Taylor's POV
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Jay sets me up at the kitchen table in the love seat and I smile up at him as he begins frying up bacon and eggs. Putting the sound system on he switches it onto classical and smiles over at me as Henry begins spluttering and I offer him my boobs as consolation.
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"Babe can you pass me that silicone breast cup." I ask him noticing how my other boob is leaking and having an idea.
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"Sure let me sterilise it" he says dousing it under the boiling hot tap.
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"I am going to store this so that we can give him some in a bottle" I laugh slightly not realising just how much he would want milk.
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Placing the silicone suction cup on my other nipple I wait as baby feeds and the milk collects in the container.
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"We can take it in a bottle to the hospital if you like" Jay smiles over at me as he flips the bacon. I notice he brought down the bag he packed earlier and placed it on the table.
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"Morning" Ross says and I smile up at him as he takes a seat next to me at the table.
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"How did you sleep" I ask him softly as he keeps his face trained on my eyes. I realise he most likely has never seen a woman breastfeed and even though he's not making a deal out of it, still he makes it his objective not to look down.
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"Great how did you guys get on" he asks and I laugh slightly.
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"We actually slept" I smirk at him. Henry unlatches and I hand him directly to Ross. He grasps a burb cloth and puts him over his shoulder patting his back as I unclip the suction cup and set it down on the oak table. Readjusting myself I take the milk over to a sterilised bottle and place it in the fridge, proud of how I've managed to collect two bottles worth of milk.
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"Guys I really don't want to intrude on your space, so I was thinking of maybe going back to mine" Ross says standing with Henry. He sways him and Henry lets out a huge burp.
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"No Ross honestly" Jay begins placing a batch of bacon on the table.
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"Are you kidding me, you're not leaving. I need your help burping the baby" I smirk over at him and he smiles.
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"Let's just see it through Ross" I tell him standing before him.
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"It's just you guys have a newborn and I really don't want to outstay my welcome" he adds and I smile up at him.
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"Ross you are welcome" I say to him.
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"You can give Henry the bottle later" I smile at him.
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"Are you both sure" he asks as I watch him, his eyes searching mine.
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"Positive" I tell him.
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"Course" Jay says and I watch Ross as he gingerly sits down with Henry hugging him into his chest and rocking him to sleep.
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"It's important to me" I begin sitting down with him.
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"That you recover before leaving" I tell him as Henry coos in his lap and he gazes at him. Closing his eyes; Ross smiles up at me pleased with how he got him to sleep.
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"See I need you" I laugh and he smiles over at me. I offer to take Henry back but he instructs me to eat happily holding him into his chest as he naps. I thank him before plating up some bacon for myself and taking a pancake.
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Jay produces more food as we hear footsteps descend on the hall. The loud natter of Rachel enters the kitchen with Christopher and Ross hushes her angrily. Not wanting her to ruin his moment of getting Henry to sleep. She shuts her mouth tightly closed and I giggle looking up at her. Taking a seat after she eyes Henry sleeping.
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"How are you" she full on whispers and I laugh.
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"You can talk just normally, no shouting" I smile over at Ross as he watches me. It appears that Ross and his big bear hugs are great with the baby and I am going to be utilising his skills often.
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"I'm missing being pregnant, my bump has all but gone" I tell her and she looks at me as if I am utterly nuts.
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“Taylor that’s a success story, most women still look very pregnant after birth, yours has decreased a whole load” she smiles.
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"You don't get it, I was used to him being there. But I'm also very happy that he's here" I explain simply and she nods.
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Matthew strokes the back of my shoulder as he comes into the kitchen, we all look up for Olivia but she is nowhere to be seen. I eye him as he looks over the baby his brunette curls tumbling over his forehead. Every now and then Matthew James Henderson, will behave in a way that reminds me of one of the many moments we shared together as twenty year olds experiencing wild all consuming love. The sort of love that makes you feel utterly heady.
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Right this very moment as he gazes upon my child I am reminded of how he used to sit on the porch at our home and look upon a piece of art. How he would spend hours smiling down at the page and making sure he took in every single detail so that he got it right. He looks up at me questioningly as I realise I'm staring at him, smiling, before he grabs a piece of toast and then proceeds to help Jay out with the rest of the food.
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"Here" I tell Ross, as he looks up at me holding onto Henry.
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"Oh I don't think you could leave even if you tried" I laugh as he smiles and finally hands over Henry delicately, wanting to hug him continually.
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"Eat" I tell him as he nods and I pass a plate over to him.
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"Love how you've dressed him" Rachel says, we decided to dress him in her Ralph Lauren baby-suit today, with the matching hat. I place his dummy by his mouth and he suckles on it. Jay joins me at the table and smiles down at us before taking a seat next to me. Matthew watches on as he takes a seat next to Ross.
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"Where's Olivia" Rachel demands addressing the elephant in the room. I hold my breath just knowing that I've most likely sodded up his relationship by going into labour.
