Matthew's POV
9Please respect copyright.PENANAG8fUNV8jRE
Taylor sleeps soundly for the majority of the drive, her legs angled towards me as I rest my hand on her thigh, valuing each second that ticks by wishing that it would never come to an end. I glance in the mirror and watch Henry sleeping soundly in the rear of the car. The amount I've missed them both overwhelms me.
Taylor pulling out her Ilove him card on me earlier hurt significantly however I kept my hysteria under wraps and managed to keep her from making hard and fast decisions. I gaze at her now and the long flowing hair that I'm used to and I smile, it's moments like these where I can pretend as though we are in love again.
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Eventually the baron country roads filled with the olive trees and the yellow amber grass disperse into smaller quaint lanes. We lost Christopher a way back when turning into traffic but I have the satellite navigation on and besides I have the route planned out in my head.
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Smaller houses line the hills that we pass through, the brickwork and the terracotta walls and the white wooden fences that separate the land. The closer we get into town the larger the monuments become, although still in keeping with the landscape they do not appear out of place. I look out over the bridges and the monuments that come into view and I thank myself for bringing my camera along to the city.
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Taylor moves next to me as a cool breeze filters through the car and I eye her smiling. She rubs my free hand with her own before turning to check on Henry instinctively. She had murmured a few times in her sleep and I tried to decipher her words but all I could catch was please and no. Her furrowed brow as she lay back worried.
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"Afternoon" I say to her looking through my sunglasses as she pushes her hair back and smiles.
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"Afternoon, we're here already?" she smiles slowly raising her sunglasses onto the top of her head and looking out at the city.
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"We're here" I say to her with a smile.
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"Feels good huh" I smile over at her as she looks up at me.
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"Yes" she says simply sitting up and rubbing my thigh as I park up spying the mustang and lining up next to it.
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"Nice" she smirks as I squeeze into the tight space smiling to myself.
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"Show off" she snickers.
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Rachel can be heard through the closed windows of the mustang, her voice shrill and excited as I get out of our car and look around the parking lot. The cars are all top models and I'm sure their owners are all wealthy people. Rachel goes on about dresses as she slams the beautiful mustang door reiterating to Ross that bookshops are not important nor part of the itinerary. As I stand outside the Ferrari with the keys in my hand I smile and watch him shake his head and roll his eyes.
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Henry squeals in the backseat as a reaction to the car stopping and consequently waking him up. I hear Taylor reassuring him as I slip in the other side. My hands ruffling his hair as she places him on her chest.
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"Here" she says softly looking down at his blue eyes before her eyes lock with me.
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"He cannot be hungry" I smile slowly as she feeds him.
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"Oh he is" she giggles.
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"I'll get the pram ready" I whisper and she smiles as I climb out and assemble the pushchair. Henry is now able to sit up strapped into the pram, it's a fancy contraption that reclines when he gets tired and wants a nap. I place the seat on the chassis, facing us so that we can see him whilst we're pushing him along. The buggy bar has a wrap around baby toy fastened to it.
Taylor straps him in just moments later and his chubby fingers work over the toy as he giggles happily, blonde curls falling over his forehead. We extend the hood to protect him from the sun which is high above us as we begin our venture around the city of Florence.
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Rachel and Chris walk ahead of us hand in hand through the cobbled streets. Via de' Tornabuoni is home to all of the high end stores, not a thrift shop in sight as we walk through the streets. Most of the stores have interesting architecture, marble pillars and stone buildings that exude both a sense of high end quality and rustic Italian charm.
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"It's known to be Italy's fashion centre" Taylor smiles looking over at me as I push Henry along. Cobbles and prams are not well matched however I'm doing my best to give him the smoothest ride. He peers out from the pushchair gazing at the world around him and up at his mother.
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"Boutiques and elegance" she surmises placing her sunglasses over her hair as Ross walks alongside us. Large terracotta pots line the sidewalks filled with various greenery. The locals are all decked in the finest attire, all of the labels and the best shoes.
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"Hey would you mind if I take a picture of you" I ask Taylor blushing slightly. Her hair in this light the perfect golden brown. Her black sundress flowing and her skin radiant. The camera swings around my neck and Ross scoffs slightly.
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"Hey, I'll take one of you too if you like Ross I just figured you were bored of being a model" I laugh as he shakes his head. Swooping his blonde hair back, his white shirt open.
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"What should I do?" She says self consciously as her cheeks glow.
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"Just be you" I tell her and she laughs. Ross takes the pram and I take some motion shots of her walking. Cute arty ones where her dress and hair swings.
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The final picture, a shot I orchestrate, waiting for the very moment when she turns to face me. And I know that she will have this look in her eyes. A look that I want to capture and draw later on. After playing with her dress in the sun, the orange glow of the daylight beams down on her and she spins to face me. I snap away at the clicker. Her hair over one shoulder and her eyes on me.
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Standing and looking down at the window on my camera I smile, it's the perfect shot.
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"Hey it's a good model shot if you wanted to send off your headshot" Ross quips gazing at the picture.
