Taylor's POV
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Most couples first journey with their baby is coming home from the hospital however ours is travelling to the hospital with our baby. I stroke Jay's knee and he smiles over at me as he drives down our lane. The trees surrounding the car and the sun beaming down on us. He puts the air con on and glances in the interior mirror at Henry.
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"He's beautiful" he whispers at me and I chuckle.
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"He's you" I laugh.
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"What did you expect" I smile over at him.
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"No Taylor, you see he's all you, his pout and his little nose" he smirks squeezing my knee.
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"He is wonderful" I smile as he indicates onto the main road, pulls out safely and begins our route to the hospital.
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"I think he's already asleep" he chuckles and I sigh happily. Babies love car rides I'm learning.
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"Taylor" he begins looking over at me.
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"You look incredible" he sighs and I lean into him, he grasps my hand with his free hand and kisses it before holding onto it.
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"I mean it, you look damn good" he winks at me and I laugh, his southern accent that I love so much shining through.
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"I love you darlin" he says and I smile over at him.
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"I love you, daddy" I smirk and he watches me happily, before turning onto the highway.
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"Is it so crazy, that I want to make love to you in this red skirt and put more babies inside of you" he chuckles as he turns the classical music up ever so slightly. Changing lanes on the highway and focusing briefly on getting into the right one for the next junction.
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"It's not terrible and I would love to birth more of your babies and have you making love to me" I say smirking.
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"I mean it" I smile and he chuckles.
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"Stop I will end up pulling over" he laughs as I lay back resting into the seat of the Audi. I begin to think of Italy and daydream about taking Henry there. The farmhouse with all of the outdoor space and the vineyards. The sun which is equally as warm as California but with a cool breeze that runs through the trees.
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"Mon amour" he smiles over at me as he turns into the hospital parking lot and finds a parent and child bay.
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"What are you thinking about" he smiles turning the engine off.
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"I was thinking about Italy" I say softly as he strokes my hair back.
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"Having you to myself in Italy is a need not a want, I cannot wait to get you both out there" he replies softly kissing my lips. Henry stirs as we get out of the car, and we smile at each other as he grabs the chassis and I head into the back to the cooing baby. Henry is sucking his fingers having spat his dummy out. I gently offer him the dummy back and he spits it out again, Jay smirks and I roll my eyes.
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"Henry loves breastmilk" I sigh and Jay laughs.
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"Henry loves his mom" he says softly fastening the car seat onto the pram.
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Having locked up the car Jay strolls up to the maternity unit pushing the pram, I gaze up at him and he chuckles.
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"What" he says self consciously.
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"It's just Mr Gilbert Scott, when I first met you, Could I have imagined being this lucky? Having you push a stroller with me?" I giggle and he sighs.
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"I'm the lucky one darlin" he smiles looking down at Henry, apple of his eye.
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"Look at you, I was crazy about you for a very long time I'll have you know before we were even a thing" he smirks and I grasp onto his arm, smiling up at him.
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"Hey remember when we saw that bear, the first time you were in my car, the Range Rover" he snickers turning to face me as we stride through the automatic doors. It was the first time Ross hospitalised himself due to a motorcycle accident in the snow. I had taken Matthew's 4x4 on a snowy adventure that turned into my biggest nightmare, and Jay had come to rescue me, even though I had been engaged to Matthew at the time. I gaze up at him remembering that night, holding onto his arm and seeing the person that I always knew he could be and would be for me.
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"I remember you knowing a lot about bears." I laugh and he smirks.
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"Had to impress you somehow didn't I? God I wanted you. And not just superficially, I wanted you in every darn way." He says softly looking at me and then our baby.
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"Turns out I wanted you too, more than you ever knew" I laugh holding onto his hand.
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"You were very very good at disguising that one" he chuckles.
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"Did you not see me gazing at you every chance I got" I snicker.
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"Mmm yes, so innocently. Now look at us" he whispers feeling for my wedding ring on my fingers.
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"Oh I always knew you had it in you" I smile and he scoffs.
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"You used to call me mr southern Viking" he laughs and I blush.
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"My southern Viking" I say softly, he was so unattainable then. Ash blonde hair, tanned, unbelievable body and his looks didn't change. He grew into his handsomeness, his hair getting that little bit longer, his chest broader and bulkier. My Jay, my husband. I could never ever imagined this outcome back then, that Gilbert Scott would ask me to marry him and that I would say yes.
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"All yours" he chuckles before we reach the reception where a small lady is perched. Wearing an apron with a pink and blue pattern on it and a name badge that reads Clara.
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"Good afternoon we've come for a checkup, for both mother and baby." Jay says softly and she nods happily stealing a quick glance at the baby and smiling.
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"Of course" she smiles tapping away at her keyboard. Her reading glasses on as she takes down a few details from Jay.
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"Please do take a seat, the midwife will not be long at all" she explains as I nod to her, Henry begins cooing clearly growing tired of his fingers and wanting mom again.
