Taylor's POV
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"He's going to keep it clean. Believe in him" I laugh with Jay as we put Henry in his christening suit. Ruffles of ivory silk and pearlescent buttons that fasten up to his chubby cheeks. He coos at us happily before sucking on his hands clearly hungry again.
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"I will believe that when I see it" he laughs stroking his blonde hair back, clad in a grey Armani suit that has me questioning whether I need to push him back onto the bed and have my way with him imminently.
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"You look wonderful" he whispers in my ear, my hair has been worked on by Claire his mother. The ringlets cascade down my back and half of it has been pinned up in a fancy style. I've just got to slip my cream silk dress on before we leave for the church.
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"Here" Jay says softly picking Henry up and cuddling him.
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"You okay" he says to me eyeing me before I get dressed, I haven't informed Jay about the situation with Matthew. Since that fateful evening Matthew has been looking at me longingly and whenever we have found each other alone he has apologised profusely. Even though I have sworn that his apologies are unnecessary considering the history between us.
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"Jay" I begin softly kissing his cheek as he holds Henry.
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"I'm fine, I'm just going to get changed" I whisper and he smiles.
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"Be right back" he giggles winking at me before leaving the room with Henry, I open up the walk-in wardrobe and pace over the marble floor to the long racks which hold my gowns. All zippered up in dress bags. I locate the one I need, pulling it off of the hook and walking over to the centre console that houses all of our fine jewellery. The large ornate mirror, adorned with a heavy golden frame shows me my reflection as I remove my gown and place on the new white lingerie that I had purchased for this dress. Just as the door creaks open I'm inspecting the small bump that sits just above my hips.
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"No seriously" Jay whispers as I look up at his open mouth gaping at me.
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"It's unimaginable for you to wear that under this dress and expect me to focus" he sighs as I giggle eyeing the lingerie in the mirror and smiling.
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"Oh Jay you never can focus" I tell him as he crosses the distance between us and scoops me up in his arms.
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"It's that you make it very difficult" he smiles and I laugh turning around in his arms to kiss him. He strokes my face and smiles.
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"Turn around" he whispers in my ear and I snicker but do as I'm told.
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"Your skin is glowing" he whispers looking at my reflection in the mirror. He sweeps my brunette curls back over my shoulder before tracing a finger over my forehead and down my face.
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"These lips" he whispers brushing one thumb down my face and over my lips.
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"They're perfect" he smiles looking at my lips before gazing into my eyes.
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"We haven't had as much time for us lately and I'm sorry about that" he smiles as I nod wondering where he's going to touch me next.
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"Your cheeks" he smiles one fingertip tracing over my face.
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"You're blushing Mrs Gilbert Scott" he smirks as I chuckle and he tips my head back slowly, kissing my lips just once before he instructs me to look in the mirror again.
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"I love your neck and your chest" he says rasping slightly as his hand cups my breast in the white lace bra.
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"And here" he whispers hands travelling down my rib cage and over my bump.
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"Where you're growing our perfect little baby" he says softly as my breathing hitches. Gazing through the large mirror at his hands cupped under the small bump that holds our little baby.
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"And" he says softly a mischievous grin falling over his face.
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"These little bones here" he smirks happily moving aside the suspender belt, the frilly white lace clipped into my sheer stockings.
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"Have been my preoccupation for years" he whispers smirking as I blush.
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"The most gorgeous hip bones I've ever seen" he says softly gazing at me in the mirror, he removes his suit jacket and drapes it over the console table. Keeping my eye contact he rolls his sleeves up one at a time before tracing his hands under the silk underwear.
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"Jay" I gasp instantly as he watches me in the mirror with a small smile on his face.
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"Taylor" he whispers as I look into his eyes, his fingers working inside of me.
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"I need you" I whisper watching his face soften before he unzips his suit trousers and thrusts inside of me slowly.
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"You are the only thing I'll ever need for the rest of my life" he whispers holding onto my hips.
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"Bearer of all of my children" he says looking at me in the mirror as I glance up at him, his shirt still neatly done up as he possess me.
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"Father to my children" I whisper back looking at his face in our reflections.
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"Lord" he sighs as I moan and close my eyes.
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"I love you my wife" he whispers playing with my hair as he finishes.
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"I love you" I say breathlessly, as he sorts out the suspender belt. Kneeling on the floor behind me and clipping my sheer tights back in place.
