his hair back and turning to appraise me.
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"Firstly" I say delicately blushing slightly as I look down at the baby and up again.
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"I'm happy that you're alive" I whisper as he laughs, his face softening as he turns fully to face me gazing down at Henry before locking eyes with me.
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"Secondly, earlier you said..." I begin slowly watching him. I cannot help but to wonder about how he explained that he didn't want to worry me earlier, he used the term we. Something tells me that Jay had been included in that we.
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"You said we didn't wish to worry you, did Jay know about this?" I ask him outright as he shakes his head smirking. The ruddy red colour coming over his cheeks tells me that he’s amused by me being absolutely spot on about the whole thing.
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"Of course he knew Taylor! He just didn't want to worry you that's all" he says easily as I nod slowly realisation dawning on me that he had kept the extent of Matthew’s injuries from me. It’s a harmless lie, one whereby nothing truly bad or devastating has come out of it other than a broken leg, but a lie all the same.
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"Hey" he whispers lifting my chin to look at him, eyes boring into my own.
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"I missed you" he whispers taking Henry into his arms and hugging his small body into his chest as I look up at him.
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"And I missed you little man" he smiles looking down at Henry who begins rubbing his face with his palms. I know that he will open his eyes and that they will shine with pure innocence as he gazes upon Matthew and it’s enough to make me well up. Hormonal Taylor is back crying at almost anything, I laugh slightly watching Matthew’s curls drop down over his forehead as he talks softly to Henry, holding his small hand in his own.
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"You can show him his new soft cuddly bear" I whisper up at him looking at his enchanted eyes as they flick over to me.
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"Henry" he whispers looking from me to the baby as Henry gurgles and smiles in his arms.
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"I bought you something from America" he says swaying him just ever so slightly in his arms. Turning him to face the large teddy bear as Henry squeals in excitement and Matthew and I giggle.
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"I think he likes it" I say laughing as I place my hand on Matthew's back lightly.
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"I love you little man" he says looking down at him and the pure joy on his face, I gaze up at him watching him and wipe my eyes of tears surprised by the openness of his statement. I rub his back slowly watching him talk to my baby.
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“How are things Taylor” he whispers his eyes flicking down to bump before we begin to walk through to my kitchen.
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“Fine, the babies fine” I say softly looking up at my mother dressed in a pale yellow sundress cooking on my gas stove, Rachel sipping her wine as she talks with Ross on the oak table and Christopher with his hands easily behind his head leaning back intrigued by Ross’ conversation. I begin crying again realising how much I’ve missed being in a busy household, it’s the best gift to ever come back too after a long journey and as my mother looks up I cross the marble floor and hug her.
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“Dinner is almost ready” she smiles looking down at me and Matthew.
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“Lasagne?” I ask softly and she nods, gazing down at Henry in Matthew’s arms.
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“I assume Henry is trying some in purée form” she laughs and I giggle wiping my eyes.
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“He will be” I remark as Matthew gasps talking to him about all of the food he is yet to discover. He sways him lightly in his arms as my mother looks up from Matthew to me pointedly. A wry smile over her lips as I stroke Matthew’s back just once.
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“He likes apple sauce the most” I laugh looking over at Matthew as he smiles down at him.
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“I assume that’s for desert then” he whispers to him.
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“Little dude is eating now!?” Rachel enquires behind us, gesturing for Matthew to pass him over so that she can hug Henry.
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“He’s eating soft food” I say and she nods looking down at my blue eyed baby and cooing.
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“Purée and that sort of stuff” I begin looking over at my handbag and unpacking the bottles to place them in the dishwasher.
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“Where is daddy then” she pries looking down at Henry and then up to me.
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“What can I say he’s working, CEO’s are very important I’ll have you know” I laugh almost sarcastically as she giggles.
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“More on that later” she laughs looking down at Henry and I know that I’ll get the inquisition later on after she’s finished her wine.
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“How is the skyline apartment” she asks interested as my mother plates up the lasagne and I begin distributing plates on the table, lighting my candles in the centre and topping up Rachel’s wine.
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“It’s pretty luxurious. The views look out over the Persian gulf. But ironically it has a bigger car port than a kitchen” I laugh as she scoffs taking a seat at the table next to Christopher who only smirks.
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“You think I’m kidding” I giggle packing Henry into the high chair next to me with cushions as Matthew places a bib over his pale blue sleep suit. Henry looks up at Matthew and begins moving his plastic spoon around the tray playfully.
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“It’s coming little one” Matthew laughs going over to the blender and sorting out his baby lasagne.