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The seating in the maternity unit is seriously upgraded from the normal plastic chairs of the other areas in the hospital, instead large velvet sofas line the walls with small tables either side of them for your belongings. Collapsing into one of them, Jay passes Henry to me, and without a second thought I feed him in public. It's only when baby unlatches that I realise we've managed it perfectly in public with no problems. I smile down at him sorting myself out and pulling my top back down.
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"You're incredible" Jay whispers taking Henry and burping him again.
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"They produce a lot of milk considering how much he's snacking on me" I laugh and Jay winks at me.
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"Henry Gilbert Scott" the nurse calls across the room and I smile over at Jay. He happily pushes the stroller whilst holding onto Henry over his shoulder. Greeted by a midwife who is both shorter and older than me. She smiles at us both as we take a seat, Jay makes sure that I am comfortable before handing Henry to me.
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"Wow Taylor is it?" She asks softly looking over some notes.
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"You look wonderful considering you gave birth yesterday, truly." She smiles over at me and I blush slightly.
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"More importantly though; how are you feeling" she asks and I relax as Henry falls asleep in my arms.
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"I was a little bit emotional this morning, but other than that I'm ok. Breastfeeding is going well, which makes me feel good. I'm a teeny bit sore there" I say refusing to go into detail. She nods understanding, and smiles over at me.
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"Any emotions are very much to be expected. Your hormones are all over the place and it's expected that you may cry. Don't be hard on yourself. Congratulations on breastfeeding" she smiles earnestly.
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"You can take normal doses of paracetamol for pain relief as a very small amount passes into breast milk. That should help with the discomfort. Also sanitary towels that have been placed in the freezer can soothe the area" she smiles and I blush slightly, imagining Ross pulling out a packet of sanitary towels whilst looking for the meat in our freezer.
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"Bleeding is normal, however clots that are over the size of a quarter of a small plum should be seen too. Excessive bleeding should stop within four days. And slowly reduce from there" she explains and I smile over at her. The bleeding I have experienced has been minimal and I've managed. I blush looking at Jay as he strokes Henry's head lightly.
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"How was your birth?" she asks openly as we look over at each other. I notice the clock on the wall and realise it's around 24 hours since I gave birth. It feels like an age. I gaze down at Henry and smile remembering the moment he came into the world, my friends around me and his grandparents.
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"I gave birth on our kitchen floor, with no pain relief. My friend's friend is a nurse and she helped to deliver the baby." I explain as the midwife looks at me abashed.
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"Not even a paracetamol, wow" she laughs commending me on my lack of pain relief.
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"It was a straightforward delivery and we rang for a midwife who attended and checked on Henry" I explain looking down at my perfect little baby again.
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"Whilst he's asleep" she nods looking at Henry.
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"I'll explain the checks I'm going to perform. We need to check his eyes, ears, heart and hips. And his testes. Also a check on his hearing too. I'll also give you one of these" she explains handing Jay a small book.
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"This is like a health record book for him where we note down everything; vaccinations, tests and weight checks" she explains softly.
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"How's sleep going?" She asks inquiringly filling in a form from the record book.
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"So we have a bedside crib set up next to our bed and for the first night he woke up a little bit." I explain.
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"Broken sleep can be intense. Especially with newborns. Make sure you take rest whenever you can day or night, also eating well is good for you. Taylor, breastfeeding is physically and emotionally demanding and food is necessary" she explains to me handing me some pamphlets on safe sleep and breastfeeding.
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"As baby grows there are plenty of baby groups in the surrounding the area, with opportunities to meet other parents and to socialise. There are even dad groups" she smiles looking at Jay, he nods smirking and I try to imagine him sitting with all of the other dads discussing diapers. How he will be the only dad I'm sure that looks like a Viking model.
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Henry cries, opening up his small eyes, and thrashing his arms about. I offer him breast and he accepts this as a consolation for having to be awake. As I pass him over safely to the midwife she performs her checks and he passes with flying colours in all areas. We change Henry before we leave giving him a fresh diaper and placing his suit back on; Jay places him back into his car seat before taking a stroll around the hospital shops as Henry sleeps happily. I hold onto Jay the entire time, keeping my hands wrapped around him as he pushes the stroller.
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"We should most likely stock up on these" Jay laughs grabbing a few packs of diapers and wipes. I commend his forward thinking, my brain continually feeling frazzled. It's like holding onto one thought at a time is next to impossible. I'm forever anticipating what Henry might want or need next and watching him instead.
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“Let’s make sure Ross has his codeine too” he laughs and I smirk at him.
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“I know it’s not easy having the guys over at the moment, when we want to be together alone. But I worry that something is going to happen. Matthew can be pretty haphazard when he feels down, and this Olivia mess will shake him up.” I say softly and he rubs my arm.
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“Babe I just think you’re the best wife in the world for hosting our friends whilst having a newborn.” He reassures me.
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“Honestly” he says when I smile up at him.
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“And soon, we will have all of the space to ourselves” he smiles pulling my hips into his own as we wait for Ross medication.
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“I cannot wait for that” I smile up at him as he stares into my eyes.
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“Me too Mon amour” he whispers, staring into his blue eyes I dream about our Italian forever home, how we will spend our time together there in each other’s company with our little baby.
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