Taylor's POV
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Italian coffee is superior, I can tell from Matthew's face as he places his lips on the steaming cup in the accident and emergency room. From the small exhale that passes his lips I know that he is very much enjoying his coffee as I sip my green tea and do my best to un-see the memory of the cold lifeless body on my patio floor.
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"Can you feel your shoulder" Matthew asks softly looking over at me as he places his coffee down and rests his eyes on me. His suit pristine unlike my rather torn silk dress. Blood spattered over the hem as I look down and try to keep myself together.
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"I can feel it, just can't move it" I tell him slowly as I sip the tea he brought to me.
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"Sounds like it could be dislocated" he says looking down at his phone briefly as if he is searching it up on the internet.
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"Was only a matter of time wasn't it that I got in the way of the punch ups" I murmur softly as he shakes his head, standing in front of me before he kneels down on his haunches and eyes me. Both hands rested on the tops of my thighs as he gazes at me.
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"Taylor" he whispers wiping his face out of frustration. I know that he will run his hand through his hair next, I’ve learnt his behaviour. I watch on as he strokes his brunette curls back slowly contemplating. Marvelling at how I can always predict him, he’s like a favourite song or a movie I’ve watched a million times, he feels like home.
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"Matthew" I sob slightly as he gazes up at me.
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"It's okay, we can solve this. Let’s get your arm sorted" he begins as I cry into my hands, the shock taking over me. The hysteria from earlier finally hitting me square in the face. Having never seen a deceased body before, the mere expression of shock on Andrew's face as he stared at the sky lifeless is haunting me already. The tragedy in Jay's eyes and the pain unlike none I've seen him wear before. The fury behind his stare as he hit out at me. In my mind I know without any doubt that he would never intend to hurt me or the baby. But seeing him doing exactly that has rocked me. In his grief stricken state he had been unable to control himself, unable to contain his anger. The hit was painful yet the realisation that I was not an exception to his fury in that moment hurts far more.
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"It hurts" I cry as he places his arms around me.
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"I know babe, I'm so sorry" he whispers looking up at me once more.
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"I just need to get you sorted out and then..." he begins softly looking up at me with green eyes that implore me to listen to him instead of crying helplessly over my stained silk dress.
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"Mrs Gilbert Scott" a nurse calls from the white corridor at the end of the waiting room and he stands up before me. I frantically wipe my eyes sure of the mascara that's most likely running down my cheeks.
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"Here, I have got you" Matthew says helping me to my feet as he guides me over to the corridor, one arm hooked around my lower back as he keeps me steady.
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Matthew makes sure I am seated comfortably in the nurses office before he takes a seat down next to me. The nurse, an older lady with grey hair asks a few preliminary questions that I answer easily through the pain making sure to inform her that I'm in the first trimester of pregnancy. She nods and begins to check over my shoulder, even the most delicate movements are painful as she attempts to move my arm.
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"Okay, my prognosis is that you've dislocated your shoulder. In order for me to be one hundred percent sure of that I'll need to do x-rays before we proceed to work out a solution." She informs me placing on a pair of specs and tapping away at her computer.
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"Are x-rays okay whilst pregnant" I ask her tentatively as she looks up briefly from her notes.
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"X-rays are fine so long as they do not involve your waist or tummy. How far along are you both?" She asks with a small smile as she gazes up at
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"I'm around six weeks" I say quickly, it's an easy assumption to make considering Matthew is here with me at four am in the hospital and has been holding me in his arms in front of her.
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"Okay how was the injury sustained? Can I ask? Just because I feel it would also be beneficial to undergo a maternity check too." She advises looking at me delicately through her glasses.
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"I stumbled" I begin as she stares at me, I've never been a good liar and especially when put on the spot I tend to just blurt out whatever comes into my mind instead of thinking first.
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"Okay that's quite an injury for a stumble" she surmises looking at her screen and not at Matthew.
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"Let's proceed with the x-ray and go from there" she advises slowly before leaving the room clicking the door shut behind her.
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"I'm sorry" I whisper over to Matthew as he stands up and shakes his head.
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"It's all good, clearly the nurse thinks I'm the kind of man that beats his pregnant wife." he half laughs as I swat him before he wraps his strong arms around me making sure not to put any pressure on my shoulder.
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"I'm sorry, you always manage to be about when I'm going through stuff" I whisper as he pulls me in again and strokes my hair back softly.
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"Oh that's not a problem, believe me" he laughs as the door opens again and the nurse somewhat disapprovingly eyes him before she escorts us over to a room for my x-ray to be performed.
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The x-ray clearly shows that my shoulder has been pushed out of the socket, honestly it's no surprise considering the searing pain. I look over the image showing my shoulder as the nurse explains the procedure to physically push my joints back into place.
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"Now obviously you are in the first trimester so it's very important for me to emphasise that this is normally done under a general anaesthetic. But however there are some risks that go along with that" she informs me and I nod solemnly.
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"Normally any elective surgery should be avoided during the first trimester especially" she goes on and I shake my head imagining the doctors pushing my shoulder back in place without any pain relief and crying again as Matthew puts his arm around me. Breathing in sharply as I wince from the pain of merely just moving.
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"Local anaesthetic would be the safest option. It's generally considered safe and will provide pain relief to the area without you being out of it" she says softly before I sign the relevant forms to have the procedure done.