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"Well Olivia, she booked a cab home last night." He says quietly, looking down at his plate and the bacon and pancakes hungrily.
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"I think that there were a lot of things going on in her head, and she needed a little bit of space. Which I totally get. So I let her do as she pleased." He explains maturely.
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"You didn't go with her" Rachel questions and I look up at her warning her to leave him be.
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"No because you cannot give somebody space by following them to their house Rachel" he says maturely and softly. Christopher hushes her, by engaging her in a conversation and I smile at him. I could not have picked a more perfect human for her. Already he gets her inside out, he knows how to rein her in without dulling her character.
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“So today we’re going to the hospital” Jay explains eyeing Ross.
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“Need anymore medication?” He asks him and I stroke his leg. My Jay is thoughtful, he considers everything.
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“Happily have some more codeine” he laughs and I smirk at him.
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“Anything you need me to do while you’re gone?” He asks.
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“Rest and lay on the sofa and finish off the baby shower food please, I’m on a diet effective now” I laugh.
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“Mon amour you must eat no more fainting” Jay smiles down at me.
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“I am not being a fat mama” I laugh.
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“Taylor you’re literally not fat” Rachel smirks.
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“This is pre-pregnancy clothing to be fair” I say looking down at my clothes.
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“So shhh and eat” she smirks and I nod.
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My mother and Jays parents climbed into cabs early this morning so as to be out of the way. We had suggested they stay for longer but my mum kissed me and told me she was only a call away, I thought about grabbing a hold of her and holding her captive to help me but she assured me that I would be just fine. Claire held me, and Henry and gave us both a kiss on the forehead before leaving in a private chauffeur driven car with Andrew.
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I look down at Henry as he grasps at his dummy and spits it out. He splutters again and I sigh.
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“This is one hungry tiny human” I laugh, placing his head to my chest again and feeding him. I would like to save the bottles for the hospital when we are out in public. I’m sure that soon I will be happily breastfeeding in public places, but on day one, whilst I’m still all fingers and thumbs, bottles are a great choice. He will still be having breast milk just not straight from the source. He stops crying instantly and I sigh.
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“He is going to drain the fat out of me” I laugh.
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“What fat !? This is exactly why you must eat” Jay explains.
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“Breastfeeding women need lots of nutrition Taylor” Rachel backs him up.
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“Since when did you become a breastfeeding expert” I laugh and she chuckles. Jay hands me a second pancake and I sigh taking a bite.
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“I think he’s just snacking on me” I laugh as he unlatches and I pop his dummy back in sorting myself out so that I don’t show everybody an eyeful.
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Jay places him on his shoulder and burps him again as I finish up the pancake.
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“He’s not messy” Rachel laughs.
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“For a baby” she smiles finishing up her plate and collecting the empty plates, to load into the dishwasher. I thank her as she smiles over at me from the kitchen island.
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“Most babies are sick everywhere” she surmises and I laugh.
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“He’s not so far been a sickly baby perhaps he knows he’s wearing Ralph” I laugh and she rolls her eyes.
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I take Henry intent on changing him into a fresh diaper before we get ready to leave for the hospital. Jay heads out to the hall presumably to grab the car seat.
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Laying Henry down on the changing mat I undo the poppers on his romper and coo at him as he moves his little arms about unsure of not being in somebodies arms. Matthew produces the wipes and the fresh diaper as we smile down at him.
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“Are you ok” I whisper to him, he will know exactly why I am asking.
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“Of course I am Taylor” he reassures me, his hand casually brushing my lower back.
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“If you don’t want to be alone today, stay here with Ross” I whisper and he watches me, eyes softening. The last thing I want is to think of him sitting alone on his porch. I get flashbacks of him in hospital after nearly taking his life, and my heart cannot take it so I turn to him once I’ve finished up with the baby.
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“Please” I say to him handing him Henry for him to hold. He smiles at me his eyes softening before I check the diaper bag.
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“That is the classiest mom bag I’ve ever seen” Rachel says eyeing my fendi changing bag on the table.
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“It has pockets galore” I smile and she laughs. Jay has already put in the clothes and socks and diapers. I repack the wipes and place in two sterile bottles. Including the one containing my breast milk in a thermo protected pouch.
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Jay returns with the baby car seat and his knitted blue blanket. I smile up at him finishing packing up the bag as Matthew gently passes henry to Jay.
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“Ive put the chassis in the boot too” Jay calls over to me.
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“That way we can just clip him to the pram if he’s asleep from the journey” he explains tucking him in with the blanket.
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We say our goodbyes to the others, I’m sure Rachel will have left with Christopher by the time we arrive home. I hug her as she exclaims that I am the best mama in the world. I make Matthew stay with Ross in our living room, he assures me that he will be here when we get back as Jay carries Henry out to the Audi. I hug him, worried about him, and the state of his mental health with Olivia leaving. He assures me that he will make Ross lunch before I head out to my husband and my newborn.