Matty's POV
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Hospitals remind me of her. I mean everything reminds me of her, but some of the biggest most emotional moments within our relationship happened in a hospital. Finding out we were expecting, hearing our babies heartbeat and then losing our baby.
Taylor and I conceived when we were together, unfortunately we miscarried too. After that our relationship broke down, and consequently she ended things. I would give anything to put that right. And even though she is with Jay now, my best friend, I am still madly in love with her.
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I sigh pushing through the next set of double doors, why are hospitals like mazes? Just endless corridors. People bustling around, even in the earliest of hours.
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"Excuse me" I say softly asking a nurse who is walking by.
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She nods looking at me waiting for my question. Although she is older than me, she blushes watching me push my hair back. I can tell from the smile lines on her face and purely from the fact that she is a nurse and has therefore studied for years that she surpasses my twenty four years.
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"Would you be able to direct me to the emergency room" I say nicely and she smiles.
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"Sure, it's unfortunately on the other side. You've got a bit of a walk" she smiles. I smile back, she has natural red auburn hair and although she is good looking she is not Taylor.
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"If you head right through the west wing" she says beginning to walk with me and show me the way. She has an air of confidence, a calmness. A sense of cleverness which I tend to find irresistible no matter the situation.
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She points through a corridor, and I notice the way she tucks her hair back out of the way just like Taylor does.
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"Just through there" she says looking back at me.
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"Thank you" I glance down at her badge. Olivia.
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"Olivia" I say softly. She practically swoons at my soft voice caressing her name.
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"Hey" she says as I begin to walk away from her.
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I turn back and regard her red hair again. Not bad I think to myself, she's pretty even. I must be sleep deprived, I'm eyeing up nurses.
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"I hope everything is okay" she says softly it breaks my trance staring at her hair and she smiles.
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"Olivia you may just be the nicest nurse I have ever met" I say, what the hell am I doing? Ross, find Ross my subconscious shouts.
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"What's your name" she asks.
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"Matthew, my name is Matthew" I tell her and it's as if she has some kind of hold on me.
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"I've ugh gotta" I mutter laughing slightly and looking toward the ER.
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"Sorry nice to meet you, Matthew" she smiles and I turn and walk off.
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I hurry toward the ER in the pursuit of finding Ross. I glance over my shoulder half expecting Olivia to be watching me walk, although she is not. It's not a surprise really she is a busy woman, not a childish teenager. I shake her out of my thoughts, I will never meet her again.
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I pull my green jumper off, hospitals are always boiling hot and not the ideal environment for running around in search of your injured friend. I pull my white shirt down and roll up the sleeves, tucking it into my Levi's. Pushing my rugged brunette curls back and taping my pockets to make sure I still have my wallet keys and phone. I've been rushing around all night/morning.
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Eventually the emergency room sign flashes before me and I realise I'm a step closer to working out what kind of tragedy this is.
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I confidently head on over to the reception intent now on finding out what has happened and the extent of Ross' injuries.
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I get unlucky this time with a male receptionist, an old one. No point in charming him. He does not have to tell me a thing, but I will find out.
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"Not sure whether you can help me I'm looking for my friend" I begin and he looks up at me like he's heard the same statement a million times.
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"Can you tell me the nature of the accident" he asks in a monotone voice.
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"Yes. Motor accident involving a truck and a car. Young man, his name is Ross Peterson" I enquire and he looks at me with horror.
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I get an uncontrollable gripping fear that he might have not made the accident. It takes over me and I implore the receptionist, Derik his badge tells me, to tell me where he is. Scooping my hair back and resting my hands on the counter.
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"No that's the other guy" Derik says as he picks at some churros that he has on the desk wipes his hand and then taps away on a keyboard.
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"Got my patients confused hold for just a second sir" He says and I want to smack him. He scrolls on the computer his eyes tracking the screen.
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"He's in intensive care" he states.
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"Wait here and the doctor will come and speak with you" he says picking up a phone and dialling.
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I take a step back and fall into one of the waiting room chairs. Intensive care is serious I know that much for sure. I yank my phone out of my pocket, no call back from Taylor. I consider messaging her, but what would I say without worrying her? I need to talk to her on the phone. This isn't something you convey by a text.
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Placing my phone back into my jeans pocket I sit and wait patiently watching the clock and Derik eating his churros in front of me, for better news.
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"Sir" a male voice says and I gaze up.
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An older male dressed professionally, wearing glasses and carrying a clipboard. I catch his name, Dr Jones, and in my sleep deprived state I'm intent on listening to him.
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"What relation to Ross are you" he asks softly and my heart pounds. Is he stable? Just how bad is the prognosis? I keep seeing the flipped car, the smashed glass and the indented bodywork. I begin to wish somebody was with me, Jay or Taylor or even Rachel to take this news with. To shoulder this responsibility and worry.
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"A family friend" I manage.
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"And we live together" I tell him.
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He just nods. And I wait patiently to hear what he has to say about Ross, who I allowed to walk out of the house earlier tonight knowing what kind of mental state he was in. All the should have and could haves go through my head and I regret the whole thing.
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"Ross, I'm sorry to tell you, due to the accident sustained several major injuries" he begins and I feel hot, tears pricking at my eyes. I do not cry, but now I'm not in control.
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"We have already operated, in an emergency situation. He had internal bleeding, a broken arm, two broken ribs, a broken tail bone and traumatic brain injury" he explains and I wipe my eyes.
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"He is in intensive care. Unresponsive still, yet stable" the Dr explains.
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"I know this may come as a shock, we believe the accident reflects the seriousness of the injuries in that it was a lorry that flipped the car. Ross is an extremely lucky fellow to have withstood that" he says and I smile just ever so slightly.
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"I'm very sorry to bring bad news, the good news is though that he is stable" the Dr says in a failed attempt to cheer me up. Two broken ribs, traumatic brain injury echoes in my mind and I begin to wonder how long these injuries are going to take to recover from.
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"Can I see him" I ask, lost for words.
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"Of course, just be aware that he is unresponsive." Dr Jones explains. I imagine Ross with all of the hospital beeping machines surrounding him.
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"Got it" I say weakly and I follow him through the white hallway.