Taylor's POV
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However unfamiliar, the new bed I'm resting on works a dream at allowing me a lay in. The soft lavender sheets sumptuous as they cradle me. Upon opening my eyes I see that Jay has left the blinds down and I smile reaching over to his side of the super king bed and finding a small note and a tray laid out with food. It makes me giggle as I imagine him setting down the silver tray containing a bowl of cereal with a cup of milk, grapes and even almond croissants.
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Henry snores next to me and I realise, almost jumping for joy that he has pretty much slept through the night. Scrambling over Jay's note and his almost legible handwriting I smile. Like any husband he has expressed that he loves me and that he will bring home dinner, leaving cute little hints as to what the cuisine will be.
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Swinging my legs out of the king sized bed and quietly pacing over to the windows on the far wall I extend the blinds and they automatically show me a view out over the ocean. The depth of the differing shades of blue and grey illuminated under the sun which is peaking over the horizon line enthralling me as I stand for a few minutes just watching the waves. It's a privilege I think to myself to be able to wake up somewhere that is this astoundingly beautiful.
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The wooden floor creaks slightly under foot as I walk over to the bed lounging back under the lilac coverlet and assembling the many pillows before gazing down at Henry and his soft breathing. His hair, the soft tendrils of blonde curls that have grown out are swirling on top of his head as my phone vibrates on the bedside table and I break my concentration to see another clue regarding dinner tonight from Jay. Imagining him sitting in a private meeting room in his Armani suit thinking of me and our baby as he attempts to concentrate. Grasping my phone in my hands as Henry stretches his arms and I anticipate him waking up, I set on typing a quick message to my husband.
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Is it definitely takeaway or are you taking us out? I love you. T x
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I quickly type back to his message that suggests I wear something new and red this evening. Henry opens his pale blue eyes first and I reassure him instantly rubbing his tummy as he coos and moves his arms about. It's a relief that he hasn't woken up screaming and I pick him up hugging him into my chest before offering him a feed. I've decided that we are going to have a busy day, honestly I have no idea where I am in the world but I have no intention of that stopping me. Jay left the keys downstairs to a saloon car which has a very decent sat nav for me to follow. I'll be taking Henry to a health check, stocking up on teething gels and pacifiers. And then I'll be running the errands for the penthouse and taking Henry to the beach.
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My phone buzzes and Henry jumps slightly opening his eyes as I giggle grasping it lounging back feeding him.
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"It's just your daddy" I whisper to Henry accepting a call from Jay as I smile from ear to ear looking into the front camera before the video call connects. Jay has his hair pulled back into a smart style, his jaw line slightly tense as he sits behind the fanciest desk I've ever seen with the backdrop of the city behind him. Tall sky scraper buildings that line the skyline behind him. His best navy blue tie on as I practically swoon looking into his eyes.
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"Good morning Mon amour" he smiles watching me feed the baby. Those steel blue eyes widening slightly at the sight of my chest.
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"Good morning Mr Gilbert Scott" I say and he giggles slightly loosing all of the tension in his jaw. I cannot begin to imagine the pressure that he is under, your first ever job in adult life should be a shop clerk or a small office job, however Jay starts of his working career as a CEO of a multimillion dollar company left to him by his father. It's impressive and utterly demanding.
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"I wanted to check that you were both okay. You look mmm Mrs Gilbert Scott..." he begins taken aback by my lack of clothes, we slept almost entirely naked and honestly I haven't had a chance to place my robe on yet. It's unusual for us not to wake up together in the same room, I am very used to resting my eyes upon his tan skin and blonde hair every morning.
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"We just woke up and I'm missing you" I whisper and his cheeks redden as he scoops his hair back distracted.
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"I'm missing you more" he whispers as I stand burping the baby and briefly pacing over to the large ebony crib at the far corner of the vast bedroom. With curved sleigh like side rails and a traditional mobile fastened over it I place Henry down and switch on the lullabies. It amuses him as he watches the little sheep twirl around above him. His eyes widen in amazement and he lays transfixed on the swirling baby mobile above him.
