Taylor’s POV
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Only in the rest room of a cafe in the country would you still hear the music droning on. Dolly Parton is going on about some woman called Jolene.
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Cell reception is touch and go here, that’s what happens when you’re completely out in the sticks. I sigh washing my hands and drying them off. I quickly glance in the long mirror and look at bump. It’s pretty noticeable now that I’ve popped. I smooth my hair back and tie it into a high ponytail, it’s warm and my neck is feeling hot. Pregnancy makes you hotter and this hot dry climate is a challenge.
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We’ve called Matty twice from each phone and received no answer; however I’m not sure if it’s to do with our cell reception or him just being busy.
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Jays eyes flick up to me as I walk back towards our booth, even in the most stressful of situations his stare makes me feel utterly beautiful. I take a seat opposite him as the waitress returns to see if we need anything. He asks her for another coffee and I order an orange juice.
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His hands grasp his phone again and he dials Matty’s number. He brushes his blonde hair back waiting for the call to connect.
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“Hey man” Jay says and I visibly let out a breath I didn’t realise I had been holding in. Somewhere in my subconscious I recognise that I was terrified something had happened to Matty.
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“Yeah, sorry we’ve been sort of off the grid, but yeah we flew out to call you. Well Taylor had a dream actually and she insisted we get into contact” he says.
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“What’s up” he says. He looks down into his coffee hiding his expression from me. His hand covering his mouth. I get that sinking feeling, that something really awful has happened.
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He pushes his hair back and his eyes go wide. I watch him carefully.
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“Yeah her dream was about him. And she insisted we go somewhere where we can have signal. Let me just pass you to her, otherwise she may explode” he says softly.
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Jay passes his iPhone over and I place it to my ear expecting to hear Matty’s normal voice but instead hearing somebody that is strained, emotionally stressed and completely dogged tired.
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“Matthew” I say softly and unexpectedly he cries. Sobbing down the phone, I can hear his shakey breaths and instinctively I shh him and console him as much as I can from the other side of the world on a dodgy cell connection.
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“What’s wrong” I say softly when he has stopped crying and calmed down.
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“It’s Ross, I let him go out last night like an idiot and he ended up in a car accident. It’s my fault Taylor I should have gone with him.” He tells me. I go back to consoling him, telling him that it will be okay and that I’m here. My head however is consumed by thoughts of Ross, how is he? What happened ? Is he stable?
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It takes me a few minutes to organise my thoughts, I focus on the facts that I need to know first and ask him. Jay is watching my reactions, he reaches his hand over the table and holds my free hand.
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“What happened Matty?” I ask him.
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“I went out looking for him because he wasn’t answering his phone. I found his car on route 93 completely flipped and dented in. The police informed me where he had been taken and so I drove straight to the hospital” he says and he’s really tired, emotionally spent. I want to hug him, care for him.
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“Since then the doctor has informed me that he is in ICU, his injuries are major” he says and he’s freaking out again. I console him some more, griping onto Jay’s hand without realising.
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“I’ve informed his mum and she is flying over” he goes on, and he’s flapping. Matthew is the calmest person I’ve ever known, but right now he’s shaken. He’s just talking and talking and something tells me he has had nobody to offload too.
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“What else should I do Taylor I don’t know how to deal with this” he says desperately.
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“You have done perfectly” I tell him.
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“What are the injuries?” I ask, lost for words.
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“Broken ribs, broken tailbone, traumatic brain injury, broken arm. I’ve seen him he’s unresponsive” he says and each word breaks my heart. I search my memory to see if I have any previous experience of any of these injuries in order to work out what expectations we should have of Ross and his recovery, I come up blank. It’s more than I’ve ever heard of somebody going through.
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“It was a car and car accident” I ask.
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“Lorry and car” Matty says.
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I gasp, and squeeze onto Jays hand.
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“He’s stable I don’t want to worry you. It’s just a lot you know, like being here in the hospital again” he says and he means in the hospital where we lost our baby. In the hospital he was taken too after he took an attempt at his own life several months before. I wipe my eyes.
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“It’s a lot, I’ve still gotta tell Rachel” he says and he’s beside himself.
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“What can we do” I ask softly knowing that the lodge will be a distant memory in the next coming days.
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“It’s honestly like fine I’ve got this, I just wanted...” he begins and then he shuts up.
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“No I get it” I say softly.
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“I kept thinking what would Taylor do, what would she say. And then I realised I needed you here more than I ever have before” he says.
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“Which is selfish.” He remarks and I can feel the tears now.
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“That’s not selfish.” I say crying.
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“We can sort it out I promise” I tell him.
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“What was your dream” he asks softly.
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“It was just a feeling of panic and worry that woke me up really for him” I say dazed.
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“That’s a pretty weird coincidence” he says softly.
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After saying goodbye and him telling me that he feels better just for hearing my voice I pass the phone back to Jay. He assures him that he will sort everything and that we will be there.
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I look up finally at my surroundings having forgotten where I actually am; and somehow the happy bustling cafe now feels strange. Jay pays for our meals and taking me by the hand we leave. The whole time I feel like I’m screaming internally, frustrated with fate and its impeccable timing ruining our so perfect happy ending.