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“Jay currently has an underground parking garage full of vehicles, one evening we went out and he didn’t even choose a car. He took a random key down and flicked the unlock button in a game of roulette” I say as Christopher rocks his head back laughing and Rachel looks at me utterly bemused.
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“Fancy git” she laughs as Ross tuts.
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“How can he need so many cars” Ross chastises as Henry smacks his spoon around next to us.
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“What car did you end up using” Christopher laughs clearly amused by Jay’s behaviour. It’s clear that Christopher admires Jay, being a business man himself. Jay is an example of a very successful business man, somebody to look up too.
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“Ferrari, white thing. Was too low to the ground for my liking. Clearly Ferrari and whoever designs them doesn’t think about pregnant woman” I laugh as Christopher giggles and Rachel sighs.
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“Woah that’s quite a car, the ones with the crazy spaceship doors babe” Christopher says to Rachel as she looks over at him none the wiser to what he’s going on about. Matthew places the small plastic bowl down on Henry’s tray earning a squeal of excitement from him as he jams the spoon into the bowl attempting to feed himself. Of course his motor skills are not advanced enough yet and so I take over spooning the tomato and cheese mixture into his mouth as he eats heartily.
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“Crazy spaceship doors indeed” I laugh watching Matthew finally sit down and begin eating next to me.
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“How’s the pregnancy” Rachel asks moving the conversation along from fancy cars.
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“I went for a checkup actually in Dubai” I explain looking over at her across the table as she sips wine.
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“The baby is growing well, actually I have a scan picture” I say leaning down and grabbing my bag feeling Matthew’s hand casually come to rest on my thigh as I look up at him his eyes begging me to just let him in. Turning to face the others I smile and look at the picture of the life growing in my womb. His hand still resting on the tops of my thighs under the table.
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“Here” I say placing the scan picture in the centre of the table as Rachel swoons over the small outline of the baby in my womb.
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“Looks like a girl” my mother smiles taking a look at the picture herself.
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“We cannot be sure yet” I say smirking as I look down at my plate and finish off my food. Rachel looks at me inquisitively before returning to her wine.
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After desert that Matthew feeds Henry getting apple sauce everywhere in the process. He giggles his free hand still resting on my thigh, my mother stands and kisses Henry on his forehead. She retrieves him from the baby chair and takes him up to his room to change him for bed as I thank her. I place a beer in front of Matthew as Ross talks about his book deal and we all listen carefully, Rachel smiling over at him as he sips a beer. I sink into my chair watching the candle burn down. Matthew’s hand refusing to leave my side the entire time as I close my eyes the jet lag finally getting to me and the pregnancy tiredness.
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“Here” Matthew whispers as Ross is still going on about New York, none of us have even mentioned the attack yet. I open my eyes slowly as Matthew guides me up and out of my chair, Rachel watching him steadily as he escorts me through the kitchen in an effort to take me up to bed.
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“I don’t know who’s helping who” I laugh looking down at his leg in his cast as we walk past our suitcases and over to the winding steps in my hall.
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“I’m definitely supposed to be helping you” he laughs as we traipse up to the first floor.
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“You’re doing just great” I laugh as he opens the double bedroom doors and stands rather closely to me.
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“Look at you” he whispers softly as I blush slightly taking a step back from him.
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“You have applesauce on your shirt” I tease him and he laughs pulling his white shirt off of his shoulders as I stand back and try my best to not look at him. The wrapping over his bicep, a bandage I hadn’t noticed before woven over his arm however grabs my attention.
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“What happened” I ask him slowly taking a seat down on the edge of the four poster bed, fully clothed so that none of this escalates.
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“My arm?” He asks softly standing before me as I nod.
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“I don’t even remember that one. I ugh only have a flashback of what happened to my leg” he says kneeling in front of me as I shake my head worried about him. The horror he must have seen, the tragedy and the suffering.
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“What do you remember” I ask him slowly as he shakes his head, hands resting on my heeled sandals and working the straps loose. He slips one shoe off after another and I sigh.
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“I don’t want to remember it” he whispers slowly as his eyes travel up my bare legs.
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“Right now I don’t want to remember anything” he sighs resting his head on the tops of my thighs. He lifts his head slowly, appraising me before he stands up.
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“Matthew” I whisper before he leaves back through the double doors of my bedroom, I gaze out at the view of the moon resting over the vineyards and the stars twinkling above. He pauses turning his head to me and watching me walk over to him bare footed. I pull him into my arms and whisper to him that I’m glad that he is okay and that he is home.