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After some time the doctor arrived, a younger man who waltzed in the room and assured me he would put my arm back in place and that he had performed this particular procedure many times. As the anaesthetic set in it provided me with the relief from the intense pain. The knocking sound of my arm slotting back into place is not something I will quickly forget. But as we stand now out by the Lamborghini, my new sling fastened to my arm and hooked around my neck, I gaze up at Matthew’s face as he looks down at me. Willing myself to look away from his eyes and failing.
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“The baby is fine” he says softly, Matthew had taken me to the maternity wing declaring that it was important to check everything before we left the hospital.
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“The baby is fine for now” I repeat feeling somewhat numb, the small cluster of cells that are developing to form my tiny baby are safe from harm.
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“Taylor” he whispers softly leaning into me, the cool air hits my skin and I huddle into him.
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“I will always be here for you, do you understand that?” He begins softly looking down at me as he pushes his hair back out of his face.
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“Always. I just wish..” he begins, faltering as he looks down at the floor again. My thoughts swirl worried about the intensity behind his eyes, the look on his face that tells me that he is going to try to convince me of something or try to persuade me to bend to his will.
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“I just need you to leave with me now, okay?” He begins softly and my mind goes into panic. Of all of the things he could have said, that was unexpected. He gazes at me and despite his calm exterior I am convinced he has lost it.
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“I need you to get in the car, I’ll go in and collect Henry. And we will leave together” he whispers his eyes wild searching mine for answers and for hope.
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“Would you do that for me” he asks softly holding onto my hand as I lean against the Lamborghini and try to catch my breath and my racing thoughts.
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“He’s gone nuts Taylor, I would never ever hit you. Never not even if my mother passed before my very eyes. And I will not allow you to be around somebody that can punch you…” he declares as I begin to protest.
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“He just saw his father die Matthew, he’s not crazy” I argue but he shh’s me, closing his lips on mine softly just once.
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“No” he begins softly breaking away and looking at me square in the eyes.
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“Taylor so help me God. I need you away from this right now” he begs me as I continue to stare at him waiting for him to laugh and tell me he’s joking.
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“I’ll book us a flight, anywhere Taylor. I mean it let’s get out of this. I love you. I will not have anybody hit you, including my best friend” he begs me as tears fall from my eyes and I look at him unbelieving.
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“Matthew I love him” I tell him earnestly.
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“That’s not the end of this, please listen to me. He is out of control. I know him Taylor, I beg you I’ve seen him go through awful shit before yet nothing ever as bad as losing his dad. He was unimaginable Taylor. I cannot have you go through it too. Taylor I am begging you to leave with me right now. Begging.” He explains getting down on his knees in the parking lot as I gasp and he holds onto my hand that isn’t in the sling.
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“I’m married Matthew” I say defiantly looking down at him holding onto me for dear life. Of one thing I am sure he is absolutely adamant about what he is saying. Absolute conviction behind his words as he kneels before me and I begin to wonder how my child’s first christening ended with me standing in a parking lot with a sling around my arm.
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“I’m his wife and I’m pregnant with his second child. I will not leave him” I tell him as he shakes his head at me standing up and stroking my hair back gently.
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“This is easy Taylor, I will deal with him. We tell him you’re scared and that you need some time” he whispers holding my face in his hands.
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“I promise you, I can get us as far away as possible” he whispers slowly staring into my eyes.
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“Just take my hand” he whispers his eyes imploring me to listen to him as I stand watching him in shock.
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“That is utterly crazy Matthew” I begin as he shakes his head pushing his hair back and sighing.
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“What’s so crazy about it” he begins softly.
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“I just watched you get punched to the floor Taylor. And you’re the love of my life. You think I’m just going to leave this alone?” He says with a hint of defiance behind his tone as he unlocks the lamba and helps me into the passenger side. I watch him as he walks around to the drivers side in his suit, sliding in behind the wheel and roaring the engine to life before he sits resigned looking like the unhappiest guy to ever get behind the wheel of a Lamborghini.
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The olive trees pass us by as he drives silently towards the farmhouse, hints of light from the coming dawn piercing through the horizon. The morning birds beginning to tweet as they rise for a new day.
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“Before we get back I want to make one thing clear to you” I whisper over to him as he nods looking at me briefly before he keeps his eyes on the road.
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“I am so grateful for you Matthew. Not only do you always make sure I’m okay but you love without any conditions. I am privileged to be loved by you” I begin trying to put together my thoughts.
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“And I value that. However Matthew, as much as I have loved you, as much as I need you and want you I am with Jay for better or for worse. I love him and he is my husband. I would never up and leave especially when he has just lost his father.” I tell him simply.
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“And it’s totally selfish and unfair just how much I need you to stay but should you choose to leave I understand” I whisper finally as he scoffs slightly.
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“You know that I would never leave, I just don’t want it to come to you falling apart to realise that being with me and not with him is what will make everything right again” he says honestly.
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“Think Ross would ever lay his hands on you? No. I wouldn’t either. How Jay deserves your love is beyond me” he adds quietly looking through the windshield as he turns into the lane that leads up to our grounds.
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“One day Taylor” he nods looking up at the large property, terracotta stone walls shining in the faint light of dawn.
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“I will look into your eyes and the love that we shared won’t be a question anymore” he whispers.
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