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"Did you have breakfast" Jay asks watching me lay back on our own bed his eyes taking in my entire body.
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"I did" I whisper as he bites his lips and I smile feeling the chemistry between us merely over the phone.
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"Thankyou and so I'm guessing from your many hints that we're having Italian tonight" I surmise as he chuckles shaking his head.
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"My darling it's a surprise" he whispers watching me as I move my hands over my chest and my growing baby bump.
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"How's the growing baby" he whispers and I blush.
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"Both babies are absolutely wonderful" I smile and he blushes in turn. During Henry's health check I will be seeing a midwife for a small check up on the pregnancy, despite my anxieties it is necessary to check up on things and so I will push aside my worries intent on making sure the pregnancy is progressing normally.
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"I'm going to kiss your entire body later" he whispers softly down the phone as I rest my head back.
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"Your neck, your lips and the little baby bump." He smiles softly as my hand traces lines over bump and he watches me intrigued.
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"Mmmm, I will enjoy that" I whisper as he sighs watching me intensely.
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"I need your hands right now, all over my body" I whisper as he breathes in sharply and my hand wanders.
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"How about we pretend that my hands are there?" He says with a whole dose of charm behind his voice. The low timbre to his tone sending shivers through me as I sigh slightly.
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"What would your hands be doing?" I whisper willing to walk through his dreams and fantasies with him.
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"Taylor" he whispers slowly and I sigh closing my eyes briefly feeling the lust just from the sound of his voice.
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"Jay" I whisper moving my hand down from the perfect small baby bump and over my hips.
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"My hands would be on your hips, tracing circles over them" he smiles slowly.
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"Can you just pop home for like an hour or so" I plead with him and he chuckles.
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"Right now" he half asks grinning whilst sipping a mug of coffee. His blue eyes watching me with lust and passion.
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"Right now, make good on your words and come here" I plead as my finger traces over my inner thigh and he practically turns bright crimson watching me.
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"Right now, if I walked down to the underground garage. Hopped into the Audi and drove back home. I would then walk up the stairs and straight into your arms and never ever leave again" he whispers slowly as I sigh losing myself to his voice.
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"Mmmm so don't leave ever again" I say getting carried away, passion setting me aflame.
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"I would love nothing more" he whispers watching me, his voice intense and sultry.
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"I miss your lips" I tell him and he smiles his eyes watching me come undone over the phone.
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"I miss your lips Mon amour" he whispers as I plead with him to come and kiss me. We spend a further twenty minutes or so missing each other over the phone until his eyes dart up at the sound of a knock on his door. We elaborately say goodbye before hanging up from our call and I stare up at the high ceiling ordering myself to get ready for mine and Henry's day out. Placing the video monitor on and hooking the device up to my phone so that I can watch over my sleeping baby as I shower and pack our day bag for our trip.
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"Henry you are a sleepyhead today" I whisper stroking his blonde hair when I return to his crib standing in my sundress and sandals. I've managed a shower in the state of the art bathroom, packed our bag with all of the essentials and booked us into a local clinic. The car seat is prepped and ready for him and his journey out in Dubai.
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"Henry" I say scooping him up and holding him into my chest before taking him over to the changing table, it matches the oak crib and I've laid out his Ralph Lauren day suit to change him into. I smile as he rubs his face with his palm pouting at me because I've moved him from his crib. His lip quivers and he whines slightly as I change him. Methodically cleaning him and placing a fresh diaper on him all be it through his tears. His hands wedge into his mouth again once I've dressed him.
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Carrying him into my chest with my shoulder bag on I carefully walk down the winding staircase and past the large canvas in the downstairs hall. The kitchen is open plan, a large marble kitchen island in the centre and a double fridge. Singing to him to stop his whining before I offer him a cold dummy from the fridge. The crying subsides and feeling accomplished I set him down into his car seat whilst I pack the bottles for our journey.