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"Mhmm now you can help me slip into my very tight silk dress" I tell him as he laughs pulling up his trousers. I turn and face him, the chandelier illuminating the windowless space and the cream fitted wardrobe doors. Surrounded by suits and gowns, our fancy wardrobe. He unlocks the small glass cabinet and pulls open a drawer before locating two cuff links for his shirt, fastening them before looking up at me.
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"I will help you dress, was that okay for you?" He asks softly as I smile his arms wrap around me and I pull his chest into me intent on inhaling his cologne.
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"That was impeccable" I tell him looking up and into his glistening eyes.
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"You're always impeccable" I smirk and he giggles.
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"You stunned me in this" he smirks and I roll my eyes as his hands trace over the lace.
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"It's distracting me again, where is this gown?" he laughs looking around the room.
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"Before I take you again and we miss our child's christening" he says softly looking into my eyes.
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"The champagne silk one, sleeveless, low back" I say to him my eyes darting to the silk gown draped over the console table.
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"This one here" he smiles lifting up its hanger. The small buttons that do up at the back will be a fun test of his patience later on.
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"That one" I say gazing into his eyes as he breathes in sharply turning it around and gazing at the backless number.
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Jay glides the material over my body easily, the tight fit of the dress shows off my figure and the ruching around the waist manages to conceal the baby bump. A soft light colour that compliments my tan; I complete the look with gold earrings, my wedding ring and a close fitted gold choker. Jay eyes the choker and smirks as I slide on heeled stilettos and spritz myself with perfume.
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"Breathtaking" he says admiring me before extending his arm to me as we leave the room together.
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"Did I tell you that you're the most impeccable, beautiful wife and mother ever" he whispers as we descend the steps of our grande home.
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"I just wanted to make sure that you know" he whispers with a cheeky grin on his face.
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"Oh Jay you're perfection" I say softly looking over at his face as we spot Andrew and Claire at the bottom of the steps with Henry.
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"Your mother and father love him" I say softly before my eyes lock with Matthew's.
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"They do" he says softly before we reach the ground floor landing and I notice the solid gold bangle circling Henry's chubby wrist as he holds one hand up to his bottle that Claire is feeding him.
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"Thank you" I say softly as she nods passing me my baby, my pride and joy. I cuddle him into me and feed him the last of the bottle gazing into his sweet eyes.
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"Taylor you look sensational" Claire states as I look up at her smiling feeling Jay's hand rub my exposed shoulders.
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“Thanks Claire, that is very kind of you” I reply softly as Jay excuses himself to retrieve the Lamborghini.
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“We will meet you there my darling” Claire says before kissing Henry’s forehead and stroking my hair. Andrew nods and they leave stepping out into the sunshine that just beats down onto the terracotta paving stones.
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“Rachel and Chris” Matthew begins standing behind me as he gazes down at Henry.
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“They’ve already left and Ross is busy I don’t know doing his hair or something” he laughs and I chuckle sneaking a look up at his face only to be rewarded with his kind eyes.
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“Consider it forgotten Matthew” I say to him knowing that he will know exactly what I’m eluding too.
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“I never ever want to make you cry again” he says softly.
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“It was both of our faults” I admit as he shakes his head.
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“No that was on me” he whispers softly scraping his hair back before he looks up to the steps that Ross is travelling down in his own grey suit. His broad shoulders only look bigger in a suit, wearing a crisp white shirt he’s pushed his blonde hair back into a neat style.
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“You look like Jay’s brother” Matthew laughs and I snicker as Ross scoffs.
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“Nice hair man” Matthew teases him.
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“Nice tie” Ross teases him back as I appraise Matthew’s charcoal suit and white shirt briefly. Brunette curls neatly coiffed back and his olive skin glowing.
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“You both look wonderful in suits, now stop teasing one another” I giggle.
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“Taylor” Ross begins as I look up into his blue eyes of wonder.
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“This is one hell of a dress” he snickers and I blush.
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“You look wonderful” he reiterates and I smile.
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“I didn’t know christening clothes were so elaborate” he smiles looking down at Henry’s ruffles of silk and bows.
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“Mhmm oh yes even for boys” I tell him as he looks upon Henry adoringly.
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“I’m very glad that you’re both here” I say softly as Henry closes his eyes. It would be acceptable and I would understand if both Ross and Matthew refused to stick around to witness my happiest moments considering the romantic history we share.
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“What I mean is, I’m happy that you’re both still here considering everything” I say to them both, the blue and green eyes that I have searched before for love still shine bright even in my presence despite my choices.
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“We’re happy to be here” Matthew says simply stroking my shoulder just once before we step out into the glaring sun.
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