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"Hardly" she laughs before looking down at the screen and smiling.
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"Wow you made me look pretty" she gasps and I chuckle.
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"You always look pretty" I whisper as Ross nods.
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"Keep up you lot" Rachel squarks over her shoulder as Christopher laughs.
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"We're coming!" Ross quips holding one hand in the air as he pushes the pram.
Taylor looks up into my face wonderingly before strolling next to the pram again. As we pass stores like Balenziaga and Saint Laurent I focus on my camera lens and gleam several shots that reveal the affluence and unique charm of the area.
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"Here, prada" Rachel announces as we stand outside the marble building and she claps her hands.
9Please respect copyright.PENANAXQ1IdTtgBm
"Remember when we met and you wore that gown to Ross' house" Rachel says to Taylor. I remember the gown, the deep red colour and the way it clung to her hips. Taylor had worn it on our first date. I had taken her to Ross' afterwards and Jay had demanded over the phone to know all about the girl who wears prada to a house party. He sure knows her now, I think ironically as I look down at the baby they now share.
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"Was a beautiful gown" Rachel goes on explaining the moment that Jen went on at Taylor about her fancy dress to Christopher. He shakes his head and laughs slightly as I gaze at Taylor. Thinking of her that night, the way she looked at me with so much love and hope. Her dress hit the mark and she was mine. Yet now, as I stare at her in the Italian sunshine she only looks more exquisite.
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"Come on then" Rachel sighs breaking my thoughts as Taylor clears her throat and I look away from her. Chris shakes his head smiling before opening the glass doors and I realise I had been staring at Taylor for just slightly too long.
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"Be cool man" Ross whispers over to me as I laugh watching Taylor walk ahead of me.
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"We're shopping for you first, tiara and all darling" Rachel announces to Taylor as she claps her hands. They begin discussing colours as Christopher smirks and looks down at Henry.
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"Looks like we're going to need to find the man chairs" he laughs and I smile warmly at him.
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"I think that's a plan" Ross concurs clapping his hands.
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The gowns are hung on separate racks, silk fabrics that all trail to the floor. Two are a deep maroon, one is turquoise and the last one a pink that I've never seen Taylor in. Chris gazes down at his phone as Taylor walks into the curtained dressing room and Rachel hovers at the curtains ready to assist Taylor with zips and buttons.
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"Rachel" she calls out as I place Henry on my knee and feed him the bottle of milk from the thermos bag. Rachel tends to Taylor and presumably fastens her up before she reveal dress number one.
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The silk curtain pulled over she steps out in the first maroon gown. A maxi style with a draped chest and a fitted bodice. It's excellent. A showstopper and I hide the blushing of my cheeks just as she glances at me.
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"Here stand on the thingy" Rachel giggles guiding her in the heels over to the small raised platform before us and the mirrors.
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"You know I like it but" Taylor announces as Ross compliments her.
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"Next" Rachel agrees and they smile at one another knowingly, women always seem to know what's right when it comes to dress shopping.
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"I thought it was beautiful" Ross smiles as Taylor slips behind the curtain again. Chris rolls his eyes looking down at Henry and smiling.
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"Okay I've decided against maroon" Taylor calls out over the curtain and I grin slightly pulling Henry up for a burping.
9Please respect copyright.PENANAgCbkWV6Fya
"Here" Rachel says quickly securing the turquoise number up Taylor's back. A halter neck style with a long slip up to her thighs. My first wild thought is that she looks like a mermaid, her tan skin illuminated in the gown. Long waves cascading over her shoulders.
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" Taylor" Ross begins his mouth hanging open as Henry babbles.
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"That's stunning" Rachel smiles looking into the mirror at Taylor's reflection.
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"It's wonderful" Chris says cordially, I get the feeling he wants to move on and grab some lunch.
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"Matthew what do you think" Taylor asks me as I gaze up at her. I stand slowly with Henry as he squeals excited by the sight of his mother.
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"I think you look absolutely breathtaking" I whisper as she watches me.
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"One more dress to choose from" she whispers before kissing Henry on his forehead and returning for the dusky pink dress.
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And honestly as Taylor emerges for the last time from the curtain there's no denying it, this woman is my future. No other woman can come close to her and should she refuse me, should the necessary changes not take place or go in my favour then I shall never love again.
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It's undeniable as she stands upon the platform her tan skin complimented by the deep pink gown.
The rich hues of pink satin falling over her chest in a deep v neckline and the mermaid train. Taylor on a peddle-stool as she smiles triumphantly in the mirror.
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"It's the one" she smiles as Rachel claps her hands.
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"I knew I would get you in pink one day" Rachel gasps as Christopher rises to his feet suggesting Italian pizza for lunch.
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"I suggest a tiara too" Rachel gushes as Taylor smiles.
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Ross fawns over Taylor and my possessiveness screams as I snap a few shots of her in the gown.
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"Hey Matthew wedding photography is on you" Rachel smiles waltzing away with Christopher.