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"Your daddy will be in his meeting now" I tell Henry as his eyes track me moving before him. The glittering marble top in our kitchen is currently scattered with all of our mess from the night before. I vow to be a good housewife and clean up later before I waltz out with my bags and my baby.
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We take the elevator down to the underground car parking lot. The lot is exclusively ours, it’s totally secure and private. However I have not been down into the garage before and I begin to wonder just how many cars Jay has collected already as the elevator doors ping open and I step out into the illuminated hall. Henry murmurs giving his dummy a good chew as I step into the car park instantly spotting a shiny black Mercedes with a note on the windshield in Jay’s scrawl. The gold paper informs me that this is my new car, he has even fastened a bow to the front of the grill and I giggle.
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Smiling as I unlock the car strapping Henry into the rear passenger seat and informing him that when he’s older he will always have a car with a father like Jay looking out for him. He suckles on his dummy and I check the belt system three times or more making sure that he is safe.
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Once I’m satisfied with his security and comfort I close the rear door making sure the child locks are on and that the tinted window is up. Walking back slightly I gasp at the brand new car and shake my head before taking a picture of myself beside it that I intend on sending to my beloved husband, making sure to get my little black sundress in the shot which shows off our little baby bump. He will chuckle and it will make him happy, not quite as happy as I am driving a brand new car. I slide into the black leather seats in the drivers side, gazing down at the navigation system and the many buttons like it’s a spaceship.
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Upon familiarising myself with the many controls around the wheel I switch the car on and set up my satellite navigation, placing my playlist on and slowly accelerating out of our private garage. The air con starts up and I smile, the car is luxurious as it glides through the gears and progresses smoothly up to the gates. It hums as the automatic gates open up before me, a sense of adrenaline fuelling me as I glance out into the glaring sun bouncing off of the tarmac. Following the large screen on the dash I indicate and pull out into the streets of Dubai. Palms lining the sidewalks as I glance into my interior mirror noticing that Henry is closing his eyes whilst suckling on his dummy.
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“Honestly Henry we’re very lucky” I whisper before looking ahead again and switching up the music on my playlist using the buttons on the steering wheel. Singing along to Haim as I progress to the interstate, the roads get progressively more difficult to follow. Some of them are five or six lanes in width, suspended on bridges that wind around one another.
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Remaining calm I choose the correct lane I need to be in and tell myself that I can do this, I can safely drive a brand new car with my baby in the back around Dubai. The buildings are towering sky scrapers, it’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. The rays of light from the sun glistening off of the glass structures as I head around a huge ring road, listening carefully to the navigation system telling me what lane to merge into. I highly doubt the traffic ever ceases in a city such as this one I think to myself as I glance out at the cerulean blue sky and the built up land surrounding me. My mind cannot help but to wander to Italy, the wide open skylines and the terracotta buildings that contrast to Dubai’s modern structures. I think of my farmhouse and the nature surrounding it, the shimmering look of our pool and the vines and flowers surrounding the building. The way you could drive for miles and not be faced with another vehicle. Unlike here where I’m practically stuck behind fifty or so other motorists all trying to get somewhere.
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The sense of relief I feel when I do finally park my glossy Mercedes in the hospital parking lot taking deep breaths as I kill the engine and grasp for my phone. Registering notifications from Matthew as I step out from the cool air conditioned vehicle and into the electrifying sun beaming overhead.
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A message declaring he misses me from Matthew sent at four or five am should alarm me more than it does however instead of using my words to create boundaries with him I avoid all of the difficult conversations by sending him a few pictures of Dubai so far. Including one that I snap of Henry asleep in his car seat in his blue Ralph romper before our check up. Pocketing my phone I push the pram watching my beautiful little baby sleep soundly.